OK Midwesterners--Who Rode Today

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I was just wondering this morning when the last time I was actually able to ride was, looking at this thread, I can see it was back on the 30th of November. That means it has been well over 2 months since I have been able to get out and ride.

Excuse for a moment while I go kill something.

I was just wondering this morning when the last time I was actually able to ride was, looking at this thread, I can see it was back on the 30th of November. That means it has been well over 2 months since I have been able to get out and ride.
Excuse for a moment while I go kill something.
Can I beat it over the head when yer done killin' it? :glare:

Only way I maintain composure is to plan my spring and summer rides...

...in a few couple years me and the wifey are movin' south... :clapping:

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Wheaton wont have to worry about any tornado's and hurricane's, not in the trailer park he will be living in. It's a "Gated Community."

Don't know about anyone else, but my withdrawls from riding (been 11 gut-wrenching weeks for me) will likely intensify this weekend as I walk through the bike show. The only thing that will keep me sane (relatively speaking, of course) is knowing I'll be surrounded by a few thousand others who feel the exact same way.

I wonder if the guy who coined the phrase "abstinence makes the heart grow fonder" was a rider in the midwest :blink:

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No doubt that I have to catch up on my "wind therapy" soon. Poor girl is covered up in a back corner of my shed behind my lawn tractor brandishing a snow plow. Not to mention if I do back her out of her corner, she will sink up to her brake lines in a water saturated, half frozen lawn of mud and become a yard ornament.

Went for my first ride this year. :D Didn't put many miles on, but got out for about 10 miles. 37 degrees and dry roads from the last few nice days that we have had. I really wanted to try out my new Russel seat and my new Nolan helmet. Both felt good. Now I only have about 990 miles left to break that thing in. Felt pretty good out there. There was a few other bikes out also. I know that this isn't considered to hard core, but it felt good just to get out finally.


It is great to be able to ride again.

Lake Forest, IL Beach front.




Yahoo!!! finally got my front wheel back Friday, got the new tire mounted and put the bike back together yesterday. Cleared the ice off the driveway this morning. Left the house at about 1:00, 41 degrees and sunny, put on about 100 miles...it feels so good to be back on the bike

It took 3 days of chipping at the ice in front of my garage, but I was finally able to get the bike out yesterday. I didn't get to go for a very long ride, only 35 miles, but it was GREAT.

The weather is going to suck again this week, but by next weekend it looks like we will be back to possible riding weather.

I don't know about anyone else in the Midwest, but the roads out by me are in the worst shape I have ever seen. I would be afraid to ride at night for fear of falling into one of the cavernous potholes that have formed over the winter.

Was beautiful today in Ohio, 65 and sunny. Bought an 06 just before Christmas from a really good guy on this forum, but haven't been able to ride it, because of the darn weather. Seems like the month of february was 12 weeks long around here, well at least for me it did, because I wanted to see for myself what it could really do, and Boy Oh Boy was I ever impressed, to say the least. I do have one question for everybody out here on the Forum. I'd like to know who has the most tickets on one of these things. This thing is incredibly fast. Ive been riding an old FJ for the last 19 years so you can see why I'm freaking out riding the new one! I just heard that its going to be 28 tommorrow in Ohio, so I'm really glad I got out today, Well any way again, whose got the most tickets. Dave

It is unbridled fun to twist that throttle on isolated roads and high speed sweepers...however you can either go crazy and wait for the slew of tickets to come or pick yer spots and lessen the pain...

Hey Wheatie,

Looking forward to meeting you and the other riders in April. I will sayone thing though, this things going to take a little getting used to.

Hey Wheatie

I thought I read somewhere on this Forum, that there's guy's riding these FJR's in there 70's. Is that possible.
