Posting Photos before 2022

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I was able to use the "post photo" button in Firefox. At work in IE, I just get a grey screen.

Oh, and btw, I never pay any attention to those board warnings. Ever. Just like's damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.


I was able to use the "post photo" button in Firefox. At work in IE, I just get a grey screen.

Oh, and btw, I never pay any attention to those board warnings. Ever. Just like's damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.
Dear Mark and Alan, Thanks to your help I finally was able to post up a photo to our FJR Forum on Niehart's Dakar thread; I posted up the 2013 Race Route.

At first the damned error message still wouldn't let me post up the Dakar photo, but finally by clicking on "Reply Options" feature I finally beat this stupid ass system and got the Dakar route picture up to Dave's thread. Ironic 4 BMW forums make picture posting as easy as pie and our FJR Forum makes this photo task so extremely difficult! Note: If you're having problems posting pictures, go straight to "Reply Options" format, preview your work and then hit post!

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This is a test from the Pants Multi image posting System (PMS).... this is only a test:



So it works with "reply options" as described above ^^^^

Is this a bug in the program, to be fixed by the admin?

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My take (such as it is) is that the software assumes certain "fully open" settings in browsers that may or may not be so given the trend to lock down browsers to make their users safer from attack. This isn't unlike when Windows XP SP2 came out with many default settings changed to "safer" vs "easier". To this day there are still some programmers that write with the assumption that the user has full admin rights intead of assuming that the system is locked down.

With browsers, there's a real concern about "cross scripting" attacks and the use of the weaknesses in Java to exploit attacks that might otherwise be locked down in Windows (or OS X) directily. Apple's iOS addresses this by not even allowing Java on the machine. In the past this stopped certain apps from working at all. Simultaniously it pushed the development of HTML5 with supports video/etc. directly without the need for a Java plugin.

So, sort of dancing around the very real possibility that it's not (necessarily) the forum software but the browsers and their settings or add-ons that may or may not be installed. That it works for some people and not for others is the clue I use to reach this conclusion. IE: I don't personally have any of these problems on my home systems (OS X Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion), I don't use a tablet or the phone to surf the forum, and I use Firefox on both of these systems with "NoScript" installed to block cross scripting. The latter means I'm used to some things "breaking" on nearly all forums because of the extensive use of JavaScript to do tricky things, so I spend time with each one tweaking what is allowed and what isn't. Since it's dinamic and on all forums I can't be any more specific about what is set for where.

Bottom line, check your browser, check it's settings, don't jump to turning something on since it might put you at risk, dig on Google to research what settings do what and how changing them effects those risks. Otherwise, try a different browser and see if it makes a difference. Finally, if surfing on a company computer (and especially within a company network) and finding things don't work, don't assume it's 1) the forum, 2) a "bad thing". Often company settings are there for a reason and surfing this forum from there might not be exactly why they spend the money to provide you a computer and network access.

Meanwhile, the Admins will continue to work through the to-do list.

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Brother Bounce, it is the FJR Forum Software not our Browsers. I use both a Mac with OS X and a Dell PC with Windows, the FJR Forum Software simply jams up both systems.

Since I am dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to computers, I had a Fellow AZ Beemers Friend who works for Intel here in Chandler check and he says it's our Forum software!

Thanks for the heads up. Strange that the only issue I had (merging threads) is now resolved.

Checking the to-do list and seeing if a topic is resolved or still actively being worked would seem the way to go then.

<p><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src="" alt="1.jpg"></span></p>

gives you this...


My guess is the new lightbox feature, which allows the pix to be opened if clicked (try it, click on any newly posted pix) is conflicting with base code. I run a CanyButtAssocation Drupal site, and use lightbox too. The difference being, on the CBA site if a pix is clicked, it renders as a pop up in the full pix size and resolution. My guess is the new forum software isn't fully and correctly configured for use with the lightbox plugin.

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........and the dilithium crystals are not merging captain..................

I posted this on a test thread but thought it should go here instead. There is an issue with the forum software if it cannot work with a mainstream browser.

Posted 06 January 2013 - 11:33 AM


This is what I get if I try the "Preview post" method. I get the image extension error if I try pasting the image string from Photobucket. If I click on the "Image" icon in the editor, I get the grey screen overlay but no dialog box; have to use back button to get out.

Call me a dinosaur, but I personally prefer IE 8 to Chrome or Firefox but I just can't make IE 8 work on this forum. (for picture posting)
The image string from Photobucket uses the [ img] tag format, which doesn't work here any more. To post a Photobucket picture, you have to use the direct link text, and paste that into the box you get with the image button from the forum editor's toolbar.

The image string from Photobucket uses the [ img] tag format, which doesn't work here any more. To post a Photobucket picture, you have to use the direct link text, and paste that into the box you get with the image button from the forum editor's toolbar.
Tried that. When I hit the image button, I get a grey overlay of the entire screen and no dialog box.

The image string from Photobucket uses the [ img] tag format, which doesn't work here any more. To post a Photobucket picture, you have to use the direct link text, and paste that into the box you get with the image button from the forum editor's toolbar.
When "Foosh" says somethin' don't work, I believe him, so I hit my PB account to try the ol' IMG code click-n-paste feature.

Would NOT work when I clicked the "Post" button, but DID work when I selected the "More Reply Options" button instead.

The BIGGEST problem was deciding WHAT to post! :p :p :p


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Thought I'd try again, using the "More Reply Options" button to create my post....


Well, when I hit "Add Reply" I got the "image not supported" warning. Hit "Preview", then "Add Reply" and the above posted just fine.

Looks like THAT might be a solution???

Damn computers!!

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Works for me, IE9. Can't explain how some people are dead in the water and others aren't.
I am running Windows XP so IE 9 is not an option.
So how about trying an Operating System that ain't 12 years old???
Gee, maybe I should switch to an improved OS like Vista? Seriously, I am running on an old Dell box that would choke on Windows 7. XP has been the most reliable and stable Microsoft OS I have used.

The More Reply Options shows the picture but when previewed or posted, I get the error in Post #69, above. Still doesn't work.

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