Official SW-FOG 2015 Announcement: 5/28-31, THU-SUN!

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I'm bringing my wife to Cedar City. I will not be looking for sheep at this FJR event.

Curious...Is there a group itinerary for this long weekend, or does everyone just head out on their own each day and then return to homebase with their own stories to share every evening?

Curious...Is there a group itinerary for this long weekend, or does everyone just head out on their own each day and then return to homebase with their own stories to share every evening?
Lidja, This has been discussed and the current plan is to ride to the North Rim on Friday and to Boulder on Saturday. While these are the planned rides, there will be others that may venture off in another direction. For those rides, you would have to ask around. Since you are from near the area, maybe you can invent another ride and be the ride leader.

You will meet the rest of the attendees in the parking lot in the evening and probably make plans for a ride the next morning with a few people who you think you'll enjoy riding with. Don't be shy about saying hello to anyone. You'll find us a very friendly bunch of people.

It's been a while since I've seen the planned itineraries like we used to have. Don't know that SW-FOG had ever had one. Usually Don just voluntells me to lead a ride. Haha...

As others said, just join the conversation and find someone to ride with. Even if you don't do that, lots of people will head out around 0800, so all you gotta do is be outside. IF you know the area, you may have good ride suggestions we didn't know about. That could make you popular...use that to get free beer!!

For information only;

I received this notice in an email this week.

Don't know if anyone booked at the Stratford.

Hotel Impossible,the Travel Channel's hit TV series is coming to Cedar City March 25-28, and volunteer opportunities are available.

Here is what we're looking for:

  • Labor - people to help with clean up, construction, painting, etc.
  • Landscaping - plants, trees, flowers, and shrubs (indoor & outdoor)
  • Food & Beverages - we would like to be able to feed all of the volunteers
To sign up for volunteer times (Wednesday through Friday, 3 hour shifts from 9 am to midnight), call Cedar City Area Chamber of Commerce -


Filming and work will take place at the STRATFORD COURT HOTEL located at 18 S. Main Street

For information only;I received this notice in an email this week.

Don't know if anyone booked at the Stratford.

Hotel Impossible,the Travel Channel's hit TV series is coming to Cedar City March 25-28, and volunteer opportunities are available.

Here is what we're looking for:

  • Labor - people to help with clean up, construction, painting, etc.
  • Landscaping - plants, trees, flowers, and shrubs (indoor & outdoor)
  • Food & Beverages - we would like to be able to feed all of the volunteers
To sign up for volunteer times (Wednesday through Friday, 3 hour shifts from 9 am to midnight), call Cedar City Area Chamber of Commerce -


Filming and work will take place at the STRATFORD COURT HOTEL located at 18 S. Main Street
How does a March filming for a TV show have any effect on anyone booked at the Stratford for the end of May?

Happy to hear this is a relaxed group of riders. I usually ride with 3-5 others here in SLC. Not a big fan of large groups that all feel the need to stick together - the only exception I made to that was for Tyler's Celebration of Life ride. That was extraordinary.

On her ride through the Sierras, Tyler established some rendezvous points and we all went at our own pace from point to point, which made for some fun tete-a-tete.

One of the reasons I'm drawn to this event is because I never rode a bike while I lived in Cedar - I was a cager back then hauling four little kids all over creation. haha. I'm really looking forward to seeing the old stomping grounds on two wheels this Spring. North Rim will be a highlight, since we used to haul the kids and meet their grandparents (from Kanab) up at Jacob Lake for Sunday brunch on special occasions.

So North Rim, Zion, Hwy 14, Cedar Breaks, and Hwy 12 are all on my wish list for this trip. They've all been mentioned already. There is one quick evening ride I'll make that hasn't been mentioned---not too far south of Cedar is the entrance to Kolob Canyon, which is actually part of the northwest corner of Zion NP (no access from Zion valley, though). It is only accessible from I-15 and is just a short ride to the top, but the view up there is spectacular at sunset. It will be sort of a pilgrimage for me, but others are welcome to come along.

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For information only;I received this notice in an email this week.

Don't know if anyone booked at the Stratford.

Hotel Impossible,the Travel Channel's hit TV series is coming to Cedar City March 25-28, and volunteer opportunities are available.

Here is what we're looking for:

  • Labor - people to help with clean up, construction, painting, etc.
  • Landscaping - plants, trees, flowers, and shrubs (indoor & outdoor)
  • Food & Beverages - we would like to be able to feed all of the volunteers
To sign up for volunteer times (Wednesday through Friday, 3 hour shifts from 9 am to midnight), call Cedar City Area Chamber of Commerce -


Filming and work will take place at the STRATFORD COURT HOTEL located at 18 S. Main Street
How does a March filming for a TV show have any effect on anyone booked at the Stratford for the end of May?
I guess the Stratford will be real purty and much improved by the time of SW-FOG.

Same people own the El Rey and the El Rey has had a message on their marquee the last few weeks announcing "all renovations complete".

That should also be good news.

Happy to hear this is a relaxed group of riders. I usually ride with 3-5 others here in SLC. Not a big fan of large groups that all feel the need to stick together - the only exception I made to that was for Tyler's Celebration of Life ride. That was extraordinary.
On her ride through the Sierras, Tyler established some rendezvous points and we all went at our own pace from point to point, which made for some fun tete-a-tete.

One of the reasons I'm drawn to this event is because I never rode a bike while I lived in Cedar - I was a cager back then hauling four little kids all over creation. haha. I'm really looking forward to seeing the old stomping grounds on two wheels this Spring. North Rim will be a highlight, since we used to haul the kids and meet their grandparents (from Kanab) up at Jacob Lake for Sunday brunch on special occasions.

So North Rim, Zion, Hwy 14, Cedar Breaks, and Hwy 12 are all on my wish list for this trip. They've all been mentioned already. There is one quick evening ride I'll make that hasn't been mentioned---not too far south of Cedar is the entrance to Kolob Canyon, which is actually part of the northwest corner of Zion NP (no access from Zion valley, though). It is only accessible from I-15 and is just a short ride to the top, but the view up there is spectacular at sunset. It will be sort of a pilgrimage for me, but others are welcome to come along.
I try to avoid night riding, but that sounds interesting and is not too far. Have to run it by Spanky.

Happy to hear this is a relaxed group of riders. I usually ride with 3-5 others here in SLC. Not a big fan of large groups that all feel the need to stick together - the only exception I made to that was for Tyler's Celebration of Life ride. That was extraordinary.
On her ride through the Sierras, Tyler established some rendezvous points and we all went at our own pace from point to point, which made for some fun tete-a-tete.

One of the reasons I'm drawn to this event is because I never rode a bike while I lived in Cedar - I was a cager back then hauling four little kids all over creation. haha. I'm really looking forward to seeing the old stomping grounds on two wheels this Spring. North Rim will be a highlight, since we used to haul the kids and meet their grandparents (from Kanab) up at Jacob Lake for Sunday brunch on special occasions.

So North Rim, Zion, Hwy 14, Cedar Breaks, and Hwy 12 are all on my wish list for this trip. They've all been mentioned already. There is one quick evening ride I'll make that hasn't been mentioned---not too far south of Cedar is the entrance to Kolob Canyon, which is actually part of the northwest corner of Zion NP (no access from Zion valley, though). It is only accessible from I-15 and is just a short ride to the top, but the view up there is spectacular at sunset. It will be sort of a pilgrimage for me, but others are welcome to come along.
I try to avoid night riding, but that sounds interesting and is not too far. Have to run it by Spanky.
Hope you guys can connect and share some (s)miles... all three of you are some of my very favorite people! B)


So North Rim, Zion, Hwy 14, Cedar Breaks, and Hwy 12 are all on my wish list for this trip. They've all been mentioned already. There is one quick evening ride I'll make that hasn't been mentioned---not too far south of Cedar is the entrance to Kolob Canyon, which is actually part of the northwest corner of Zion NP (no access from Zion valley, though). It is only accessible from I-15 and is just a short ride to the top, but the view up there is spectacular at sunset. It will be sort of a pilgrimage for me, but others are welcome to come along.
I did the Cedar- Duck Creek- Brian Head- Parowan loop last Friday. 148 through Cedar Breaks looked like the snow pack was pretty deep.

Talked to a local at Brian Head and he said having it open by May 28 was possible but not guaranteed. Hope for warm weather between now and then.

I feel the same way about riding in the dark, Intech. The shadows fall at the overlook before sunset, so it won't actually be night yet as I head back down the NP road, and it's pretty much a straight shot up I-15 after the short ride down from the lookout so I don't think it will be too bad. Might be a good short outing for Thursday afternoon/evening after checking into the hotel.

I've been debating in my mind what the best route for the North Rim will be. Hoping to meet up with Tyler coming from Vegas somewhere along there.

The most picturesque might be to ride I-15 south to 17 (Toquerville - yes, that's a real place - haha) then take hwy 9 east to Zion early in the AM (maybe leave Cedar at the crack of dawn) to avoid most of the crowds and tunnel delays (big vehicles have to arrange for escorts, but rangers only allow that between 8:00am and 8:00pm) - then over to 89 south, up and over past the Coral Pink Sand Dunes, down through Kanab and then south on 89A just past Fredonia (maybe meet up with Tyler here). Then on up into the forest past Jacob Lake and on to the North Rim.

Cedar to Springdale = ~60 mi.

Springdale to So of Fredonia (incl. Zion NP) = ~55 mi.

So. of Fredonia to North Rim - ~75 mi.

~200 miles

It's about the same distance going back down to 89A and then north through Kanab (gotta stop and take a pic of the old homestead to send to the kids), up through Long Valley to Tod's and then west on Hwy 14 by Navajo Lake/Duck Creek and back to Cedar City. That would probably be the most picturesque way to return. Seems like I remember a couple (?) of hairpins toward the end of that ride, but hopefully it won't be too technical at the end of the day.

Or maybe other people have some better ideas...

Man, can you tell I'm getting excited? Woke up to gorgeous weather here in Salt Lake today after a few cold gray days and I'm itching to get on the bike. Just sent the seat off for some mods, though (hoping it will be more comfortable for long rides) so I'm pouring over maps and trying to tame the wanderlust. hahaha.

Happy to hear this is a relaxed group of riders. I usually ride with 3-5 others here in SLC. Not a big fan of large groups that all feel the need to stick together - the only exception I made to that was for Tyler's Celebration of Life ride. That was extraordinary.
On her ride through the Sierras, Tyler established some rendezvous points and we all went at our own pace from point to point, which made for some fun tete-a-tete.

One of the reasons I'm drawn to this event is because I never rode a bike while I lived in Cedar - I was a cager back then hauling four little kids all over creation. haha. I'm really looking forward to seeing the old stomping grounds on two wheels this Spring. North Rim will be a highlight, since we used to haul the kids and meet their grandparents (from Kanab) up at Jacob Lake for Sunday brunch on special occasions.

So North Rim, Zion, Hwy 14, Cedar Breaks, and Hwy 12 are all on my wish list for this trip. They've all been mentioned already. There is one quick evening ride I'll make that hasn't been mentioned---not too far south of Cedar is the entrance to Kolob Canyon, which is actually part of the northwest corner of Zion NP (no access from Zion valley, though). It is only accessible from I-15 and is just a short ride to the top, but the view up there is spectacular at sunset. It will be sort of a pilgrimage for me, but others are welcome to come along.
I like the heads up knowledge on this little evening outing idea to Kolab Canyon viewpoint. I will have to check it out some evening as it looks to be less than 19 miles to the Kolab visitor center and the road to the look out looks fun.

I like your route ideas to the North Rim and back. Looking at Google maps, hwy 9 & 14 looked to be some of the finest roads to and from the North Rim.

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Happy to hear this is a relaxed group of riders. I usually ride with 3-5 others here in SLC. Not a big fan of large groups that all feel the need to stick together - the only exception I made to that was for Tyler's Celebration of Life ride. That was extraordinary.
On her ride through the Sierras, Tyler established some rendezvous points and we all went at our own pace from point to point, which made for some fun tete-a-tete.

One of the reasons I'm drawn to this event is because I never rode a bike while I lived in Cedar - I was a cager back then hauling four little kids all over creation. haha. I'm really looking forward to seeing the old stomping grounds on two wheels this Spring. North Rim will be a highlight, since we used to haul the kids and meet their grandparents (from Kanab) up at Jacob Lake for Sunday brunch on special occasions.

So North Rim, Zion, Hwy 14, Cedar Breaks, and Hwy 12 are all on my wish list for this trip. They've all been mentioned already. There is one quick evening ride I'll make that hasn't been mentioned---not too far south of Cedar is the entrance to Kolob Canyon, which is actually part of the northwest corner of Zion NP (no access from Zion valley, though). It is only accessible from I-15 and is just a short ride to the top, but the view up there is spectacular at sunset. It will be sort of a pilgrimage for me, but others are welcome to come along.
I try to avoid night riding, but that sounds interesting and is not too far. Have to run it by Spanky.
Hope you guys can connect and share some (s)miles... all three of you are some of my very favorite people!
Wait! what? You aren't going with us???

I feel the same way about riding in the dark, Intech. The shadows fall at the overlook before sunset, so it won't actually be night yet as I head back down the NP road, and it's pretty much a straight shot up I-15 after the short ride down from the lookout so I don't think it will be too bad. Might be a good short outing for Thursday afternoon/evening after checking into the hotel.
I've been debating in my mind what the best route for the North Rim will be. Hoping to meet up with Tyler coming from Vegas somewhere along there.

The most picturesque might be to ride I-15 south to 17 (Toquerville - yes, that's a real place - haha) then take hwy 9 east to Zion early in the AM (maybe leave Cedar at the crack of dawn) to avoid most of the crowds and tunnel delays (big vehicles have to arrange for escorts, but rangers only allow that between 8:00am and 8:00pm) - then over to 89 south, up and over past the Coral Pink Sand Dunes, down through Kanab and then south on 89A just past Fredonia (maybe meet up with Tyler here). Then on up into the forest past Jacob Lake and on to the North Rim.

Cedar to Springdale = ~60 mi.

Springdale to So of Fredonia (incl. Zion NP) = ~55 mi.

So. of Fredonia to North Rim - ~75 mi.

~200 miles

It's about the same distance going back down to 89A and then north through Kanab (gotta stop and take a pic of the old homestead to send to the kids), up through Long Valley to Tod's and then west on Hwy 14 by Navajo Lake/Duck Creek and back to Cedar City. That would probably be the most picturesque way to return. Seems like I remember a couple (?) of hairpins toward the end of that ride, but hopefully it won't be too technical at the end of the day.

Or maybe other people have some better ideas...

Man, can you tell I'm getting excited? Woke up to gorgeous weather here in Salt Lake today after a few cold gray days and I'm itching to get on the bike. Just sent the seat off for some mods, though (hoping it will be more comfortable for long rides) so I'm pouring over maps and trying to tame the wanderlust. hahaha.
I will be in Kanab Thursday, so it will have to be Friday or Saturday.
