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Cool! I'll be there. Won't need to stay at the hotel since I have lots of family and friends there. Park City is an oasis of normalcy. Liquor laws are relaxed and strippers don't even have to wear pasties. :clapping:

The hotel is about a mile from downtown party central and for those that can't walk/stagger a mile there's lots of free busses running all hours. Very convenient.

Just remember, Utah makes a LOT of revenue from fleecing people on the roads. My buddy lives in Heber City, about 15 miles from Park City and there's usually no less than four speed traps in that little streatch.....

I'm coming to see as many of the twisties as possible in a few days.....IBA better left for (for me) more planning & time so as not to cut in to my meeting new friends & riding Utah !

Hey, Guys advance parties and peeps staying later. I will be available to help, or drink beer after riding.I am taking extra days off.

Be kinda like having a bunch of feej pilots coming to my hometown and playing with me...... :yahoo:

Er, party at dog's house! Whoop! :good:

Hey, Guys advance parties and peeps staying later. I will be available to help, or drink beer after riding.

I am taking extra days off.

Be kinda like having a bunch of feej pilots coming to my hometown and playing with me...... :yahoo:

Er, party at dog's house! Whoop! :good:
Notice I have crossed out 4 ex wifes and replaced it with 5. I hope I have my house then. If I do, Lemme tell you you are all welcome.

My Livingroom


Same room looking the other way


My hot tub


If I still have it, we can use it. I will have something though :yahoo:


Being in Utah and all...Don't people out there look at you funny because you are getting rid of wives?? I thought the men in Utah collected wives like "Matchbox cars"..

Just remember, Utah makes a LOT of revenue from fleecing people on the roads. My buddy lives in Heber City, about 15 miles from Park City and there's usually no less than four speed traps in that little streatch.....

You are NOT kidding.. I moved to Utah a couple months ago and the first thing I noticed were the patrol cars lined up waiting to catch someone... Pretty crazy

Just remember, Utah makes a LOT of revenue from fleecing people on the roads. My buddy lives in Heber City, about 15 miles from Park City and there's usually no less than four speed traps in that little streatch.....

You are NOT kidding.. I moved to Utah a couple months ago and the first thing I noticed were the patrol cars lined up waiting to catch someone... Pretty crazy
...and they like the 'instant on' technique, too. :blink:

I've been unscatched both times I've cruised through Heber.

However, I had a small misunderstanding with an officer near Duchesne about 50 miles down the road in June myself while in the Utah 1088. He was a bit confused at my reluctance to tear open an envelope that the rally bastard had sealed shut with my license and registration. It was a painful moment. But, he did have a good chuckle and I think let me off with a warning when I got to explain the handwritten facimilie of my license I had hand drawn and the tale I had to spin about losing my wallet in Provo the day earlier.

It seriously slowed me down with guilt, shame, and a bowed head......until at least the next county when I was hunting down a bonus at the Dinosaur park ;)

This is going to be an adventure and pure fun great choice for the wfo-6.

Now is Donny and Marie going to be special guest for us. I mean what is Utah with out Donny and Marie?

Those roads will bring miles of smiles :D weekend rider

OK Kids.

I will engineer a SS1K and a BBG, to be documented exactly like the SS1K this year in Nevada. Both routes will be entirely within Utah, so ALL-State SS1K afficionados can get their Utah pin and cert. And just like this year, certs will be on-site for those riders who complete the ride to the standards I require. No waiting 3-4 months for your cert.

Warchild mentioned I might do a real 24-hour rally. I mentioned it as a possibility, and if enough of you PM me with a commitment, I will change my plans to do a Spank rally in Colorado, and do a Utah Spank rally. The rally will certainly coincide with WFO, and will happen at the same time as the SS1K and the BBG. This will allow plenty of social time during the remainder of WFO-6.

So if you wanna do a real 24-hour rally, PM me asap.

Ya dig? Sho nuff.


OK Kids.
I will engineer a SS1K and a BBG, to be documented exactly like the SS1K this year in Nevada. Both routes will be entirely within Utah, so ALL-State SS1K afficionados can get their Utah pin and cert. And just like this year, certs will be on-site for those riders who complete the ride to the standards I require. No waiting 3-4 months for your cert.

Warchild mentioned I might do a real 24-hour rally. I mentioned it as a possibility, and if enough of you PM me with a commitment, I will change my plans to do a Spank rally in Colorado, and do a Utah Spank rally. The rally will certainly coincide with WFO, and will happen at the same time as the SS1K and the BBG. This will allow plenty of social time during the remainder of WFO-6.

So if you wanna do a real 24-hour rally, PM me asap.

Ya dig? Sho nuff.

Oh, boy... I can't wait to see how Woody looks after a 24 hour rally! Thanks for your efforts, George. I think you may have some PM's for assistance...

Oh, boy... I can't wait to see how Woody looks after a 24 hour rally! Thanks for your efforts, George. I think you may have some PM's for assistance...
Yea, I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons between 24hr rally, BBG, or just sitting around drinking.

Yea, I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons between 24hr rally, BBG, or just sitting around drinking.
Do a BBG during the rally, then sit back and enjoy some cold ones. Nothing but pro's. :)


Does this mean their won't be a multi-day Spank rally next year?

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