Surrounded by *******!

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I guess I'm a pussy. I rode into December again this year, and I've ridden while it was snowing. But we got about 15 or 16 inches overnight, so I took my luxurious, 2wd, 1981 pickup to work today.

I did drive with the windows down since the defrost doesn't work (I'm thinking mouse nest in the heater, it sure smells like it...) so does that make me less of a pussy?

I must admit, I surprised myself a few times pulling into parking lots last year, I'd get off the bike and almost fall on my ass because it was all ice. The bike was unperturbed...

Hi, my name is Ignacio. And I'm a pussy.SNIP

More snippage.....I'm such a pussy.

Now that I have admitted I have a problem I would like to mount up a fresh tire and install a new Penske I bought.
Admission is the first step in recovery. Now that you have that part out of the way you "might" be able to make a full recovery by rally season. We can only hope. But if WC could somehow manage to snap a photo of you on the XR650R in the parking lot, along with a thermometer, your recovery may happen much faster. Just sayin.....

This guy definitely not a pussy. I would call him crazy. I saw him at the Edmonton Bike show last year. Rode his bike there, of course, on a balmy January day in Northern Canada.

This guy definitely not a pussy. I would call him crazy. I saw him at the Edmonton Bike show last year. Rode his bike there, of course, on a balmy January day in Northern Canada.

Can I get that 10 minutes of my life back? :rolleyes:

That guy must have had heated gloves, socks and a vest, but what was the point of showing it for 10 minutes when 1 minute would have sufficed? I kept watching because I thought he was gonna wreck or something. All that suffering and did they come up with a cure for diabetes for all his trouble? Nope! Brrrr..... :blink:

Not even 24 hours old yet, and this thread has over 1500 views and 5 pages long.... I gotta quit posting such angst-producing threads.... :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Admit it, youse guys just like lookin' at my new Xmas avatar..... ;)

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This guy definitely not a pussy. I would call him crazy. I saw him at the Edmonton Bike show last year. Rode his bike there, of course, on a balmy January day in Northern Canada.

If the roads looked like that here in the winter, I'd ride.

This guy definitely not a pussy. I would call him crazy. I saw him at the Edmonton Bike show last year. Rode his bike there, of course, on a balmy January day in Northern Canada.

I didn't watch the whole 10 minutes, but I did skip around enough to get the idea. Not a single curve on that road, and at the end the guy got passed by a tractor trailer pulling a double.

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Let us get back to the manner at hand.... where 'da **** is Iggy's FJR in the parking lot at work, huh, Huh, HUH?!! :p :lol:
Just admit it Dale. Man up and admit that you're embarrassed to be seen in the Hyundai. All this BS about what a bad ass you are and how everyone else is a pussy is smokescreen to cover your shame.


how do classify someone as "hardcore" in FL?

Wearing full leathers in August (Yes this means chaps, and no helmet of course) never exceeding the school zone MPH, Cuz its look kewl!

As for riding to work when its freezing... I am NOT a morning person. Heated leather seats in the G35 and a 24oz strong coffee. Yes I'm a Puss! Can't get motivated for a below freezing 10 mile commute.

On a serious note. when I do ride now when it's below 40, My new Shoei helmet fogs up like a Jimmy Buffett concert. Whats the fix? Never had that problem with my Nolan.

R/Scotty "The Puss"

I was at the local Cracker Barrel talking to a guy with an R6, and he's talking about how he WINTERIZED it and parked it yesterday! IN FLORIDA!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:lol2: OMG! That's damn near the funniest!

how do classify someone as "hardcore" in FL?

Wearing full leathers in August (Yes this means chaps, and no helmet of course) never exceeding the school zone MPH, Cuz its look kewl!

As for riding to work when its freezing... I am NOT a morning person. Heated leather seats in the G35 and a 24oz strong coffee. Yes I'm a Puss! Can't get motivated for a below freezing 10 mile commute.

On a serious note. when I do ride now when it's below 40, My new Shoei helmet fogs up like a Jimmy Buffett concert. Whats the fix? Never had that problem with my Nolan.

R/Scotty "The Puss"
well, you could try not breathing.

or do like this guy and spit in your mask! :Snorkle: scuba stores sell anti fog *****...

I know what you mean. We have about 20 bikes and 5 are FJR's at work. Today it was 37 when I left my home. No heated clothing, no hand guards, just plain old jeans and a jacket. Rode 45 minutes to work at around 70 MPH. I was a little chilly.

Got to work and there are 5 bikes, 2 are FJR's @ 7:00. by 9:00 there were 7 bikes and 3 FJR's. Pussiesssssssss!

On Monday, we received 3 inches of rain in 16 hours and I drove my cage, but there in the parking structure is my buddies FJR all by itself, he has bigger balls of them all.

At my work, I know at least half my co-workers have one or more bikes at home in the garage. Sadly, 99% of the time my bike is the only one in the parking lot...but...mine is there 99% of the time! When I ride to work and it's 15 degrees out and they tell me I'm crazy, I tell them I'd rather put on heated gloves and ride than scrape windows and drive, 'cause that just sucks! ;)

I'm thrilled that the price of road salt has gone through the roof. Now they shy away from using it like they did when it was cheap. That is where I draw the line though...once they salt the roads, I'm done until we get enough rain to wash that crap AWAY! I have too much respect for my bikes to subject them to that ****. The few times I have, I've always ended up sorry I did. But I'm with ya to ride, ride to live!

No ******* here in Milpitas!

I don't have the luxury of my FJR's barn door windshield or electric bun warmer and stuff due to parts still at the painter. So lately I've been taking my daughter's CBR600F4i to work - 35 miles one way. Man, I dwarf that little bike.

I ride all year, and last monday was no exception. First time I got snowed on on my way to work.

Cool! :yahoo:

It was a bit chilly, but my fingers were still pink when I took my gloves off.


I figure if there aren't any pictures, it didn't happen.



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Hi, my name is Ignacio. And I'm a pussy.
I last rode my FJR in September where I rode about 17,000 miles in less than 3 weeks. With a flat tire and expired shock sitting in a Spokane parking lot I said something very Forrest Gumply, "I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now."

My FJR has since sit in the garage and I occasionally ride an XR650R, but mainly practice being a gash by driving around my Jetta. The electric seats and stereo have been very nice. I parked in front of Warchild's FJR and laughed in 11 degree weather.....I'm such a pussy.

Now that I have admitted I have a problem I would like to mount up a fresh tire and install a new Penske I bought.
Thankfully you didn't expect us to believe you wuz schmart!

