SE Ohio Ramble - 2-4 May 2014

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Just in case anyone cares, there is a Yamaha dealer about 2 miles East of the motel. It's called "Big Four Motorsports" They even have 2 - 2014 FJR's, an "A" and and an "ES". The only problem is that they are closed Sundays.

Ray- is the service department open Saturday?

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="gray ray" data-cid="1125728" data-time="1392241375"><p>

Just in case anyone cares, there is a Yamaha dealer about 2 miles East of the motel. It's called "Big Four Motorsports" They even have 2 - 2014 FJR's, an "A" and and an "ES". The only problem is that they are closed Sundays.</p></blockquote>


I know that the dealership is open on Saturdays, but I'm not sure about the service dept.

I think I hear the ES calling your name, and she's alot better looking then the scank that you sent over to my table in Maggie Valley.

You should just go ahead and label that tire "Save for Wheatie" right now...

BTW - there is an FJR owner who lives near to me who has a NoMar in his garage. He is not on here too much, but if anyone needs a tire swapped, I have a partially-used rear PR2 that came off my bike when we Darksided it.

Nothing on their website about service on Saturday; they are open, so that's good.

No, that ES is not calling my name, cause she ain't got anything I need (unless she comes with a matching Super Tenere)

I know that the dealership is open on Saturdays, but I'm not sure about the service dept.

I think I hear the ES calling your name, and she's alot better looking then the scank that you sent over to my table in Maggie Valley.
I can't make it during the ramble this year but I will be riding to the area around the end of May with my son-in-law. We want to spend a day or two on SE Ohio and another day or two in West Virginia. I know where to ride in West Virginia, but I don't have any routes for Ohio.

Does anyone have a route or two, maybe in Garmin format, that I can use as a starting point?

Greg - I will have a Ramble website up soon with current year routes posted for download. I'll look at hosting prior year gpx files as well.

I can't make it during the ramble this year but I will be riding to the area around the end of May with my son-in-law. We want to spend a day or two on SE Ohio and another day or two in West Virginia. I know where to ride in West Virginia, but I don't have any routes for Ohio.
Does anyone have a route or two, maybe in Garmin format, that I can use as a starting point?
You mean like these GPS Routes?

(Click the below map for an interactive version)

Damn it.

I said it was flat straight and boring down there.

Oh well, the big lie is uncovered.

Don't tell anybody.
Well, hopefully none of the riders of chrome turtles inhabit this forum. The last thing we need is their long processions plugging up these flat, straight, and boring roads.

Thank you Fred and Wayne. Petey already pointed me to the older post in this thread via PM where Fred posted routes, so I copied that. I was looking through the thread for those routes, but the thread is just too long.

And Wayne, I will look at the web site when it is up.

My niece is getting married in Athens and I plan to stick around for some riding.

Nah, steve's planning on coming down with us.

He's not likely gonna see too many roads that begin with the letter "I" at least on the way down.

What he does after we get to Marrietta is up to him. ;)

35 and sunny today...I need to get off my lazy butt and get the KLR back's time to get out there and see what,if any,harm mother nature did to the roads this winter.

Spring is just over the horizon!!!

66 Days n counting.

I'd say I'm already chilling the beer on the back porch, but the cheap ass Killians has already exploded.

Was the previously referred to website ever created?

Not that I'm anxious to get out and ride in flat and boring SE Ohio, mind you... :)

Oh, and Wayne, if you are monitoring this and also the one generating that attendee list, "bbdig" will be joining the NE crowd on the way down.

Haven't had time to through a website together yet. Almost done with classes for the semester, so I'll get it taken care of in the next couple of weeks.

Was the previously referred to website ever created?
Not that I'm anxious to get out and ride in flat and boring SE Ohio, mind you...

Oh, and Wayne, if you are monitoring this and also the one generating that attendee list, "bbdig" will be joining the NE crowd on the way down.