Absolutely sick to death of this bike!! She is hitting the road next Spring if I can sell the *****. I’ve never loved or hated a bike so much in my life. Have dropped her twice because the ***** stalled on take off but the last straw happened last weekend. I have her lowered and worked extremely hard to dial in the suspension. We go on the first 3 day weekend ride and I load her up with about 30 extra pounds. Totally changed everything!! Tightening the shock did nothing. Worst ride I’ve ever experience on a bike in my life. Bounced around corners; impossible to hold a line. Scared the living HELL out of me!! Ruined one of the best loops I’ve ever been on. Hundreds of miles of twisting turns. Who in gods name would have thought a few extra pounds could have made such a difference. She is the 6th bike I’ve owned and I’m sick of messing with her. She is history as soon as I can make it happen. Good luck to the rest of you and hope you enjoy yours.
see ya son and don't come home
flyingz06 said:Absolutely sick to death of this bike!! She is hitting the road next Spring if I can sell the *****. I’ve never loved or hated a bike so much in my life. Have dropped her twice because the ***** stalled on take off but the last straw happened last weekend. I have her lowered and worked extremely hard to dial in the suspension. We go on the first 3 day weekend ride and I load her up with about 30 extra pounds. Totally changed everything!! Tightening the shock did nothing. Worst ride I’ve ever experience on a bike in my life. Bounced around corners; impossible to hold a line. Scared the living HELL out of me!! Ruined one of the best loops I’ve ever been on. Hundreds of miles of twisting turns. Who in gods name would have thought a few extra pounds could have made such a difference. She is the 6th bike I’ve owned and I’m sick of messing with her. She is history as soon as I can make it happen. Good luck to the rest of you and hope you enjoy yours.
see ya son and don't come home
WHERE ARE THE MODERATORS TO TURN THIS TO A WORTHLESS THREAD?????? The mods move posts all the time for no apparent reason....... so why let this one run???