Tyler down in serious condition in Idaho!

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I just started looking at the "New Posts" and the first one was "The Bridgeport Ride" where Tyler led off about the information for the ride and then I see this. Tyler, we have never met but you are in my prayers and I wish you the absolute best for your full and speedy recovery.


Oh dear! I read the title of this thread and really hoped it didn't mean what I thought it did. Bad news indeed.

Add my thoughts and prayers to everyone elses, for a full and speedy recovery for Tyler.

From the Pashnit list: https://www.pashnit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23109
Original thread at: https://www.southbayriders.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79705

Tyler Risk who we all love has been in a serious accident in Idaho. Her condition is serious but her prognosis is that she will survive. But I want to make clear that it was touch and go and she is not out of the woods yet.
Here is what happened. She was leading a small group of riders when they came to a three way stop. A semi truck was in front of her and didn't move for a minute. So Tyler started to pass the truck on the right using the shoulder. Right at that moment the truck started to make the turn and from eye witness accounts it appears Tyler did not see the truck moving and got ran over. Tyler was knocked down and was trapped under her FZ-1 as the truck tires ran over her pelvis and legs.

Currently she's in intensive care and her daughter Shannon and sister have arrived at her bed side.
I just saw this. I can't believe it. This is horrible. I can't even read the other posts right now. Prayers are sent. She has been so passionate and funny this is hard to hear about. I don't have the words.

This is really bad news indeed, it could be a long hard road back. Tyler you'll be in my thoughts, sending good mojo and what ever else I can round up your way.

T -

The world of recovery will challenge your inner-most being. I know of what I speak.

And from that memory I wish you inner strength, a strong network of family and friends,

and most importantly,


Recovery will take time T, time.

Know that you will be better, you will ride again, you will laugh and smile.

My deepest prayers are with you T -



Just found this after being on the water this weekend.

The Berlin Family sends both prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery.

I can't even imagine what you are going through Tyler.

Good Luck and God Speed.

Tyler get well soon girl. It's funny how important people who we've never met face to face can be to us still. You're an inspiration to myself and my wife. My dad used to say to me when I was young, "experience is the best teacher, but it is the most expensive.". You've cashed a mighty big check here, so let all who've read this take with them the benefit of you're experience here.

My thoughts, and well I don't pray, but in this case I will for you, My prayers go out for you and yours. The collective energy from the forum and from those that are closest to you, and mostly your inner strength will surely pull you through this. Get well soon.

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Just got home from a short ride, found an email from caringbridge with this update.

"Sunday, June 28, 2009 11:06 AM, MDT

So far so good. Tyler made it through the night just fine. The concern today is a slight drop in blood pressure, but they're adjusting the "blood product" she's receiving to respond to that. Her lungs look a little better today also, which is encouraging. Saw the doctor again this morning, and he said she looks better today than yesterday, and he's very encouraged by her efforts to respond and communicate (opening eyes, wiggling digits, squeezing hands). He again reminded she's still not out of the woods, "but she's getting closer to the edge of them."

This isn't much of a surprise considering Tyler's fighter instincts. I joked with the doctor about Tyler actually responding to commands for a change, and he said at this point, he's perfectly fine with her being as angry as she needs to be, because that's what'll help pull her through this. Little does he know who he's talking about! :) Her feistiness will absolutely serve her well, as will all the good thoughts & prayers I know you are all sending her way. She's getting bombarded with about as much love and caring as any one human could hope to receive, I think, and it's very much appreciated by Shannon, me and the rest of the family. Off to a late breakfast - more later.

-Jaime "

I know it has been offered but if transport and storage are needed I have truck, trailer and tons of room in the loft in my shop. Would be glad to help out.
