Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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Prayers sent for Dennis, family and friends. Special prayers sent for you Bob as well. Hang in there buddy, sometimes things just happen. As one who has seen more than their share of crashes/injuries/deaths on bikes, just seeing this thread title sent a chill down my spine. While our sport offers the opportunity for great rewards by way of experiences most can only dream of, big rewards often come with the potential of big risk. We all understand that every time we hit the starter button, but the allure of the rewards of riding motorcycles so outweigh the risks that we seemingly accept them without question. Com'on Dennis, when you have this many people sending good mo-jo in your direction, no miracle is beyond possibility.

Hey FJroamer,

Thanks for all the info and pictures and support from you and the forum group, it was good talking to you and Dan,as a fellow

rider and Dennis's brother I want everyone to know all the positive thoughts and prayers are really helping-- Thank you


Hey FJroamer,
Thanks for all the info and pictures and support from you and the forum group, it was good talking to you and Dan,as a fellow

rider and Dennis's brother I want everyone to know all the positive thoughts and prayers are really helping-- Thank you

Welcome, though I wish it was under other circumstances. Keep us posted as you can/wish. We are still thinking of you.


To Dennis' friends who went back and found him, stayed with him until help came, and continue to look in on him and his/my family - sincerest thanks and deepest gratitude. To all others, whereever you may be: Sincere thanks for your prayers, too, and please keep them coming.


Dennis is showing signs of improvement, but still has a long way to go. I'm told that he finally opened his eyes for a few minutes, two days in a row, and was able to move a foot or fingers when asked, but does not yet seem to recognize anyone. After a week of no response from him, this improvement is encouraging.


Melanie - Dennis' cousin in MD

:heart: To Dennis' friends who went back and found him, stayed with him until help came, and continue to look in on him and his/my family - sincerest thanks and deepest gratitude. To all others, whereever you may be: Sincere thanks for your prayers, too, and please keep them coming.


Dennis is showing signs of improvement, but still has a long way to go. I'm told that he finally opened his eyes for a few minutes, two days in a row, and was able to move a foot or fingers when asked, but does not yet seem to recognize anyone. After a week of no response from him, this improvement is encouraging.


Melanie - Dennis' cousin in MD
Wooooooo Hoooooooooo :yahoo:

slow, but SURE is definitely OK

GO DENNIS GO !!! :clapping:

Update:Dennis is showing signs of improvement, but still has a long way to go. I'm told that he finally opened his eyes for a few minutes, two days in a row, and was able to move a foot or fingers when asked, but does not yet seem to recognize anyone. After a week of no response from him, this improvement is encouraging.
Yes, it is.... it is OUTSTANDING compared to earlier reports!

Update:Dennis is showing signs of improvement, but still has a long way to go. I'm told that he finally opened his eyes for a few minutes, two days in a row, and was able to move a foot or fingers when asked, but does not yet seem to recognize anyone. After a week of no response from him, this improvement is encouraging.
Yes, it is.... it is OUTSTANDING compared to earlier reports!
+ 1,000!!!
