Is anyone planning on riding down to Cedar via Salt Lake City? Just curious.
Yep, kind of sord of. I live north of Salt Lake City and have been planning on attending the event. However I plan on taking a 'non-direct' route to the event. I was leaning towards more or less following this route: Also I have not decided if I want to do that route all on the 28th or leave on the 27th and stay overnight somewhere along the route. If I leave on the 27th and stay somewhere overnight (Most likely Torrey) that would leave me some more riding time to add some other miles in. Such as this: Cuz' Hwy 12 and 14 are fun roads and are not to be missed if you have the chance! (So is 143 above 14)
But I have not decided yet.
Neither of those google maps link for me, but I assume you are probably thinking maybe Wolf Creek...Indian Canyon...Energy Loop...Huntington...that kind of stuff? I've taken those roads and actually did a wonderful trip last summer into Torrey with a great group. Would be awesome to do that again. I haven't been along Hwy 12 on a bike yet, but I've heard stories - haha. (Did it in a cage years ago and still remember The Hogback!) I imagine coming over Hwy 14 and into Cedar will be nice - it could be iffy whether the Cedar Breaks NM road is open that early though. When I lived in Cedar, most of the locals figured that road wouldn't open till mid-June at the earliest.
These roads definitely beat slabbin it down I-15 - that's for sure!
(I don't think this is a ninja-friendly kind of a trip---will probably have to look into renting an 800GS if I get serious...hmmm...)