Quiet Forum These Days?

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has been kinda dull
you're welcome

No way.....that has to have been photo-shopped. A scrawny little runt like Valentino Rossi has hot chicks around him? Fake!

mcatrophy posted: See my post here, particularly post #4. Might be relevant to your iPhone as well (mine still behaves).
Thanks, brother. The apostrophes show up on the phone, but not on the web. I swear, technology is it's own worst enemy. (Posted by PC and the apostrophe is present.)

What I've noticed is this: The keyboard ninjas that never show their faces at a gathering have a tendency to be a problem.

The second and third rallies I attended there was at least one there who wanted to punch my piehole.

Told 'em go ahead you're just proving you have zero in the humor department and really need to talk to someone about your anger.

Life is sitting 1 inch out of me.

mcatrophy posted: See my post here, particularly post #4. Might be relevant to your iPhone as well (mine still behaves).
Thanks, brother. The apostrophes show up on the phone, but not on the web. I swear, technology is it's own worst enemy. (Posted by PC and the apostrophe is present.)
Except, there's not supposed to be an apostrophe there ya dink. A possessive its does not have one. It is, reduced to it's, does. You're as ****** up as a footballbat.

AND, IF those were my daughters, their breasts would not be all over the internet. BUT, if those were my "girls" I'd never leave the house, and I sure wouldn't be wasting my time talking to you clowns!! Inwelf, that's a great job, putting things into perspective. Hubba hubba hubba...

Dammit. I am the reason for HRZ's singular moment of correctness for 2017. (And that there's a possessive apostrophe.)

My apologies to the entire membership of this Forum.


As for the young ladies above ... about 10 inches of cleavage contained in those Yamaha blouses. Beemerdons would be proud!

I guess it depends on what you want from a forum. There is also the comparison of Then and Now.

When I joined I wanted technical information. I got all the technical information I could ever want or need. In the process I was entertained, I was educated, I laughed, and I made friends. I learned to ride my motorcycle all over this country instead of just to work and back.

If I had to pick between the information or the friends and fun, I would choose the friends and fun.

Some of my friends are still here but they are not fun anymore. The memories of days past are just memories. I hardly ever post here anymore and I seldom find anything that really interests me anymore. I cannot remember the last time I laughed out loud in the middle of a thread.

Who is to blame for this? I will throw out some names and some thoughts, let's see where this leads.

Fred W? A wonderful source of technical information, incredibly useful, and my friend. But he gave us Rule #10 and the forum changed forever. Do we blame him? Or give him a medal? I notice he doesn't post much anymore.

BeemerDonS? That ******* went and died and left a hole none of us was big enough to fill. Was his presence that big? (Yes, that answer is yes.)

Big Sky? Cole Boehler was always a gentleman, a voice of reason and a source of geographical knowledge second to none. He died and left a hole in this forum. Is this our culprit?

SkooterG? He was a moderator, a clown, a first class rider, a constant source of sarcasm and also my friend. He has abandoned us. Is he the problem or a symptom?

RadioHowie? Who doesn't miss that grouchy bastard?

TWN? He was gone before I got here and we still feel the shock waves from his posts and his passing.

Ignacio? Yeah, that one would be easy but who among us wants That Job. I don't agree with him most of the time but this forum would not be where it is now if not for him. Do we blame him or praise him? I bet there are some widely differing opinions there!

Yamaha? Those bastards have refined the FJR to the point that there are not many technical problems to solve, the damned FJRs just work now. Without problems to solve has the purpose of The Forum gone away?

Or is it...

All of Us. Notice, no question mark there. If this place is dying, if it's too quiet, if it's not enough fun, then WE let it happen. I did it, you did it, the next person to post here did it. I know I didn't have the force of personality or command enough respect to effect any positive change so I picked up my ball and went elsewhere.

There are still some really good folks here, some folks that I care about very deeply. I will stop short of saying that This Forum sucks but I will say that This Forum has gone down a path that I don't like. Good Luck.

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Allright….my 2 cents, for what it’s worth

Read, or not, but these are my observations and opinions

I started here just before Tim died. Was he THE mover and shaker here? Without doubt!

There will never be anyone to hold a candle to TWN!

I joined when I was stuck financially with this bike after the end of a really bad relationship, and was bound and determined to not only ride it, but maintain it and connect with it.

I did my first solo oil change in my flannel nighty one chilly Canadian morning in my garage, laptop by my side for step by step instruction. It was so easy, I changed the drive fluid too!! I would not have attempted that without FJRForum. Confidence builder, at a time mine had been trashed to the lowest point in my life by the person that had introduced me to the greatest fun in my life, riding. (ok, 2nd greatest fun, LOL). I’ve since done lots of things, including wiring in my own battery charger pigtails. Go me! Ha! (I can build and plumb a house, but I can’t change a lightbulb without risk of personal injury. Me and electricity have an adversarial relationship)

Anyway, being, by nature, an irreverent smartass, at that time this place was like finding a home away from home. I would list names, but I’d hate to make an error of omission in my haste to write this. Back then, this place was chock full of smartasses, just like me. Like HRZ, sitting with my morning java catching up on the abuse sure to be flying about in thread after thread was fun, and certainly a welcome diversion from the inanities and stresses of life.

I’ve been a member here through some of the roughest part of my life, including the loss of both my parents. Being a single mom and alone, I could not exhibit weakness in my real life. Someone incredibly special reached out from here who had lost a parent as well, and those emails, that sharing and understanding, got me through. I don’t think that person knows just how special they are to me, but there it is…(ok, time to blow my nose…brb)

That’s just one example of the type of meaningful friendships I have stumbled upon purely by interacting in this medium. It’s not by a loooong shot the only one. The first time in my online life did I come to be touched by a stranger I never met (No, Old Michael….not THAT kind of touching). When Orangevale left us, that was huge for me. To think that someone who took those amazing photo’s that touched so much in so many of us could check out in that manner? I still think about him. I have one of his barn shots framed in my bedroom. That is the first realization I had that these “people” were not just blips on a screen. Happily, I had the chance to “know” him, in as much a way as I could through his photos and a few PM’s about those photos and the FZ6 his wife had (I had the exact same bike). His passing is something I will not forget.

Now, at some point there became a very concerted effort to permanently remove the fun from here. The admins threatened and harassed the people who were the movers and the shakers of the fun; giving them timeouts for rule non-compliance, making threats based on information they read in member’s private messaging through this site. Folks like beemerdons and Bustanut basically fought back, but only had limited success to try and preserve the essence of what made this place special. It was very clearly stated that this was to be a tech only site. The rest of us gave in and walked away. I guess one has to pick their battles, and the fun factor here was definitely at war with the powers that be.

To preserve and promote this place for tech only, or IBR concentric, in my opinion is the root of the demise. By and large normal people, recreational riders, ride the FJR. They are the ones that benefit from the tech, but that has been covered here ad nauseam. I hate to break this fact to anyone, but the FJR is a competent motorcycle, built by a proven manufacturer in tune with all the evo’s of technology available to them. I think after 17 years of this model being consistently manufactured with few platform changes that has to be the epitome of flogging that dead fkkn horse. I logged on 2 days ago for the 1st time in ages to see another tire thread top of the page…...I think my dogs jumped when I groaned out loud. **** me.

So, if we follow the admin rules and study the Bin-O-Facts and use the search before we post, what’s left to post????

Oh yeah…..finding out how my friends and loved folks are; talking about smokers, or meat jerky recipes, and bugging OM about………..well anything really.

He has that kind of face, erm, karma

*hops off soapbox, goes to make din-din*

b, with her signature:

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Whether you agree with her or not, Barb has... courage?
Somehow, Barb has Balls just didn't sound right!

Good, Bad, or Ugly, this little thread is the Most Interesting Thing I have read on this forum for a while. I guess this is the Dos Equis commercial of the FJR Forum?

GeeZERS!! Why are LIKES so limited in number ? !? I'm outta them again

Barb ......LIKE!!!

RFH .... "Good, Bad, or Ugly..." HUH?!?! I guarantee you, EVERYone from Barb's vintage (pretty close to my own ) relates to what she said. Nothing bad or ugly about it

Hubba, hubba, hubba



f**k, I miss the good ol' days

GeeZERS!! Why are LIKES so limited in number ? !? I'm outta them again
Barb ......LIKE!!!

RFH .... "Good, Bad, or Ugly..." HUH?!?! I guarantee you, EVERYone from Barb's vintage (pretty close to my own ) relates to what she said. Nothing bad or ugly about it

Hubba, hubba, hubba



f**k, I miss the good ol' days
The "Good, Bad, or Ugly" quote was referring to this entire thread, not singling out Barb's most eloquent post.

I too miss the good ol' days of this forum. Does anyone even remember BeemerDonS referring to SkooterG as his bastard step-son? Or Radio Howie posting that pic flipping the bird? How about Bust shredding me as we fought over how we treated Noobs?

I managed to lose myself in the "family" of this forum's membership and logging in to argue with and be amused by my "Frenemies" was honestly a high point of my day.

Hell, I just posted more times in this one thread than I have all year...
