Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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Just a scary reminder to the rest of us not to pass in an intersection. You never can tell what other drivers are thinking. This same situation happened to my mom last year. Thankfully, she was in her car.

Tyler, our prayers are with you.

I've called our family prayer chain and it will be shared at the various attendant churches tomorrow. Couldn't hurt!

most recent update:Saturday, June 27, 2009 12:26 PM, MDT:
Good morning, all. Shannon & I are sitting w/Ty in her room (God bless WiFi!) and she's still doing as well as can be expected.


More later,


PS. Shannon says thank you for your prayers. :)
The blog is going to be the best source of information during this hospital stay.

For those who missed it: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/TylerRisk

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Get better soon chickadee, your friends are missing you!


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It's always the good people that get hurt like this...life just plain sucks and isn't fair at all. I'm in shock after reading this...

Tyler, when you do get around to reading this just know how much those of us in FJR-land care about you and will do anything we can to help out in any way possible.

The limitations of the mirror on the right side are such that things like this happen all too frequently, even when the trucker is alert and careful.
Good place for one of those back-up cameras with the W/A lens. Costco has a wireless version for under a C-note....
Exactly Toe, all our new trucks for the past three years have cameras on the rear and right side, it's worked out so well we've started a refit program for the older units.

Careingbridge is easy, left a message for Tyler.

May you Tyler and the people that you love and love you find strength through what will no doubt be a long and arduous recovery. I have been there and can tell you that in a strange, strange way many special memories will transpire in the coming months.

Get better quick Tyler.

And for the rest of us, respect what those trucks can do. Keep well clear. Huge area of impact and lousy visual coverage.


This is pretty hard to comprehend ................ just met for dinner with Tyler in Klamath Falls on Monday night.

Deb and I are speechless.................

Our BEST thoughts going out to her until she recovers.

Wow! Not good. Praying for your healing Tyler. Don't personally know you but from what I've read on this board I know you've got a lot of fight in ya. God bless.
