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Just a girl in the world, having rode 3 FJRs
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Woodbury, MN
Hey everyone,

I recieved a call from FJR1300 (Marc) a little while ago that one of our friends has had an accident on the way to our event this weekend in Russellville, AR. RONBB has been airlifted to Springfield, he is conscious, but condition is unknown at this point. Ron had on full gear and had no external injuries except a bruise on his head, which is of big concern right now. Marc called his wife who is a doctor and she worked with the paramedics on site. Ron was riding with Marc, Beardo and Galaxyblue and they were just over the border into Arkansas on 125. He lost control on a curve and the bike flipped quite a few times. It is unknown why he wrecked. There wasn't anything on the road and he is an experienced rider.

Please keep Ron in your thoughts and prayers. And I will keep you posted on any more news I receive.

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This is no good to hear..... :(

Full gear sounds like he had a helmet on... so to get a bruise on the head means he had to have smacked it pretty good during the getoff.

Thinking about him...... please post any updates as they are know..... :(

I was told he was out for a good 5 minutes after the crash. He told paramedics the last thing he remembered was being at the lake. He didn't remember riding today.

I was told he was out for a good 5 minutes after the crash. He told paramedics the last thing he remembered was being at the lake. He didn't remember riding today.

C'mon Ron, hang in there bro. We want to read your post next telling us all you're fine.


+1 on all good stuff said here. Thank god for the full gear, esp hedbucket. Man, what to say, it makes me sad. Best wishes. Please keep informed


Head injuries like that can be very tricky. Good sign that he was awake and talking coherently. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

What a sad beginning to the start of a beautiful weekend for all of you. Best wishes and Godspeed Ron.


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First: All my wishes for minimal injuries and a full and speedy recovery.

Second: DAMN! This is something I didn't want to hear about anyone. AR roads are not designed to be predictable. See your exit out of a curve before pushing. Watch for the loss of horizon (elevation drop right out of sight on the other side might hide a hard turn). No one knows what bit Ron but we sure don't want anyone else bit.

Third: I'm trying to send out positive vibes to everyone else for a safe weekend.
