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One example:

This rider collected receipts from every Wafflehouse that he saw (45 Wafflehouses total). When he got to the table he found that the Butt Lite bonus only said ONE receipt. All the others were a waste of his time and effort.

Reading comprehension, folk!
He must really like waffles

I've ridden in 5 Waltz Across Texas Rallys (which was the 24hr type) and I can tell those of you that haven't experienced one yet, the difference between glory and agony can be razor thin. One small miscalculation, mis-read instruction, or lost bit of documentation can wipe out thousands of points.

Hate to say it, but the silence speaks volumes. I guess we're left to speculate......... :glare:
I would speculate that many of our members who participated in this rally are probably involved with making arrangements to their schedules to attend a funeral.

As was posted earlier, the SkooterG thing is rather insignifigant after Bud's passing.

We miss you dearly Bud. :(

And what was said after that, the thing about this being between me and Greg is absolutely true. If Greg wishes to speak about this he is absolutely free to do so.

I however had to make a very tough and heart-wrenching decision and did so with a clear mind and in keeping with fairness to every other rider. It is between Greg and myself, and I will NOT be talking about it publicly.

This has been a most stressful week and a half. Give it a rest folks. Priorities.



Ya know. I have served as moderator in other bike forums and had to do some customer service type tasks over the years in my working life. In doing so I have had to continually answer the same questions over and over again, especially questions to which the answers are readily available with a tiny bit of effort. As such I personally have no patience for these "stupid" questions. And if I was ever acting as a "Rallymaster" then yes, that would be a rules infraction! Seriously, go start reading up.
Ya know, I have read a lot of posts in my days and every once in awhile newcomers to this board have stepped out to insult a pillar of our community the way you just did. Up to your last paragraph everything seemed to be pretty constructive and then you put your foot in your mouth. I suppose the response you'll get from this community when you step up to be a rally master may include a few "**** you very much for the help" type comments from people that may have otherwise been very eager to participate, help out and do very well.

There ain't no monopoly on rallies and shit...maybe me and Mike ought to get together and have a "NorCal 2200 and you ain't seen half of our good roads yet" rally. The bigger the smiles, the more points you get.

Colin24 - MM2 Asked the same questions I was thinking. I have been sitting on the sidelines thinking of participating as well. Fortunately all the LD riders I know (you are the first exception assuming you are one) are great guys and gals who love sharing their experiences with us ordinary folk as much as we enjoy learning from them.

So on behalf of myself and my good buddy and true gentleman, MM2: I entered you into the US Customs data base for the full "monty" treatment reserved for asshats when they wish to cross the border into the U.S. :p

Colin24 - MM2 Asked the same questions I was thinking. I have been sitting on the sidelines thinking of participating as well. Fortunately all the LD riders I know (you are the first exception assuming you are one) are great guys and gals who love sharing their experiences with us ordinary folk as much as we enjoy learning from them.
So on behalf of myself and my good buddy and true gentleman, MM2: I entered you into the US Customs data base for the full "monty" treatment reserved for asshats when they wish to cross the border into the U.S. :p

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Excellent! A better word has never been said! Atta boy, Ric! :good:

Colin24 - MM2 Asked the same questions I was thinking. I have been sitting on the sidelines thinking of participating as well. Fortunately all the LD riders I know (you are the first exception assuming you are one) are great guys and gals who love sharing their experiences with us ordinary folk as much as we enjoy learning from them.
So on behalf of myself and my good buddy and true gentleman, MM2: I entered you into the US Customs data base for the full "monty" treatment reserved for asshats when they wish to cross the border into the U.S. :p
:lol2: :lol: :lol2: :lol: :lol2:

I am probably going to get flamed for this post but I think it is inconsistent for the RM to use this forum to promote the event, set up a website to provide daily results, invite everyone to follow the event -- and then refuse to answer questions about the scoring and why some riders lost points. I can understand the RM's desire to keep some things confidential but he cannot have it both ways. Whether the purpose of the public disclosure is to encourage more riders to participate and/or to generate interest and goodwill, anything that is publicly disclosed in the daily results should also be explained if questions are asked.

These events take a lot of time, funds, and efforts both for the organizers and the riders, and anyone considering participation in future events has a right to know exactly what they are getting into -- and I think the questions that have been asked are appropriate and deserve an answer.


If YOU were the rally participant in question, you would probably appreciate discretion in the matter YOU were involved in. No?

Frankly, this matter only concerns two people, and you aren't one of them.

The Daily report owes you NOTHING. It's for entertainment and dissemination of general rally information. It is NOT to disclose the inner workings of the rally or to elucidate private conversations/information between staff and riders.

This is not a flame, just a note for those who clearly don't understand all the behind the scenes efforts and what not.

Riding in a rally is like being a teenager, and being an RM is like being an adult. The RM can look back at their own silly actions as a teenager ( as I've now painfully experienced first hand on many fronts ) and can only provide guidance to the rider "who knows everything". Become an RM and you will see rally's from a COMPLETELY different perspective then you ever did as a rider.

I'm unaware if you've ever ridden a rally, but your comments suggest to me that you haven't. No big deal, but be careful of your demands towards me when you appear to not have all the facts and experience.

Best of luck to you,


I could not disagree more with mcrider007. The situation is between the RM and the participant. Am I curious as to what happened? Sure. Do I feel the RM or participant are obligated to tell me? Absolutely not.

...I think it is inconsistent for the RM to use this forum to promote the event, set up a website to provide daily results, invite everyone to follow the event -- and then refuse to answer questions about the scoring and why some riders lost points.
The RM is an FJR owner and contributor to the forum. He doesn't just use the forum to promote the rally.

These rallies are for the participants. They are not a spectator event. The results/updates are done as a courtesy to those that choose to follow it. The RM certainly has enough to do during the event and, rather than criticize him, we should be thanking him for taking some of his very limited time to provide some updates.

If the admins had an issue with the way the forum was used to discuss the event, then they would handle it and take corrective actions. They haven't, so, no sense in us members trying to say that anyone is abusing the forum.

I can understand the RM's desire to keep some things confidential but he cannot have it both ways.
Why not?

If the RM is required to fully disclose all of the details about anything reported, then, my guess is that he would simply not report anything. I, for one, don't want that to happen.

These events take a lot of time, funds, and efforts both for the organizers and the riders, and anyone considering participation in future events has a right to know exactly what they are getting into -- and I think the questions that have been asked are appropriate and deserve an answer.
Want to know what you're getting into? Well, one of the things is that you can feel comfortable knowing with this event is that things that are requested to be kept between you and the RM will be kept between you and the RM.

If you're not comfortable with the way this was handled, then don't participate in future events. Or, you could organize your own rally. If you do your own, make sure you let the participants know that full disclosure of all happenings could occur to people that have absolutely no association with the event, whatsoever.

Unless I'm missing something, the only people that seem to have a real issue with the way this was handled are those that have never participated in a rally of this magnitude. I think many, like me, are curious, but, they also respect the wishes of the RM and participants to keep things quiet that were requested to be kept quiet.

edit: I wrote this post before seeing George's response. If I stepped on your toes at all, George, I apologize.

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And speaking of the Daily Reports from SPANK... cool is it to be able to "armchair" this rally? I love the daily reports. Thanks to everyone who helped make them possible. Tons of fun to read. :clapping:

I think if anyone wants to know what happened, they should ask or e-mail Scooter. If he wants you to know what happened he will let you know.

This one is for you Beeroux, You ran the rally in the truest form of " PROFESSIONALISM " that can be done and with much respect and admiration from many many others.

Keep up the good work and tell the slim ball to go to hell!!!!!!!!!!! :clapping:

weekend rider
