Oregon RTE

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It looks like this is going to be an event to remember considering that Barry is going to be naked with bacon grease and Barb is going to violate him with a broom stick. :rolleyes: News at eleven.
In the name of God and everything holy - NO PICTURES!!

It looks like this is going to be an event to remember considering that Barry is going to be naked with bacon grease and Barb is going to violate him with a broom stick. :rolleyes: News at eleven.
In the name of God and everything holy - NO PICTURES!!
Andy, just in case Barb runs out of bacon grease:


jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

I think yer gonna need a bigger broomstick for Bust...jes sayin. And Ray has electricity at his place now I think...so there is always electro-stim...with the dial set to 11.

I have a Ponderosa Pine ready to drop and mill it to Bustanut size and we have had electric for almost a month now. It's kinda hard to get used to but this puter works better than it did with candle power. :p

CHANGE OF ROUTING PLANS TO SACRAMENTO FROM PHOENIX: Even though this rolling goat (burro/sheep) **** is still 80 days away, I want everyone to be in the riding loop. The Arizona Crew, Bust-'Zilla-Chuy-GBlue, will now be heading up to Sacramento via Las Vegas. Game plan is to spend Wednesday night September 12 at the Golden Nugget. On Thursday September 13 we will head North on Nevada 95, we will cross over to Sacramento on one of four passes: 120, 108, 50 or 80. Thursday night 9/13 will be spent at Casa de SacramentoMiguel, SacramentoMike takes over Ride Leadership on Friday September 14 getting us to La Pine, OR by Noon on 9/15.

https://www.goldennugget.com/specials/eblasts/google.html?gclid=CKibmPHcm7ACFQF6hwodDHQfYw The Golden Nugget is now currently running $47 a night specials, please remember Bustanut joker on this evening together: I am the BOY and you get to be the GIRL!

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CHANGE OF ROUTING PLANS TO SACRAMENTO FROM PHOENIX: Even though this rolling goat (burro/sheep) **** is still 80 days away, I want everyone to be in the riding loop. The Arizona Crew, Bust-'Zilla-Chuy-GBlue, will now be heading up to Sacramento via Las Vegas. Game plan is to spend Wednesday night September 12 at the Golden Nugget. On Thursday September 13 we will head North on Nevada 95, we will cross over to Sacramento on one of four passes: 120, 108, 50 or 80. Thursday night 9/13 will be spent at Casa de SacramentoMiguel, SacramentoMike takes over Ride Leadership on Friday September 14 getting us to La Pine, OR by Noon on 9/15.

https://www.goldennugget.com/specials/eblasts/google.html?gclid=CKibmPHcm7ACFQF6hwodDHQfYw The Golden Nugget is now currently running $47 a night specials, please remember Bustanut joker on this evening together: I am the BOY and you get to be the GIRL!
Well at least Dolly is safe if you and Barry are pairing up. If you're on top we will never see Bust again. RIP Barry :blink:

Something to think about. It's looking like there is going to be a good turn out for this RTE so Does anybody want something other than heartburn to remember the occasion. The resturant owner has a guy that does his shirts and would do some for us. I am not an artist and don't intend to start but if somebody has an idea post it up and I can see if it will work. He said to figure around 10 bucks a shirt for normal people and for us full figured types 12 bucks

Keep it simple and if it turns into a real cluster f@#k then I'll bag it.

Maybe something along the lines of FJR Forum Rueben Run 2012 and some kind of art ????

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<snip> Keep it simple and if it turns into a real cluster f@#k then I'll bag it.

Maybe something along the lines of FJR Forum Rueben Run 2012 and some kind of art ????
So what exactly is your definition of a Charles Fox ?!? :lol:

BTW, Reuben Run 2012 sounds good! ;)

