Project KZ1300

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I have several nice, clean, wonderful pix of Ray's lovely daughters but won't post if they don't want. Your loss. Of course, I was in the pix, so maybe your gain?

A special shoutOUT to ShinyPartsUp for sending me a KZ1300 manual! It's in excellent condition, and doesn't even have one of mine or Ray's fingerprints on it!

Thanks Bud!

Since I'm on a roll here -

The mighty Honda CBX - love the front broad shoulders look -

Hondacbx1050.jpg Damn you Carver, damn you to Hell! You purposely had to mention the CBX. I intentionally did not mention the CBX earlier, because I have had a blue-veined throbbing woodie for that sixer ever since I first rode one back in 1979. Now look at what you have made me do: There is one just down the road from you in Taft, CA for $4,500. Now you have to ride your ass over there and look at it for me! Ya Peckerhead!

Don, I remember sitting on a street bench near Boston University (before they kicked me out, but I promise it wasn't my fault) back in the day. The bench was near the now defunct Boston HONDA dealership on Commonwealth Avenue. Amid all the traffic noise, trolley clanking and city hubub a sweet sound came roaring up the far side of the road and turned the corner to the dealership. I had to find out what it was. After dodging traffic I went into the dealership. Inside, I described the unusual throaty sound to a salesman and he immediately informed me it was a CBX. Wanted one ever since.

If you ever get a CBX I am visiting you...

A special shoutOUT to ShinyPartsUp for sending me a KZ1300 manual! It's in excellent condition, and doesn't even have one of mine or Ray's fingerprints on it!

Thanks Bud!
If it was Bust it the pages would be stickong rogether.

And nothing but luck with this honorable project Don. I would follow the thread but I have no clue anymore how to maneuver the forum anymore.

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I can shake a fact my wife can tell ya aboot it....she caught me in the garage shaking my stick. What is up with chicks going into a garage unchallenged? I've been violated........privacy thrown out the window......rules need to be written....policies enforced....

Something has to change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is it with you and your "shaking your stick" in garages?? *** man, I caught you "shaking" in my garage 6 times the last weekend you were here..

I think you need to change me friend...

Well, Odot aint got a 'stick' to shake. It's more like a twig. Or at least that's what I hear from Dolly...

Just an update. Don has the last batch of pictures so he will probably throw them up here.

Everything is apart in the bottom end and there are no issues. The cases have been cleaned at the local machine shop and are ready for paint or powder coat. The cylinders and head are in Wa. being made new.

It's time to liberate some of that new job money from Carver and order up some parts so i can get it back together before the shop rodents hide the parts..

Sounds like things are moving along.....Now about the rest of the you gonna get that up there?

maybe a loading party at the Honderosa is in order.....

And Ray wish "the twins" Happy New Year.....


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Sounds like things are moving along.....Now about the rest of the you gonna get that up there?

maybe a loading party at the Honderosa is in order..... :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

And Ray wish "the twins" Happy New Year.....

Will have to see where we are when the snow thaws but that could be a plan. Maybe for the Clan gathering I will drive down and bring my truck.

I will pass you greetings along to the "TWINS"

Ray called, good news, all looking good down under.

Shift drum and cam.


Carefully documenting where all the little pieces go...

Shift forks.

Main and lay shaft transmission gears.

Transmission final output gear.

Final output assembly.

No clue.

Ditto again on the no clue.

Thrust washers and what not.

Part needing replacing.. Ray - ignition timing chain tensioner?

Let the games begin...

Crank halves.

Journals nice and clean.

Modern art, KZ1300 style.

To steal from Peter, Paul and Mary, "Where do all the pieces go?"

She's a thing of beauty..

Question for Ray:

Have you ever seen a more mechanically complicated (nevermind computer controlled electronics) internal combustion engine?

Question for Ray:
Have you ever seen a more mechanically complicated (nevermind computer controlled electronics) internal combustion engine?
It's certainly more complex than needed but some engineer probably had multiple orgasms dreaming it up. With seven main bearings and a semi truck transmission it isn't going to break although Don can screw up an iron ball with a rubber hammer.
Keep in mind that it has three two barrel carbs and two alternators so it is complicated on the outside also.


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