OK Midwesterners--Who Rode Today

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Call me CBA, but I'm not riding today


Call me CBA, but I'm not riding today
I rode until that started happening today. Had to wash the bike so I decided to go for a ride for about an hour to help dry it off and then the snow started. Weatherman said it wasn't suppose to happen until tonight. At least the bike didnt't get as dirty as it was.

Rode for about 2 hours today. Upper 30's and a bit of sun - but very windy. Then put the FJR to sleep for the winter.

I was going to ride, but when I checked the weather and it said there was a 60% chance of freezing rain, I decided it just wasn't worth it. I have to go to several job-site visits for work today, and taking all the gear for cold weather riding on and off would have been a pain anyway. Maybe tomorrow.

Not bad at all on the ride in this morning. Lowest temp I saw was 26 degrees, and the roads are still pretty clean. Hopefully the snow they are calling for in the forecast for tomorrow will miss us, and the roads will stay clear.

Fook yeah, I rode today! 30 this morning, 24 on the way home- but sunny! I am in denial about winter approaching. I keep telling my wife that I'll start taking the cage to work NEXT week. I predict depression once I am unable to consistently ride to work or on Sunday mornings. Stay tuned...

Hey Breadman-I was out there with you, I did not see the temps in the morning, but my hands got plenty chilled on the way home at 24.8 deg F. I holding out putting the bike away just yet hoping there will be an "Indian fall" yet.

04 FJR

84 RZ350

69 CT70

Here in Alexandria MN, I was working on a commercial job next to the Harley Dealer and saw two riding there bikes over to the dealer. It was 3 degrees out when I looked at my temp in the truck. I give them credit. I wouldn't have been out there.

....the FJR's out of tires.
Not entirely sure, airboss, but I believe you can replace those :p Maybe somebody can confirm that ;)

I didn't ride today. WAY too tired to deal with the cagers who, apparently when it gets colder and it's dark in the morning, become COMPLETELY brain dead.

I did ride earlier this week, though. And when I got to work, like six people asked me if I had put the bike away for the winter :huh: "Why would I do that!?!?" was my response....

I'm a little bit scared to take it in for a set of tires............................remember what happened last time I bought tires for one of my bikes :dribble:

A little business came up in Davenport, IA today and since I had my good ole reliable Vulcan 750 at at work decided to just ride on over on it After all it's only two hours from Peoria.

Big problem turns out to be minor issue, got every thing solved in half hour, we're done. We walked out to where I had the Vulcan park and talked a little, I'm kind of looking at the tires and saying I was going to have to replace the tires real soon. One of the Davenport guys suggest that I stop by Brennie's in Bettendorf, Since it's kind of on the way home, and they are known for being fair.

Rode up to Brennie's, talked to one of the shop guys who said he'd see if they had what I needed in stock and check the pricing.

I started talking with one of the salesman while the parts guy was gone, they have a lot of interesting bikes in there, and I found one that had been on my short list many times altho I never pulled the trigger.

Long story shortened

before the tire change


and after the u--hum tire change



And it's a HOOT. :yahoo:
Only 3 hours of sleep last night. That along with the cold, and the wind, and a chance of rain / snow showers, and I decide to take the cage.

21 degrees this morning...a beautiful morning to ride, the sun was just coming up and not a cloud in the sky...gotta love it!!!

For me its not a matter of temp, but one of road conditions that dictate whether or not I'm able to ride. Yesterday we got enough snow to bring out the plows and salt. Not wanting to replace my Feejer due to corrosion next year I'm parking her for the winter.

I'd take a picture to show you guys but its too damn depressing. :cry:

Looks like the snow might be here by late tonight, so I said WTF and rode to work today. 18 degrees according to the bike, but I have to admit that it felt even colder than that. Thank god for electric gear.

Rode up to Brennie's, talked to one of the shop guys who said he'd see if they had what I needed in stock and check the pricing.

I started talking with one of the salesman while the parts guy was gone, they have a lot of interesting bikes in there, and I found one that had been on my short list many times altho I never pulled the trigger.

Long story shortened

before the tire change


and after the u--hum tire change



And it's a HOOT. :yahoo:

So, you traded the FJR and Vulcan for the Interceptor???
