The Great White North Liberation Army Invades Tech Day VI

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Chuckles.. Ray and I both dug through the trash looking for those.. They are the keys for his new helmet lock.

I'll PM ya Andys address as he's going to see Ray next month. Unless Ray wants to pay 50 million bucks shipping them to him.

Damned Triumph rides anyway.. Can't trust 'em as far as you can throw 'em

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Ray is currently plotting out a Black Ops rescue mission to recover the pilfered items. Our motto is no one left behind though I have been known to leave items behind all across North America during our last invasion of Moab.

This is all we get? From that group?

Old age must be taking a toll.

Where's the revelry, debauchery, Dolly?



We're home.

Hit some REALLY fun sleet between Flint and Ann Arbor. Riding in sleet & snow was a first for me.

Once we got south of Toledo, though, the ride was - dare I say it - rather pleasant!

Yer all Wimps!

Even Andy!

You have no idea the bodily sacrifice I suffered, dude.

All I gotta say is I think Petey has been in Owosso training bookshelves in the arts of the ninja.

We'll wait 'til yamafitter gets home to post his pictures.

That's all I have to say aboot that.

As they used to say in the old days on the Buffalo TV stations............... film @ 11.

The horror!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Making fun of my Igor impression and then he had to try it....

Served him right it did.

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According to the comments on the live webcast we were all being accused of standing around with our hands in our pockets. Obviously none of you folks know a pocket hockey tournament when you see one.

One of the main jobs that got taken care of this weekend was the install of Gold Valves in Ray's (raYerman19) forks. After 84,000 kilometers (~52,000 miles) there was lots of cleaning to do....


Ray's superior Gen II minus forks....


I told Ray, "NO, if you are going to put on a car tire at least put it on the back wheel"....


Even more cleaning. The forks were very dirty and the oil was stinky.....


Here is a close-up of the new Race Tech Compression Valve. Ray took one apart to make sure the shim stack was correct....


To get the cartridge apart we needed to apply heat to get the loctite to melt...


Reinstalling the valving back in the cartridge is a little tricky. You need ideally some thin shim stock so that the new seal does not get jammed up on the little shoulder at the bottom of the threads. We had to improvise and use some not very sticky tape...


This is a close-up of the new Race Tech Rebound Valve installed after modifying the rod to make room for the new needle and spring assembly....


- next installment....... Andy battles the bookcase and loses.

OK, I'll bite......what is wrong with those bushings? The upper bushings appear to have Teflon on the inside and the lower bushing appears to have Teflon on the outside, just like they are when they are new.
Unfortunately I should have lighted the shot better and the shadows in the photo are throwing you off. Trust me when I say there was no teflon in the areas were there is supposed to be teflon. Those bushings were completely toast.

Andy's (BikerGeek) main job at Tech Day was to see what parts he had in his topbox that he could talk someone else into installing....


Most of us ignored him and continued on talking and playing pocket hockey....


In the meantime Ray (raYzerman19) thought that these rotors may have seen better days....


The rotors were badly scored and needed replacement. We thought that the brake pistons in the calipers were stuck but that turned out not to be the case. In the end the only theory we had was that the pads got hung up on the pins that were pitted.

We cleaned them up and installed new rotors and pads.

It was about this time that Tony & Jason rolled in from Key West after completing their BBG ride. It didn't take long for Jason to nod off.....


We thought about testing Andy's air horn to see if it could wake the dead but in the end none of us are a big a dink as Carver and we let Jason rest.

Tom (Huron52) finally took pity on the tool challenged Andy and lent him a hand installing the Admore Light Kit on the Geek's Givi topbox....


Sooze supervised from a safe distance as Andy attempted to use tools much to amusement of the rest of the crowd. Finally I told Andy to put down the screwdriver as it was far too painful for me to watch and Tom & I completed the job.

With Tom's and my superior Canadian skilled trades experience there were lights working on the topbox in short order....


Judging by Ray's expression it would appear he is amazed that Andy had managed to at least have the battery correctly installed this time.

Ray then had to come to Andy's rescue and replace the digitizer on Andy's Garmin Zumo....


Andy had cheaped out and bought only the digitizer instead of the whole module but Ray was still able to get everything working again. Once again it was a Canadian to the rescue.

Here 101stPathfinder (Tony) is looking at BikerGeek wondering how someone so inept with tools could figure out how to get everyone else to work on his bike....


In the meantime Andy is using his hands to play a game of pocket hockey. Pervert.

-to be continued-

The Aftermath

As the Tech Day wound to a close Pam told Bust to "Embrace the Pain" but Bust finally had to lay on the couch and fall asleep leaving the rest of us to entertain ourselves. We tried to ship in some cheap Mexican labour to sweep up the floor of the garage for us. Unfortunately HotRodZilla and Patch didn't jump in the back of the '62 Chevy Stake Truck we sent their way to pick them up for the ride up to Owosso from New Mexico. This left us with having to clean up after ourselves and by a little after midnight we were no longer tripping over the empty beer bottles.

BikerGeek was the next casualty of war when his altitude was too low and he lost a battle when a bookcase put up some flack and caught him in the beak....


Sooze came back out in the garage asking for a medic but all we had was a bandaid. Sooze stuck that on the Geek's nose and put him to bed.

- Please feel free to insert your own joke here -

The next morning it was time to make a strategic retreat back to the Great White North since the weather was supposed to warm up and I don't do well in the heat. Here is a mug shot of the worst offenders at Tech Day VI....


(Left to Right) - Bill (yamafitter), Ray (raYzerman19), Barry (Bustanut), Sheila (Mizz Bustanut), Pam, Tom (Huron52), BikerGeek (Andy), Sooze (Sue).

Our final act before pulling out was to plant our flag and claim Bust's Garage for Queen & Country....


So ends Tech Day VI and another successful invasion.

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Gotta admit the Canadians won this round. Barry passes out, Andy ends up with a bloody arse *and* nose (tx for not showing arse pix) - and the poor Ameruikan flag be not at half-mast, but rather like Bustanuts, uhhhh. .Well, you fill in the blanks.

Great fun looks to have been had by all! :lol:

Sure hope that bookshelf is oK...

Ok Bill, you came. you saw, you conquered.

Don't even think about exchanging the POWs for anything.

You caught them, you keep them.

Soon as I can sit long enough I'll post up what I've got. Still embracing the pain here, the Vicodin and ultram I managed to scrounge up did give a couple hours of relief.

But When I was embracing the pain at 3 A.M. and woke the whole house. I did feel kinda bad for em..

The sign in the photo says No sheep were harmed. This sign is in Bust garage. Wonder if the sheep agree. JSNS......


I tried to post up pics tonight, But between the excessive speed here and fotofukit? I lost me mind.

Good gawd dealing with two retarded servers is causing me to drink

Somebodys gonna foot me rehab bill.

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