Parsimonious Curmudgeon
This is shaping up to be a big rally. Not that I'm surprised. I love riding in that part of the country.
I believe the proper description is now: HosepersonCome on Joe, I have about five jobs and I am planning on making it. How else would a poor firefighter be able to go on a trip like this. My vacation is picked, the room is booked, come on May, Kanab UT here I come.Damn retired guys...Hey Don - add me to the list of attendees. I don't have a reservation, so I am looking for some one to share a room.![]()
Kind of nice that a "show up and ride" format is getting as big as the regional meets that have the registrations, rallies, banquets, t-shirts, etc. Says a lot for the organizers and locations. On the down side, I remember when the FOG was smaller, which was cool because you had a chance to really get to know many of the riders.This is shaping up to be a big rally. Not that I'm surprised. I love riding in that part of the country.
Say Skip, does anyone really want to know HotRodZilla - AJ? Really? Why?Kind of nice that a "show up and ride" format is getting as big as the regional meets that have the registrations, rallies, banquets, t-shirts, etc. Says a lot for the organizers and locations. On the down side, I remember when the FOG was smaller, which was cool because you had a chance to really get to know many of the riders.This is shaping up to be a big rally. Not that I'm surprised. I love riding in that part of the country.
Don't get me wrong, door prizes and a rally are fine, but the smaller more laid back rides have always appealed to me like the Hooterville 400 and the FOG. I hope the FOG's format will continue until the time it is better to change.
Don - I called the motel and left a message - they're closed for the season. Also sent an email. Haven't heard anything yet. I assume they will get back with me.Griff, you also have been added. Griff send a Private Message to Barry C. - Bustanut joker and get him off of the dime to book a room for SW-FOG, but do remember that you two will have to flip a coin to see who is going to be the Sheep for the weekend! jes' sayin' and nuff said, Baaa!
Iris & Jim, as much as I hate to agree with HotRodZilla: AJ is right on, Kanab pretty much closes up its doors and rolls up the sidewalks during the Winter months!They're closed for the season. I'd send an email and give it some time.
Bust is completely safe, this sign doesn't even mention Sheep Rape or Fornication as being again da law!Many thanks stealth1, I just put this photo on to Bustanut joker's Facebook Page; Barry will come to SW-FOG 2015 for sure, he can't miss this opportunity! JSNS!
He better be careful, wear protection.
Bust is completely safe, this sign doesn't even mention Sheep Rape or Fornication as being again da law!Many thanks stealth1, I just put this photo on to Bustanut joker's Facebook Page; Barry will come to SW-FOG 2015 for sure, he can't miss this opportunity! JSNS!
He better be careful, wear protection.
We've got to get Bust to commit to coming to SW-FOG 2015, or at least get Barry committed to a Michigan Loony Bin, ese! jes' sayin' and nuff said, es Verdad!Bust is completely safe, this sign doesn't even mention Sheep Rape or Fornication as being again da law!Many thanks stealth1, I just put this photo on to Bustanut joker's Facebook Page; Barry will come to SW-FOG 2015 for sure, he can't miss this opportunity! JSNS!
He better be careful, wear protection.
Call in sick? *cough - cough*School Calendar Strikes Again!!!!
This trip was solid on my radar. The problem is we will probably still be in school. We have 8 snow days built in to the calendar. Good likelihood that we will take a few. The earliest we will be out of school is the 26th The latest is June 5th if we use all 8. Truly a bummer. I was set to get out of Dodge as soon as school was out this year.
I hate to not have any snow days, but if I have one, that means no SW trip. Even if we don't have a single day cancelled, leaving on the 26th after school would make for some big miles heading into the meet up. I really do not want to ride on a rushed schedule. I learned that on my western trip earlier this year.
I really wanted to get out to this area early in the summer before it becomes a blast furnace.
Work is stupid!