Eric. I know you man. Your good peeps. Though some times, you express things in a way that..............well...............can you say Steve Hobart?
I feel for your problem. If I was going through what you are going through I would be very frustrated and disappointed. The problem here is in how you worded your post - 'Something all FJR owners should know - how long does the motor last?' It should have been something like, 'I think my engine's dying with only 88k'.
Just because YOU are having a problem with YOUR FJR doesn't mean you can attempt to draw blanket conclusions on ALL FJRS. Especially when there are so many data points (like me) to the contrary. Instead of generating blanket sympathy, you have generated some hostility. Even I was a bit put off by how you worded your post. I guess now I should start a thread with the same worded title? And tell everyone that if they are not an ****** their FJR should easily hit 150k? All to frequently, it's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it.
Some random thoughts:
I have no idea what my 154k FJR engine would give for compression or leak down. You know what? I don't care. It runs great. In fact I saw 145 on the gps today and that was a short run without time to let it top out. I also switched FJRs with another forum member who has a 05 FJR w/57k. We both agreed our highly scientific butt dynos said my high mileage ol whore felt stronger. Mine does have PCIII and his doesn't, so I don't know what factor that has. Per previous PM with you before you posted, yes, I have always wanted to get those tests done if I had the spare $$$ but in the great scheme of things the bottom line is my FJR runs great. 154,782 HARD miles on the odo. Crashed 3 times. New cam chain and tensionser at 110k. New main wiring harness at 148k. I've abused my FJR and it's taken it.
One of the reasons I wanted you to post was to get knowledge from the collective. You have gotten it. Since the wording of your post was a bit presumptuous, you got some passively agressive hostile replies. You reap what you sow. But there is some good stuff there too.
I had remembered reading others saying you had to be very careful with compression and leak down #s and that they could easily be misleading. I don't care what your great Yammie dealer and Yamaha say. Maybe they are wrong. Which brings me to my next point that has been repeated my many already.............
Besides the cam chain issue, is your FJR running well? Get the tensioner replaced. Ride the damned thing. Run it on a dyno. See what numbers you get if you are so concerned.
I am not yet convinced your FJR is 'dead'. Especially since you report no smoke, oil consumption, or power loss. I think you need to take a deep breath, a chill pill, a step back, and a new look at this as objectively as you can. Maybe the sky is not yet falling.
EXTREMELY presumptous (I love that word!) to try and extrapolate that your engine began dying at 60k.
I am not an expert in these things. But I think this thread has some good advice from many who do have some expertise. If I were you, I WOULD NOT take what the one shop is telling you at face value. Get a 2nd opinion. Just like you would from doctors for a seriousl medical problem. Follow some of the advice you are getting in this thread.
Maybe your engine truly is dying. Bummer. Maybe you got a 'bad' one. ALL manufacturers make them. Doesn't mean everybody else will get the same results you get. If this is the case, I am feeling for you man. But you still can't have my Bud Light.
Besides Eric, PAY ATTENTION ALL YOU OTHER DOOM SAYERS WHO NOW THINK EVERY FJR WILL DIE AT 88K: I know of SEVERAL 130k+ FJRs with no known major issues.
If your engine dies.........EBAY!!!! Seen some good deals there. Worth the chance. No surprise Yamaha doesn't provide crate motors. Not exatly a 'big' market. I don't even want to imagine what Yamaha would try to charge for one anyway.
I wish you the best of luck with this. Hope it turns out that your FJR is not so sick afterall, and I can start calling you Chicken Little. Or maybe in your case, Chicken NOT so Little.