SE Ohio Ramble - 2-4 May 2014

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Well, if you chop the throttle, yes, that is an accurate statement. I wonder how the electro-wizards on that '13 will handle that stuff? Float the front and let us know, mmmk?

oh, that would make a good sticker for SE Ohio sticker - "FTF"

Word to the wise: FJR's land REALLY heavy. Don't ask how I know.
Oh I didn't chop the throttle, but I guess I didn't gas it hard enough when the front was still 2 feet higher than the back and they were BOTH off the ground. It all happened so fast. At least the road was straight. Ask JonD or Moosehead. I was with them when I did it.

Felt the like the fork caps were gonna shoot off and lobotomize me for being so stupid mit der throttle.

I bet that was fun...

Wake you up Steve?
I did it on purpose. I just severely misjudged my launch speed.

The Knievals would've been proud.

Well you can put me on the list when you get around to it Wayne. Hotel booked now to get the rear shock installed before I leave for the trip. Looks like it will be great time.

1 up this trip,


Awesome - glad you can make it, there's some very interesting riding in Ohio...

Well you can put me on the list when you get around to it Wayne. Hotel booked now to get the rear shock installed before I leave for the trip. Looks like it will be great time.
1 up this trip,

I do believe that you can also add Jay. I've spoken with him & it sounds like he's in.

While both Daryl, and his other brother Daryl have bowed out. It's looking like Ed is showing more than a passing interest in making the trip.

May god have mercy on your souls.

Beth and I will be there. Probably roll in Friday eve and have to cut out late Sunday but I don't have to take time off if we do it that way.

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79 now,

All my routes are loaded and now to calculate tire wear. As of now I still have plenty of tread left. If I stay snowed in I should be o.k. at this point. If the weather breaks it may be a different story.

Lets start packing,


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hmmm - 700+ miles via slab each way... More if you're off the slab... Following Iris...

FYI for all - if you end up needing a tire to get home, Ironpony in Columbus is open on Sundays - Service as well. Pretty much the only option for a tire on Sunday, and Saturday for that matter. Marietta is about 120 miles from IP, give or take. Many have ended up making that run before heading home...

79 now,

All my routes are loaded and now to calculate tire wear. As of now I still have plenty of tread left. If I stay snowed in I should be o.k. at this point. If the weather breaks it may be a different story.

Lets start packing,
hmmm - 700+ miles via slab each way... More if you're off the slab... Following Iris...

FYI for all - if you end up needing a tire to get home, Ironpony in Columbus is open on Sundays - Service as well. Pretty much the only option for a tire on Sunday, and Saturday for that matter. Marietta is about 120 miles from IP, give or take. Many have ended up making that run before heading home...

79 now,
All my routes are loaded and now to calculate tire wear. As of now I still have plenty of tread left. If I stay snowed in I should be o.k. at this point. If the weather breaks it may be a different story.

Lets start packing,

Easier said than done.

I should be O.K. with tires but will most likely I will get a set ordered just in case before the trip. Good informaton for IP and I will keep it in mind.


... and now to calculate tire wear. As of now I still have plenty of tread left. If I stay snowed in I should be o.k. at this point. If the weather breaks it may be a different story.
I'm doing these same calculations. I've got 2500 mi on the back PR2 and 6500 mi on the front BT023GT as it sits. I figure the back will go the distance to SE Ohio and back, with at least 5k miles left on it, but that front has me concerned. Might throw a new front on, maybe try a Pilot Power for a change.

79 now,
All my routes are loaded and now to calculate tire wear. As of now I still have plenty of tread left. If I stay snowed in I should be o.k. at this point. If the weather breaks it may be a different story.

Lets start packing,

78 now,

Can't wait, it's -5F (again!) here today. Spring and warmth can't come soon enough.

Hopefully I will be on new PR4's and won't be thinking about tire longevity. No routes loaded yet and I can't quite do the thinking about packing yet, Dave UR a trooper!


FYI for all - if you end up needing a tire to get home, Ironpony in Columbus is open on Sundays - Service as well. Pretty much the only option for a tire on Sunday, and Saturday for that matter. Marietta is about 120 miles from IP, give or take. Many have ended up making that run before heading home...
And some have made that run on more than one occasion...

BTW - there is an FJR owner who lives near to me who has a NoMar in his garage. He is not on here too much, but if anyone needs a tire swapped, I have a partially-used rear PR2 that came off my bike when we Darksided it.

You should just go ahead and label that tire "Save for Wheatie" right now...

BTW - there is an FJR owner who lives near to me who has a NoMar in his garage. He is not on here too much, but if anyone needs a tire swapped, I have a partially-used rear PR2 that came off my bike when we Darksided it.
Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring

If you think it, it will happen!
