Tech Day in Southwest Virginia

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Need advise on my Hella Super Tones may be unsafe the way I mounted them but loud as hella.
It's likely not unsafe. BUT If you've put them onto the existing wiring from the wimp horns you will need to add a relay harness like the one that FJRandy makes & hook the horns straight to the battery. If you don't you will eventually start tripping fuses. More accurately, it's the circuit for your rear brake lights, horn & dash lights. From what I understand you can eventually melt the horn button. There's some other stuff that can happen. Don't remember. Don't ask how I know.

The weather is looking ok, rain but no snow or ice (which is what I'm staring at right now) on Friday

New heated jacket liner on the way to the house this week; MI to VA and back will be a good shake down run for the bike & winter farkles.

I'm at about a 90% go right now, looking forward to meeting everyone and helping out where I can.


Don't laugh when my bike pulls up on the trailer 60 percent chance of rain. I hate I 81 and no way going to ride with no rain gear on that death road. But will be there !!! :rolleyes:

If it is raining you will not be seeing my candy ass. My work schedule is iffy right now. Come Friday I will see what work is like and what the weather is doing. If both look good I hope to head out of the Tidewater area around noon.

Need advise on my Hella Super Tones may be unsafe the way I mounted them but loud as hella.
It's likely not unsafe. BUT If you've put them onto the existing wiring from the wimp horns you will need to add a relay harness like the one that FJRandy makes & hook the horns straight to the battery. If you don't you will eventually start tripping fuses. More accurately, it's the circuit for your rear brake lights, horn & dash lights. From what I understand you can eventually melt the horn button. There's some other stuff that can happen. Don't remember. Don't ask how I know.

Thanks I installed using the FJRandy harness, just cut the inner faring covers to make more clearance for the big ass horns.

Update rain chance now 10 percent !!

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The weather is looking ok, rain but no snow or ice (which is what I'm staring at right now) on Friday

New heated jacket liner on the way to the house this week; MI to VA and back will be a good shake down run for the bike & winter farkles.

I'm at about a 90% go right now, looking forward to meeting everyone and helping out where I can.

Now there's an FJR rider! :clapping:

Good on you Wayne...seems like many FJR riders seem to melt in the presence of rain. :D

Don't laugh when my bike pulls up on the trailer 60 percent chance of rain. I hate I 81 and no way going to ride with no rain gear on that death road. But will be there !!! :rolleyes:
Why on Earth would you run I-81? Can't blame you for not wanting to get near that P.O.S. superslab in the rain, but why take that path at all!!!?

Add an hour to your journey and do this instead.

I'm hoping the weather is not tooooo bad so I can ride over this way. Otherwise.... I might have to cross paths with extrememarine along the way (slab).

Haulin I will look at the map when I get home from this sucky 2nd shift ,looks like a good back rd trip .

Haulin I will look at the map when I get home from this sucky 2nd shift ,looks like a good back rd trip .
Cool! I didn't put any real time into the route, mostly proposing for you to stay off the slab and take the backroads. So if you find something that looks more interesting, by all means go for it!

Haulin I will look at the map when I get home from this sucky 2nd shift ,looks like a good back rd trip .
Cool! I didn't put any real time into the route, mostly proposing for you to stay off the slab and take the backroads. So if you find something that looks more interesting, by all means go for it!
Any stream crossings or "road ends" signs on that route?

Just checkin'. :D

Otherwise.... I might have to cross paths with extrememarine along the way (slab).
I've got a YA-707 and HA-007 forks to put through the paces. That will not be done on the slab.

Now there's an FJR rider! :clapping:

Good on you Wayne...seems like many FJR riders seem to melt in the presence of rain. :D
thanks Mark. Rain Gear - never leave home with out it.

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I received final clearance from the boss today for the Friday vacation day. I dropped a Benjamin on child care to cover the Single Dad duties that weekend. And I have two FJRs with nearly worn-out tires just aching to show cord in Virginia.

Rain Gear, Sunshine & Mesh, or God forbid-the cage, I'm coming.

Don't laugh when my bike pulls up on the trailer 60 percent chance of rain. I hate I 81 and no way going to ride with no rain gear on that death road. But will be there !!! :rolleyes:
Why on Earth would you run I-81? Can't blame you for not wanting to get near that P.O.S. superslab in the rain, but why take that path at all!!!?

Add an hour to your journey and do this instead.

Good ride sure I would miss a turn somewhere rt. 460 runs thru Roanoke, if no rain and no cager thats the route for me, even dry rt 81 bunches my panties up on 2 wheels. ;)

The Quality Inn in Christiansburg is another nice place. They have free breakfast with a pool and hot tubs. The number for them is 540-382-2055 I think the rates are around 74.00 a night. If there are any other places anyone wants me to check on let me know. Thanks, Steve
Econolodge now.
Also Econolodge... :rolleyes:

Otherwise.... I might have to cross paths with extrememarine along the way (slab).
I've got a YA-707 and HA-007 forks to put through the paces. That will not be done on the slab.
Nice :clapping:

Just a quick reminder to all contemplating attendance... a weather forecast of some rain isn't such a bad thing. After all, would you rather spend a sunny weekend wrenching on bikes and wishing you were riding, or spend a rainy weekend doing the same?



this is the first southeast one i've seen, but i won't be riding for another couple of months due to an injury/surgery.

i drove up through there after a visit to va tech with my son. lots of really good motorcycle roads.

Just a quick reminder to all contemplating attendance... a weather forecast of some rain isn't such a bad thing. After all, would you rather spend a sunny weekend wrenching on bikes and wishing you were riding, or spend a rainy weekend doing the same?

A few of us will be doing both for the weekend...

Im in! I was in a month ago when I got the invite. Its the backyard, so I gotta go. There is some GREAT riding around here. If you get a chance, enjoy! Sounds like a few people are in. :clapping: Should be fun. See ya soon.
