Surgery question

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Met with the surgeon today and it looks like it's a go for the 21st. The doctor looks like a teenager to me but is supposed to be one of the best. Looking forward to getting recovered and moving on.:) :) :)
Glad to see you're still on track. This stuff is never fun, but at least you met the guy that's going to be diving into things and he's got experience. I once had a doc look at my charts and xrays and say "I've always wanted to do one of those" I said no thanks, and paid my insurance premiums for a different Ins. provider so I could have the surgeon that put the big hunk of metal in, take it back out. I knew he knew what the heck he was doing! Went perfectly too.

I'm sure things will go well Ray. Just try not to piss off any of the nurses before the surgery. They can be cruel! And in devious ways. Like keeping a completely strait face and telling you that the ice water enema is a normal part of the post op procedure.

I'll jump on MEM's suggestion and say go with Pico Salax if you can find it.... my doc told me the secret, don't follow the instructions (as they told you to eat). The day before, best to not eat beef/pork or solid foods that are hard to digest and will reside in your colon.. split pea soup is good, chicken or pasta, no red stuff. Next day around 10 am, mix up one of the two packets thoroughly in a glass of water and drink 'er down. A couple hours later you are purging for the next two hours. Drink a few glasses of water and you will purge that too.. Then take a 3-4 hour break before you mix up the second packet........ purge will likely start sooner, and do drink water to flush again until all clear. You are likely all done around 7 pm. Go to bed early, a glass of water if you want in the am, you'll likely purge that...... way better than those 'gallon' or half gallon formulas you struggle to choke down. You can drink clear/yellow juices that taste better if you aren't big on water (will keep your glucose level up too). Book your colonoscopy first appointment in the morning if you can get it, that way you're not starving all day waiting. And don't worry about that 50' of garden hose you're gonna get. It's all good.

Laying here in the hospital. I have a great view of Mt. Hood out my window. I'll check in tomorrow.

Wishing you the very best! May all the good sun shine on you during this situation and everything work out good. I need to look back and laugh at all the posts from people under the influence of drugs :lol: Hope to hear from you soon.

Enjoy what you can, and best wishes for a smooth run thru tomorrow Ray. Still sending good karma and thoughts your way my friend. You've got a lot more years left and this little tune up and throttle body sync will just keep you running smooth.

Prayer s sent your way Ray Take your time healing my friend, looking forward to Ruben Run.

Hope all goes well for you today Ray! Recovery starts this afternoon, and you'll get to put your feet up a few days.

Pat the nurse's ass for me, Ray!
Not a good idea. HE might like it and I not in a position to argue.:) :)
Damn...a male nurse...of all the luck. :(

Get well soon Ray. If I was out there, I would buff out that little scratch on your sidebag for ya.

But I'm not. So I can't.

In lieu of that, if yer ever in the southeast, visit Greenville, SC and I will host you and your wifey so you can travel the Smoky Mountains on the cheap.
