"San Diego ride"

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My chick will not, under any circumstances, ride in either cold or rain. She's already iffy on riding pillion even in perfect conditions.
It's looking like I'm out, at this point, barring a miraculous change in the weather.

Ok it looks like it is breaking up!!!!! I will post in the am....
Dont worry about what happens with his relationship. I will ride if they are together or not.

My chick will not, under any circumstances, ride in either cold or rain. She's already iffy on riding pillion even in perfect conditions.
It's looking like I'm out, at this point, barring a miraculous change in the weather.

Ok it looks like it is breaking up!!!!! I will post in the am....
Dont worry about what happens with his relationship. I will ride if they are together or not.

Ok thats good, the weather, the weather damn it!!!!! :rolleyes: LMAO

My chick will not, under any circumstances, ride in either cold or rain. She's already iffy on riding pillion even in perfect conditions.
It's looking like I'm out, at this point, barring a miraculous change in the weather.
Dale, I was hoping to finally meet you, but if not I certainly understand. Plenty of time later for another ride if it comes down to that. Ya gotta keep 'em happy or no one is happy. Someday someone is going to have to explain that to me... :D

I'm on for tomorrow rain or shine, but I'll be solo. My wife has family that decided to visit for the three day weekend on short notice. On a bright note, she and her sister will be terrorizing the streets of Vista on their bikes for the weekend. They both just got their licenses several months back and are trying to bring up their comfort levels. My only fear is that after a few more of these "sister" rides, they are both going to be eyeing the feejer...NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

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Sorry I'm out guys.

It's drizzling here now, which is OK, but I don't like the scattered thunderstorms that are forecast everywhere today.

Sorry to bail out, next time.


Vista, CA has some clouds, but lots of sunshine and shadows at 6:08am. This is better than it has looked for 2 days.

Temecula 30% chance of rain, scattered showers, warm.

Idyllwild 30% chance of rain, scattered showers/clouds

We are ready to ride if you guys are.

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Sorry you're not going jordylad, we'll ride again soon.

6:28am here in Tustin. Sun shine right now with mucho clouds. Sounds like down south it's similar. I'm gettying ready.... See you in a couple hours.

After seeing the forcast for thunderstorms last night on kUsi I am hesitant. Sunny/cloudy here this am. I'll prepare to ride and wait for others to weigh in. :unsure:

Weather still the same here. I'm gearing up, and will leave about 7:30am. Soooooo. If ghostrider says no, fine. But I'm going otherwise. I will check this again just before I leave.


***EDIT**** Time to go...... See you guys down there!!!

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Mission accomplished! :yahoo: A little wet up there at 6K feet and cool... OK cold for those without lots-O-gear, but hey, what a blast. From the coast to the mountains, what a deal!

Nice ride gents. Nice meeting all ya'll. :D

Ghost Rider and FJstaR. You probably have the same pix I took or at least very similar, I only took 16 shots total. I do have a couple shots form the last fill up at Idyllwild. Maybe one or both of you can do the new thread, Ride Report. ;)


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