These gas prices are startin to hurt

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2005
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Wenatchee, WA
Last nite I took the boat and the truck to the gas station. The pumps have a 75 dollar limit on a card purchase. Well the third time you use your card the pump tells you to go inside and see the cashier. 75 dollars will buy 20 gallons and I put 55 gallons in the boat and 20 gallons in the truck. $280 for both, gonna have to make it last. Worse yet, since the gas has gone up the value of larger boats has dropped 25% in the last year. Oh well, we will ride more.

Don't worry, the 25% drop in boat value will be made up by the value of the gas in the tank. Just keep it full... :eek:

Don't worry, the 25% drop in boat value will be made up by the value of the gas in the tank. Just keep it full... :eek:

Yep, good idea.

Fill the boat with gas.

Park the boat.

When gas value gets high enough - SELL!

See, you can still make a profit on the boat.

Seriously though, that's really gotta hurt. I can't even imagine having to pay that much at once.

I know I'm definately planning on leaving my Escape parked at home and riding to work more than I have in the past.

Heck, yesterday I rode back from lunch even though I could have swapped - and it was snowing!

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The truck is only used for towing anymore, it hasn't seen a full tank in a year. Ride most of the time. Now if I could get momma to park the escape and, not gonna happen. suck it up.

I find if you don't focus on the total cost, just the increase, it's easier to swallow. for instance, 50 gallons times 40 cents is only a 20 dollar increase over last year. Kinda a glass half full attitude.

I find if you don't focus on the total cost, just the increase, it's easier to swallow. for instance, 50 gallons times 40 cents is only a 20 dollar increase over last year. Kinda a glass half full attitude.
:lol: My wife was telling me she likes getting gas at this one station because it is 2 cents cheaper....for the 10 gal in the Miata that works out to saving a whole 20 cents....whoopee....


Yep, my truck only gets used when it has carry a load or tow. It's cheaper to buy a second vehicle than to drive the truck for everyday stuff.

Power boating got too expensive for me when gas was getting up close to $1 a gallon. Been a few years.

Hell, I grumble fillin' up my little Hyundai for $40-ish. I'd scream like a little girl if I had to fill a truck these days.

I brought my 27' Chaparral with me to Cali. Had 160 gal tank with a 454 big block, sucking down premium at 8.5 GPH at cruise. If I had to fill the tank at the marina today it'd prolly be a tab of over $800! :blink:

Shit, and here I was this AM bitching about the 16 bucks worth of regular that I packed into the Strom this morning...

PS Cut your losses, sell the boat and the truck, then buy a girly little Prius. ;)

for my toys I really do not care about the price


I've worked in the same building in Manchester, NH since 2002. About 3 years ago, in a cosmic coincidence my wife took a job directly across the street from me. I can look almost straight out my office window into her office window :friends: In spite of the close proximity of our jobs we have commuted in two vehicles because our work hours are so different. We are now car pooling even though that means that we pull out of our driveway at 5:45 am and return to that same point no earlier than 7:00 pm. A little different kind of gas pain. We have been somewhat lucky, gas was only $3.45 when we filled this morning.

Oh, and an interesting thing...

Monday, the Chevron gas on the corner was at $3.99 for regular - up from $3.89 the week before. Today, it was at $3.87... gee, funny how that works after this AM's news, but I keep asking myself, 'W. T. F?!'


Last week my mom wrecked her car. ( she's OK )

Asshat when through a stop sign and she t-boned him.

While she was being checked out at the ER, she kept saying, " I just filled that car up with gas!!it cost me $40.00." ( it was just a little Nissan Sentra)

So a few days later I went to the shop that it was towed to, I know it is going to get totaled out. I brought along my syphon and two big jerry cans. The guy at the shop asked me what I was doing and I told him I needed to get some stuff out of the car.

I got 10 gallons out of it, running it in the bike right now.

Now, should I give my mom her $40.00 back?


My fisherman friend wanted to trade in his camper trailer tow truck, F250 Ford extended cab 12 yrs old and low milage. Good looking truck, asked the salesman how much on trade? The salesman said "how much gas in the tank??" :blink:

Last week my mom wrecked her car. ( she's OK )Asshat when through a stop sign and she t-boned him.

While she was being checked out at the ER, she kept saying, " I just filled that car up with gas!!it cost me $40.00." ( it was just a little Nissan Sentra)

So a few days later I went to the shop that it was towed to, I know it is going to get totaled out. I brought along my syphon and two big jerry cans. The guy at the shop asked me what I was doing and I told him I needed to get some stuff out of the car.

I got 10 gallons out of it, running it in the bike right now.

Now, should I give my mom her $40.00 back?

Hey and i thought she was joking and Maliki did that!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Wow. And I was trying to remember why I haven't owned a 4-wheeled vehicle in over 10 years! Here I was grumbling about a $17 fillup! The sad thing is CNN just ran a story on how much cheaper gas is here than Europe:

"As of late March, U.S. gas prices averaged $3.45 a gallon. That compares to over $8 a gallon across much of Europe, $12.03 in Aruba and $18.42 in Sierra Leone."

I find if you don't focus on the total cost, just the increase, it's easier to swallow. for instance, 50 gallons times 40 cents is only a 20 dollar increase over last year. Kinda a glass half full attitude.
:lol: My wife was telling me she likes getting gas at this one station because it is 2 cents cheaper....for the 10 gal in the Miata that works out to saving a whole 20 cents....whoopee....

And how much gas did she use going out of her way to save 20 cents?

Oh, and an interesting thing...
Monday, the Chevron gas on the corner was at $3.99 for regular - up from $3.89 the week before. Today, it was at $3.87... gee, funny how that works after this AM's news, but I keep asking myself, 'W. T. F?!'

What news? I missed something.
