The Evil that is 13....

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...more than a little disappointed they don't use the distance to empty for the whole tank.
don't be disappointed, see page 30 of owner's manual. :coolsmiley02:

Estimated travel range function
Thanks, but based on Dales reply I thought the range to empty (RTE) display went away once the last bar started flashing on the fuel gauge and then the tripmeter automatically changes to distance traveled on reserve? Just like my Gen II. If the RTE can be made to stay on while on reserve that would be great. :yahoo:

Well, I found #86 today. It's on the floor at the Iron Pony. Sorry for the crappy iPhone pic.


I don't really have anything subjective to add, but I will say ... me likey!

They don't fit.

Is it mainly because of the way the new controls are made,in conjuntion with the pivot holes. Is there a chance of them fitting if some artistic butchering is applied? Or do we just have to wait for the ones on the EURO website?

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It is because of these......those pieces that stick out either side of the dash are hiding the new screen brackets.



ummmm looking at the above picture i am now kinda bummed that i didn't try them before i sold them, it looks like they may have fit with the Heli risers.....


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It is because of these......those pieces that stick out either side of the dash are hiding the new screen brackets.



ummmm looking at the above picture i am now kinda bummed that i didn't try them before i sold them, it looks like they may have fit with the Heli risers.....

what's another 50 bucks,right?

Congratulations to each of you owners of the 2013 Model. I saw Richard 's at Bite the Weenie and was really impressed with the changes.I hope that the Gen III bikes do not have the Gen II spider grounding problems that happened to lot of us and resulted in the Brodie fix and Yamaha Corporation recall. I suppose time will tell.

Richard -- If the VStrom guards won't fit or you want to try something different, a few of us in the PNW are using these from Cycra. Pretty darn effective and easy on/off. I haven't looked closely at the '13 controls, so fitting is yet to be determined.


Edit -- handshields sans decals...

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...Bypass them with a switch to full brightness and you can fry an egg with them
Sounds like alot of heat...equals a lot of power draw?
By 'fry an egg', i suspect he meant they're bright. IIRC that model draws a modest 30 watts each, most of which is turned into white light. Not only less than an HID, and nearly as bright, but the ability to dim them for visibility purposes then switch *instantly* to full power with no warm-up delay is not to be dismissed lightly.

Dare I ask what their price is?
They did not have a price on the bike and I did not ask since I know I cannot afford it right now anyway.

But, knowing them, full-boat retail. I've never bought a bike from 'em so I do not know how willing they are to deal.
