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A friend of mine had an FJR and moved to another bike just because he got sick of being flamed here for refusing to pretent the heat issue did not exist.
If your friend sold his FJR just because people were mean or didn't agree with him on an Internet forum, then he's a loser who has serious issues.

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Um, no, groo...that's what we call a sucker. Because, some other clown in the forum picked his scoot up for cheap. Laughin' all the way to the bank.

And right now...some of us are too drunk to care. (um.....that would be me, pups).
So go out and drive around, cops are looking vehicles speeding, drive the speed limit drunk ( use the cruse control ) and you will be fine. :D

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Um, no, groo...that's what we call a sucker. Because, some other clown in the forum picked his scoot up for cheap. Laughin' all the way to the bank.
Hey odot.. your a big doodyhead. I'll give you $10 for your bike though...

I just gotta throw in my .02

Any one hear familiar with "deterant theory"? Well heres is the short of it:

Jail, fines, imprisonment, capital punishment and corporal punishment are all ment to "deter" any illegal activity. The deterant has to be of such a punisment that it will outweigh the crime, hence the crime will not pay. The threat of a large fine and increased insurance rate is a good deterant for "most" people. The system is set up to control the masses not the individual. If at any given moment I decide to "goose it" I have decided that for that time I am willing to take the fine and the thrill of 130 + mph outweights the momentary threat of paying a fine of jail time. Which I am sure in retrospect it will not. Cops are not tax collectors, they just present you with the gift of deterance and it is up to you to weigh the penalty vs "your thrill" whatever that may be.

Having said that, There are cops who are TOTAL ********* and there are those who would give you the shirt off their back. The same as some of neighbors or co-workers. Some are great some are not. My worst experience with a cop was in MSC's city and I was trying to report a theft of my tools from my truck at the local Home Depot. I was the victim and the cop was a complete dick. I left the cop and went to the HPD and filed the theft report with a supervisor. This cop may have been having a bad day and taking it out on me, don't know, don't care. I have still taken time to walk up to a cop out of the blue and tell them thank you for serving the community. You should try it sometimes. If nothing else, its worth the "deer in the headlights" stair you get for saying thanks out the blue.

This thread is growing faster than I can read!

As a NC home boy, been here all my life except for two years, I can say that NC State Troopers have always been a cut-above the average police. But there is definitely something unusual going on in NC right now.

I have and use an Escort 8500 mounted on the brake reservoir. It works great but hates water.

The RD is only a tool, no substitute for thinking. NC troopers are all running that Ka band, instant on thing. What's different lately is they single out motorcycles from a crowd and appear to be targeting motorcycles for speeding. This is based on about 8,000 miles personal experience in the last three months, all across NC.

Time and again, I have been running near cagers who were doing 10 mph or more than me. I can see the NC State Trooper vehicle coming long before he reaches me. Radar detector sits absolutely quiet until he is in position to single me out and BAAMMM! Then it goes quiet again while he passes out of sight behind.

Received my most recent award from a NC State Trooper who did a U-turn in medium traffic and followed me until I made a mistake. Stalked me like a deer hunter from just far enough away (at night) and then ticketed me for A(pproximate) 65 in 45.

I consider this unusual behavior for NC. But it seems to be what's happening now. Let all be warned.

IMO, radar detector is nothing more than a tool. Treat it like anything more and you will have to pay more than your fair share of awards.

My heart goes out to anyone who falls victim to the temptation of the FJR. It definitely does not seem fair to have to adhere to the same guidelines as behemoth cagers. Girlfriends refer to my FJR as "my lover". If they only knew how right they are!


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It's always been my understanding that radars will reflect the speed of the "largest" object, that if you are riding in front of, beside or behind a car or truck the speed indicated on the officers radar gun is of the larger object.

Now it's crazy not to think that at least some ticket writing has to do with "fund raising" I am in gov. work and there is an terrible need for $ and tickets/fines/donations of all kinds are truly appreciated, but I cant say that every ticket issued is for that sole purpose.

A fellow co worker got hit in the rear at a stop light several months back. His wife and kids in the jeep at the time. The wife and kids were hurt, blood, cuts, etc., new jeep is totalled. So, he gets in the ambulance and goes to the hosp. w/family. Several months pass and he gets a subpoena to attend a trial to testify, stems back to this accident, so he goes (last Friday) and come to find out the guy that hit him is loaded---and I mean that in 2 ways--he is exceptionally wealthy and he's apparently drunk at the time of the accident. He refuses a blood test, refuses a breath test and refuses to take a field sobriety test. So, co-worker testifies and come to find out the municipal judge is running for Chancery Judge--he needs campaign funds, guess who get's off w/out a DUI? yup, U guessed it, Mr. rich guy! Needless to say the guy who works here, who gets hit by a drunk driver, who's family is injured, the little guy gets screwed, the rich guy gets off and the judge apparently gets a healthy shot of campaign aid. Kinda neat how things work out sometimes aint it! Can you say getting home cooked!!

So, folks we got good cops, trying to do a good job, they arrest those who deserve it, give tickets to those who earn it and then we/they have to deal w/a corrupt judicial system. It affects us all! mostly the police who rearrest the same people over and over again--the result has to have the most negative effect on those who protect and serve. All the time they are constantly called racists, bigots, they are spit upon, kicked and hit, they are sued and are paid salaries which when broke down by the amount of time spent in court and on patrol and in the office together works out to below minimum wage.

I have only had one bad experience envolving law enforcement (a Mountain Brook police officer--MotorSWATCop should have an appreciation for that given I grew up and went to Shades Valley--he knows what I'm talking about) and eventully it worked out, and I think the officer envolved ended up being a better officer because of it. I think they are entitled to a bad day every once and a while, so, if you aint breaking the law--he aint got no reason to take it out on your ass! If you are breaking the law, suck it up! quit whinning

Why do we even have speed limits anyway? There are fewer deaths on the German Autobahn per year than are on America's Speed limited highways every 10 minutes!! So, it ain't the safety issue....Therefore, unreasonable slow speed limits are for the sole source of income for most all small towns, Cities, and counties in the state...And lets not forget the STATE TOO, they make a bundle off State Troopers writing those pick slips! All that said....One has to ask: why can't they just raised the speed limit according to the average speed of the traffic? I suggest it'd cost em a fortune in lost revenue!!! It doesn't take much reasoning to see why is the speed limit on here in Dallas on the 635 loop, which is an 8 lane highway, is 55 mph, when only 5 miles further down it's 70 mph and there's more accidents resulting from all the cars abruptly slowing down due to the speed limit reduction than if the speed limit was 80 MPH all the way around which is the speed everyone drives anyway.........AGAIN, IT HAS TO BE REVENUE!!! I sure the body shops are thrills too. And oh yea,,,,there’s always the BIG question: What would we do with all those college football players who made all the revenue for their High Schools and colleges who when graduate and can't read or write and aren't good enough to for PRO ball if they couldn't get a job being a cop to chase our kids smoking grass and speeders all around all over the place?

No wonder footballs not played anywhere else except here in the United States...

And something else to remember,,,almost 99% if all those imprisoned were apprehended due to a traffic stop...and with The Bush administration privatizining the prisons we all have been turned into Corporate America's #1 Cash CROP. And they get the police to harvest us FOR FREE for em.

There's more to it than just meets the eye!!!! Point: DON"T GET STOPPED!!

I would submit that, based on personal observation, if one were to base speed limits on average personal ability on US roads, 35 mph on freeways would be too fast. As far as autobahns and the speeds allowed, Kraut law dictates re-firing the ovens at Dachau for DWI, and a license costs folks in the area of 2-3 big ones. And they have instituted some limits in congested and high accident rate sections.

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As far as autobahns and the speeds allowed, Kraut law dictates re-firing the ovens at Dachau for DWI








Thanx, rad...this thread was pissin' me off 'til now. You took the "edge" off for me.

I would submit that, based on personal observation, if one were to base speed limits on average personal ability on US roads, 35 mph on freeways would be too fast. As far as autobahns and the speeds allowed, Kraut law dictates re-firing the ovens at Dachau for DWI, and a license costs folks in the area of 2-3 big ones. And they have instituted some limits in congested and high accident rate sections.

You're probably right, what I find humorous is that 50 years ago when cars were built like pieces of dung and the speed limit was 70, I remember all of us sitting in the back seat, with no seat belt, of my Dad's Olds 98 which cost new around $2,000, going 75 down some 2 lane highway with it shaking all over the place, drifting all over the road on our way to Colorade. And now, cars which average cost $50-75K that top out at 130-150 MPH which are more built like race cars compared to junkers coming out of Detroit back then, and now we're forced to drive 55 with out seat belts on and everyon'es scared to death !

Oh, we're all so lucky to be alive I guess.......I'm sure drinking out of the garden hose back when I was a kid is gonna end up killing me, that is if I don't die in some 55 mhp mishap in my Mercedes first...

Why do we even have speed limits anyway? There are fewer deaths on the German Autobahn per year than are on America's Speed limited highways every 10 minutes!! So, it ain't the safety issue....Therefore, unreasonable slow speed limits are for the sole source of income for most all small towns, Cities, and counties in the state...And lets not forget the STATE TOO, they make a bundle off State Troopers writing those pick slips! All that said....One has to ask: why can't they just raised the speed limit according to the average speed of the traffic? I suggest it'd cost em a fortune in lost revenue!!! It doesn't take much reasoning to see why is the speed limit on here in Dallas on the 635 loop, which is an 8 lane highway, is 55 mph, when only 5 miles further down it's 70 mph and there's more accidents resulting from all the cars abruptly slowing down due to the speed limit reduction than if the speed limit was 80 MPH all the way around which is the speed everyone drives anyway.........AGAIN, IT HAS TO BE REVENUE!!! I sure the body shops are thrills too. And oh yea,,,,there’s always the BIG question: What would we do with all those college football players who made all the revenue for their High Schools and colleges who when graduate and can't read or write and aren't good enough to for PRO ball if they couldn't get a job being a cop to chase our kids smoking grass and speeders all around all over the place?
No wonder footballs not played anywhere else except here in the United States...

And something else to remember,,,almost 99% if all those imprisoned were apprehended due to a traffic stop...and with The Bush administration privatizining the prisons we all have been turned into Corporate America's #1 Cash CROP. And they get the police to harvest us FOR FREE for em.

There's more to it than just meets the eye!!!! Point: DON"T GET STOPPED!!

As far as autobahns and the speeds allowed, Kraut law dictates re-firing the ovens at Dachau for DWI, and a license costs folks in the area of 2-3 big ones. And they have instituted some limits in congested and high accident rate sections.
True but they also don't have things like "sobriety checkpoints" or mandatory "you must be drunk because you blew above an arbitrary number in a tube" law pretty much anywhere in Europe. You have to really be s**t faced and screw up to get pulled over in the first place. They don't just stake out bars and/or assume everybody out driving at 2AM is drunk. Why? Because for them it really is about public safety, not revenue!

True but they also don't have things like "sobriety checkpoints" or mandatory "you must be drunk because you blew above an arbitrary number in a tube" law pretty much anywhere in Europe. You have to really be s**t faced and screw up to get pulled over in the first place. They don't just stake out bars and/or assume everybody out driving at 2AM is drunk. Why? Because for them it really is about public safety, not revenue!
Personally, I think groups like MADD are crybabies in the vein of Greenpeace, PETA, the Sierra Club and the like, i.e., operating on agendas rather than for a public "good".

However, based on alcohol related deaths, 16,694 alcohol-related fatalities in 2004 – 39 percent of the total traffic fatalities for the year (NHTSA numbers), I personally don't have a problem with "sobriety checkpoints". https://www.alcoholalert.com/drunk-driving-statistics.html

The only person who could reasonably be opposed to a sobriety checkpoint at 2am near a bar is someone who is driving with a guilty conscience.

True but they also don't have things like "sobriety checkpoints" or mandatory "you must be drunk because you blew above an arbitrary number in a tube" law pretty much anywhere in Europe. You have to really be s**t faced and screw up to get pulled over in the first place. They don't just stake out bars and/or assume everybody out driving at 2AM is drunk. Why? Because for them it really is about public safety, not revenue!

Exactly - In the US have you ever been stoped by a cop when you are leaving a bar ?? I have, when I was the designated driver - only to find masking tape on one of the headlights of the car the next morning. I wonder how the cop knew I was at the bar ?? Ever had a cop pull you over when you had your cruse set on 75 and he says you were going 88, I have, then he claimes he cleared the memory of the laser offering no proof of 88 but writes the ticket anyway. REVENUE GENERATION - NOTHING MORE !! :angry:

True but they also don't have things like "sobriety checkpoints" or mandatory "you must be drunk because you blew above an arbitrary number in a tube" law pretty much anywhere in Europe. You have to really be s**t faced and screw up to get pulled over in the first place. They don't just stake out bars and/or assume everybody out driving at 2AM is drunk. Why? Because for them it really is about public safety, not revenue!

Exactly - In the US have you ever been stoped by a cop when you are leaving a bar ?? I have, when I was the designated driver - only to find masking tape on one of the headlights of the car the next morning. I wonder how the cop knew I was at the bar ?? Ever had a cop pull you over when you had your cruse set on 75 and he says you were going 88, I have, then he claimes he cleared the memory of the laser offering no proof of 88 but writes the ticket anyway. REVENUE GENERATION - NOTHING MORE !! :angry:

If the Gov needs money that bad, which they do, I just wish they'd raise the ******* taxes, take my money, and leave my ass alone!!!! But the right-wingers would have a coronary knowing everyone was out having so much fun again....As they honestly believe the whole nation needs to be ONE NATION UNDER GOD (MORALLY PURE)!! And they're the only ones who GOD can communicat with GOD (like the voices Bush calms to hear telling him to attack).....so they are the only ones who really know God's will and it's their sole mission in life so shove down the rest of the Nation's throats!!

I had a most interesting conversation last month with a policeman when I hit a police road block suposidly checking for insurance here in Dallas that just about says it all.

Starcruiser: Why are you stopping and harrashing me for, I'm one of the good guys?

Dallas Policeman: Son, everyone's a sinner. And now that everything that's a sin is against the law, it's only a matter of time before we get you......Have a nice day...

This is about all I have to say about this......

A friend of mine had an FJR and moved to another bike just because he got sick of being flamed here for refusing to pretent the heat issue did not exist.
If your friend sold his FJR just because people were mean or didn't agree with him on an Internet forum, then he's a loser who has serious issues.
You're right. He likely would not agree with my characterization of his motives. He sold the bike because he was pissed about getting his nuts roasted on the now obsolete pre-06 FJR. The lack of reality here was just icing on the cake. :p

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