The Great White North Liberation Army attacks Lewisburg WV

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yamafitter posted: Ray explained that being Canadian we don't have any lines on the road and we have no idea what they mean. That line of BS was good enough to get Ray off with a verbal warning and we continued on our way.
Are you kidding me? That lame excuse worked?????
Yeah! Wtf?!

I'm gonna use that excuse next time and say a lot of "yea hey ders"...

Up in your homeland, you'd probably be thrown in the Klink...


Based on the food intake I think we should send the free ambulance and medical care across the border and strap both of you up and get you home. When you cross back into Canada, you know they test your blood sugar level right?

Rayzerman should take his suspension sox off when he sleeps. Just a thought!

Here was the route we took on Friday that finished off the little bit of tread I had on the rear tire when we arrived in Lewisburg...


With many thanks to Griff who had a new tire waiting in Lewisburg I was able to buy the tire from him and get some proper rubber on the back of my FJR....


Also thanks to Chocklaw who had brought the tires to the motel and also supplied the tire changer, air compressor and all the required tooling. Thanks also to FYB for his assistance and a couple of the other attendees that helped out to make the job go quickly.
The tire change was the main source of entertainment for the parking lot social though Donna and Tyler found El Torro Joe to be quite entertaining also before he passed out....


Other items of interest was this interesting Honda impersonation of a BMW....


When KJ saw this he was on the phone to the Fatherland to file a report.
There is a fair bit of rain in the area this morning according to the radar so this day may be spent touring the local distillery rather than riding....


-to be continued-

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A few hardy souls decided to part the seas and go for a ride on Sunday. FYB was assigned ride leader as the group gathered to head out....


Tyler being from California thought riding in the rain was quite a novelty...


Being Canadian I get my fill of riding in poor weather so I decided it would be more fun to stay close to base and went over to tour the distillery...


The Contradicton Bourbon is a four grain blended whiskey that was very nice. After a small tasting session we did a tour of the distillery...


The column stills for the production runs....


After the tour I headed back over to the other side of Lewisburg for lunch at the local Mexican restaurant to see their version of a buritto. No Whale **** this time....


There was still some time to kill so I headed over to the local craft brewery to check out their operation. Here is a sample of the barley after it has been put through the hammer mill...


They then run the mash through a press filter before sending the wort to the fermentor tanks....


The tour got cut short since other customers starting arriving and there was only the girl on duty and her main job was to man the tap room. I did get to take a peek into the walkin cooler however...


I did have three small samples of their IPA's and settled on the Mothman Black IPA. I left with a six pack for the parking lot social later on this evening.

We are going to see if is dry enough to attempt an outdoor group shot and then it will be banquet time....

-to be continued-

Ummmmmmmmmmm, that was Saturday, you drunken hoser. No wonder your liberation is moving so slow.
I am afraid Papa Chuy Viejo must offer up a formal apology to the Drunken Canuck Hosers, I falsely accused the Frostbacks of bringing rain to EOM!

Truth of the matter is it was the god damn Floridians would brought the wet stuff North with them, so for majicmaker Vic and LKLD Rob: Bite Me, eh!


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Further evidence that the weather at EOM this year was the Floridians fault. The further north Ray & I got away from the Floridians the better the weather became....


Stepping back to Saturday night for a moment we starting herding the cats at 6:20 for the group photo...


There were a few strays the took extra effort in the roundup...



We took the first shot with just the gaggle...


Tyler had a great idea to have everyone spell out FJR for the group photo however since most of these folks are products of the American Public School system it was not very successful....


The 'J' particularly seemed to have everyone confused.

We finally called it on account of darkness and headed up to the banquet....


Andy had already been drinking and was all blurry.


I liked Petey's CFR shirt.


Heidi's table...


Bungie & Line...



BeemerDons & Donna with Rushes (Russ) over on the right side...


After the banquet everyone met back in the parking lot for one last social to say our goodbyes. Ray & I got away from Lewisburg before 8AM the next morning and made it up to Brookville PA.

On our way north it took until we reached Pennsylvania before we found a store that served a decent cup of coffee...


There is an Adult Store across the street from the motel tonight with a billboard in the yard that seems to be at cross purposes....


The route from Sunday...


Tommorrow we retreat to the Land of Timmy's where I know I can get decent coffee.

-to be continued-

Ummmmmmmmmmm, that was Saturday, you drunken hoser. No wonder your liberation is moving so slow.
The liberation is slow and deliberate. We throw things in to see if you're paying attention. And if you notice in the background of most of the photos, there's a Canuck agent....... Huron52 and FJRob1300 are in covert operations, you hardly see them but you know they are there, eh! And Beemerdons is sporting some new Canuck adornments on his car, apparently he has no idea who the secret agent was that put them there.

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As usual, the Canadian attack does no damage. Just annoying everyone with talk of back bacon, and repeating the letter "A" at the end of each sentence.

💦Tropical Storm Vic💦, wasn't my fault.....I swear. Plus, I thought it was the car in the parking lot, with the constant feather alarm, that was pissing the rain gods off. :grin:

Tropical Storm Vic, wasn't my fault.....I swear. Plus, I thought it was the car in the parking lot, with the constant feather alarm, that was pissing the rain gods off.
It is my understanding that Hans & Franz from BMW World in Munich will be flying in for a news conference to say that there are no issues with BMW M3 alarm systems. It is strictly an operator error.

Tropical Storm Vic, wasn't my fault.....I swear. Plus, I thought it was the car in the parking lot, with the constant feather alarm, that was pissing the rain gods off.
It is my understanding that Hans & Franz from BMW World in Munich will be flying in for a news conference to say that there are no issues with BMW M3 alarm systems. It is strictly an operator error.
Once I removed the two magnetic Maple Leaf car badges from the drivers door somehow installed by an anonymous Frostback Hoser: The alarm problem went away, the strong magnets on the "Canada" badges were fooling the system into sensing a theft situation! JSNS, "Nord du Ligne, eh!"

Canadians: You can't live with them and you can't live with them! No damage eh? Bwaaa hahahahaha

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Final Day

Tropical Storm Vic refused to leave us alone and followed us overnight up to Brooksville PA. We suited up and spent the rest of the Pennsylvania leg of the trip in the damp. Once we crossed over into New York the roads dried up and we finally came across our first sign of civilization since our foray into banjo country....


We Canadians have marked our territory in those areas that we have annexed from the Goobers to the south of our borders. We like to think of it as a buffer zone from the Zonies.

After a quick stop for coffee & a bagel we continued our withdrawal to the border where Ray and I parted ways as I went to battle the Toronto traffic. Fortunately I made it through Toronto before the afternoon rush hour and was safely in the garage just before 15:00...


Many thanks to Wayne and the crew for a fun event and to all those that assisted with the tire change, Also thanks to Debbie for keeping KJ on his best behaviour (as if that was even possibe}. It was good to get together with Rushes after our Copper Canyon adventure and to get together with BeemerDons and Donna. It was fun getting together with old friends and putting faces to some of the characters on this forum.

That's a wrap.
