Our Son Andy

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Today Breathing tube and feeding tube both out of his throat. He's now fully off sedatives also and recognizes that we are there. He's processing things real slow at the moment and we have to figure out what he's maybe thinking via facial expressions and barely noticeable nods of his head. His grip on my hand is weaker than a new born baby - more a twitch - but it's there


All your good thoughts and vibes at work :yahoo:
RogDeb, great news, my prayers are with your son, family and all.

This is good news, prayers are still with your son to have a full recovery and your family. during this difficult time.

keep us posted on his progress....

Hey All, just a quick update.

They said there would be ups and downs, today was a downer. Andy had only been breathing on his own and "awake" for a short while, when his system decided to go into ---------- overload ?? He had so much trouble breathing that consequently his heart rate was extremely high. he looked scared as hell. They re-inserted the breathing tubes and sedated him again. Immediately his heart rate lessened -- now a step back, but for a good reason.

Day by day -- day by day. Spinal fluid growing in culture dishes that so far had come back as clear, are now showing some kind of bacterial infection - another hurdle to jump. He'll get there - we know it. Hoping the next lot of news is better.

Many thanks again for all your support - it's invaluable.

Rog n Debs

<major snippage>Day by day -- day by day. Spinal fluid growing in culture dishes that so far had come back as clear, are now showing some kind of bacterial infection - another hurdle to jump. He'll get there - we know it. Hoping the next lot of news is better.

Many thanks again for all your support - it's invaluable.

Rog n Debs
If the cultures are showing bacterial infection, it sounds like they may be getting closer to the root cause of the ordeal. That's a good thing! Perhaps now they can get on with a cure. Thankfully you've gotten a window of hope that Andy is still "there", though locked in the web of symptoms.

You are all still in my prayers.

Stay strong the both of you, we're still thinking about you both. Sounds like there may be progress in the future with the cultures being researched etc.

Roger, please let us know if we can help...even if it is a trip to a grocery store to save you time. Anything bud...ask for anything that will help.

OK, everyone -

Lots of good thoughts, lots of good wishes. Prayers ain't half bad either !!

Let's get Andy well.

Rog and Deb - keep stroking his head. He knows.

Hal & Jet

OK, everyone -
Lots of good thoughts, lots of good wishes. Prayers ain't half bad either !!

Let's get Andy well.

Rog and Deb - keep stroking his head. He knows.

Hal & Jet
If we all do this, it really will help. Send your good thoughts, prayers, visualization of Andy getting better and a well deserved smile on Roger's and Deb's loving faces. Feel it, send it. Your church has a prayer group, tell them too.

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Hey All, just a quick update.They said there would be ups and downs, today was a downer. Andy had only been breathing on his own and "awake" for a short while, when his system decided to go into ---------- overload ?? He had so much trouble breathing that consequently his heart rate was extremely high. he looked scared as hell. They re-inserted the breathing tubes and sedated him again. Immediately his heart rate lessened -- now a step back, but for a good reason.

Day by day -- day by day. Spinal fluid growing in culture dishes that so far had come back as clear, are now showing some kind of bacterial infection - another hurdle to jump. He'll get there - we know it. Hoping the next lot of news is better.

Many thanks again for all your support - it's invaluable.

Rog n Debs
Roger and Deb,

As a parent I can only imagine the hell you are in. But more prayers sent. Steps backward are to be expected, but better days should come. I think of your family every day. Wishing you well. Keep the faith.


Years ago I was walking with my then girlfriend when suddenly she stopped. When I asked what was wrong, she said she couldn't see. Just like that, no warnings, nothing. She was only 16. But she's still around and managing to do well in spite of her illness. The blindness was temporary.

I'll pray your son does at least as well as she did.

Hey All, Update time.

At long last !!!!!!!!! been the longest 28 days of our lives -- some good news. :)

Breathing tubes removed for 2nd time 36 hours ago, and so far all is well. He's managed a few whispers but we communicate mostly by nods of the head and facial expressions. He made it over the hump, but the illness has left him with an irregular heartbeat and very high heart rate which is now being treated. He's indicated he's "going home now" and is irritated cause that won't be happening for a while. Doesn't matter to me if he's in there another month, as long as the outcome is good. His memory? - that's another thing. Some he remembers, some not, and that's just the previous 24 hours. Last thing he really remembers is throwing up at home -- 28 days ago. He does have memories of being in Central America though (although he's never been there) and tossing grenades at nurses who were performing tests on him --- extremely good drugs huh? :)

We're lucky -- his admitting doctor told us he's amazed that Andy is alive !!

Things are looking up .. gotta thank you all for your good thoughts, prayers and best wishes, they really helped. Now a quick snack before we return for visiting.

Rog n Debs

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Great news! :yahoo: Let's hope your son continues to get better and back home soon!

Rog n Deb,

Excellent news - Never really know what to say/do when somebody has a problem I can't physically help them with - As Ovale said, if you need a hand mowing the lawn or something, call. Hope Andy continues his upswing all the way through to a thorough (and speedy) recovery.

