Venting About Group Buys

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Trying to avoid irritating the wife further with FJR stuff I have been avoiding the exhaust system group buy. So pardon me if I am a bit confused (there are some continuity issues with the posts), let me know where I go wrong here: Warchild set up a group buy. Someone found a better price somewhere else, that person is mad because the group buy didn't have the greatest price? Clearly that can't be right.

You know, I sometimes wonder what planet some of you guys come from. I have been nothing but supportive of group buys...always complimentary of the contributions made by those that put these things together. I've always been quick to acknowlege Warchild, or anyone else, for his efforts. You can't point to a single post of mine where that is not the case and I certainly have never " pissed in anybody's Cheerios ". Perhaps you have me confused with someone else.

My attitude hardens considerably, however, when confronted with the mentality that prevails here sometime. There seems to be no tolerance for differences of opinion....contrary to what is said. If you don't see something the same way a few people see it then you are a "whiner ". What a crock of shit that is. I hardly expect any apology from someone like that.

I'll continue to support those that invest their time and effort for the benefit of it arranging group buys or whatever. Always have, always will.
Lemme see if I can have you understand from where some of this discussion stems...

Previously, you stated:

I thought these group buys...and I've been in on several...were supposed to represent the best price we could get on whatever it is we're buying. I've seen better pricing on the LeoVince stuff elsewhere...not sure about the Muzzy stuff.
...and you haven't put up. Why question without the back-up? Further, why piss on the parade even if your claim is true? How much and how often was/were your finding(s) deemed true or apropos to and timing of this GB? Nancy was a much better lay than Lisa, all while charging less on Tuesdays, but the proof of that statement would be if I could, er, if Nancy and Lisa could prove my claim to you on Tuesday. Right? ;)

Livin' large on the Planet Nut,


As a new member, I must say WOW.

It seems there are a few issues in this post:

1) A post was removed

2) The GB may not be the best price

3) Some people are not respectful of other

As a new member to the forum my thoughts might be an out of place, but I going to share a bit.

1) A post was removed

In some ways I see this as bad, and others I see it as good. I would hope it is not the intention of the administrators to prevent members from posting their thoughts and opinions. However, if a members post is attacking of other members and has the potential to have members building “clicks” and disrupt the community I think it should be removed. Maybe, in the case of a removed post the admin should communicate with the member via email to reword the members post to not disrespect other members. The communication should not be to prevent the member’s opinion from being spoken, just not to disrespect another member(s).

Bad comment: Joe, What are you thinking the AE is a mechanically better bike? The AE models are all less then two years old, how do you know for a fact the electric shift feature will not start failing in a year? What facts do you have?

Better comment: Joe, You mentioned in one of your posts your thought the AE is a mechanically better bike. Do you ever worry the electric shift feature will start failing next year?

Both comments put Joe on the hot seat for saying the AE is a mechanically better bike, but one is not disrespectful.

2) The GB may not be the best price

The internet is a big place with prices changing all the time. It is almost impossible for two or three people to know where the best price is every day. The location with the best price today might be undersold tomorrow.

I agree with the post the cost is not the only factor we should consider when looking for vendors for GBs.

Which company has the best service? 100 members might stand their ground Store X has the best customers service, but 101 different other members say Store ABC has the best service. Who is correct?

We all will build loyalty to a company who has taken care of us more then a few times. How many on this forum loyal to Desert Valley PowerSports? I have read posts of members driving hundreds of miles to have simply work performed on their bikes by Desert Valley PowerSports. This loyalty will allow each of us to get fired up when the GBs are not with a company we are loyal to. Sometimes, the loyalty from Store X to one of members might get our member a better price then the person setting up the GB could get.

I would hope anyone participating or not participating in the GB would make a post in the GB thread if they find a better price.

3) Some people are not respectful of other

In larger groups there will always be people who do not like others. The key here is to be nicer to this person then a friend. I can tell anyone of my friends they are being an A**hole and they were wrong on something. But, they are a friend. If I tell somewhere is not a friend they might take it personal and I find myself in a pissing match.

Now, if I make a general statement which seems like I am attacking other members I still might find myself in a pissing match. Earlier today I made a post asking if the forum does GBs on aerostitch suits. A few people posted. But, if I made a post asking something like “wow, it seems odd to me we don’t do GBs on safety gear” I am sure I would piss people off.

How many members would jump to the defense of the admins or other members if I made a comment like that? Many of the members here are loyal to admins and other members. If I make a comment which is attacking or disrespectful to someone MANY members would step to the plate to defend them.

But, what if my “wow, it seems odd to me we don’t do GBs on safety gear” comment was not meant to be negative? What it was I simply being surprised safety gear was not the most important item we could buy? My comment might still be taken negative and I still find myself in a pissing match.


All-in-all I am not sure anyone in this post is intentionally attacking anyone else. It seems members are being loyal to other members and are being defense of other members and friends.

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I'm not picking a side in this. My long winded comment was meant to say that Warchild took the time to put together the best GB that was available to him through his connections. We should be glad that he is willing to do it. It's kind of bad form to shoot holes in his work on the very thread that he started.

I will look forward to future GB's ad if they offer something I need, I will participate. no one will force me one way or the other. It will be a shame if forum members end up at odds over what started out as a good opportunity that was offered with, what I believe were, good intentions.

Hey bem136...
I don't mind you speaking your piece're certainly free to express an opinion in my book. But if you are going to do so, at least do it in a coherent manner while using proper English arranged in proper context. This crowd will eat you alive if you don't get better at that. Welcome to the forum.
You mean speaking your peace don't you?

Far worse than correcting people on their English context is attempting to correct somebody and screwing up yourself in the process. :blink:

I'm done here.

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But, what if my “wow, it seems odd to me we don’t do GBs on safety gear” comment was not meant to be negative? What it was I simply being surprised safety gear was not the most important item we could buy?
BTW, a group buy type of event for safety gear is in the works for WFO. Sign up, show up and find out about it.

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Please tell me that you don't really think it should be " peace" instead of " piece " in my quote. I know you're smarter than that.

I'm done too.

Nobody is pointing a gun to anybody's head here. Not to put on a GB, nor to participate in a group buy. If you don't like the deal, don't participate.

If you find a better deal, how about you contact the administrator(s) of the GB off list (PM) and give them the specifics of a better deal. If you have a criticism of the product, start your own thread, don't bash a GB within a thread. That's just crass.

I put on a GB... well, a self buy, actually. It wasn't a great price, but it was the best I could find. I would have been happy to shut it down and go somewhere else if someone had given me the specifics of where we could do better. Regrettably, there was very little participation. It wasn't that great a deal, for a product that evidently not many members wanted. The vast majority of members just chose not to participate. No skin off my nose. I did the best I could. Fortunately no one bashed me for trying. Not publically anyway.

A couple times I have chosen not to participate in GBs. Some products I didn't like, some I didn't think too highly of the price (more the value). But I didn't jump in and bash the group buy or the middle man. But I can tell you that if I would have found a better deal, and it was something I was interested in, I would have contacted the powers that be off list and discussed it in private.

BTW, this isn't exactly an open forum. It's more like an oligarchy. It is privately owned and subject to the rules set forth, as well as the administrator's interpretation of what they deem acceptible behavior. I have had a few gripes with what goes on around here, but for the most part this is a great place to be.

Sometimes I type out a post, reread it, reread the thread, then delete what I typed. I try to administrate myself a little bit before I lash out and say something inappropriate in public. Usually when I look back, or re-read what's going on, I find that it's easy to read posts the wrong way. Certainly it's tough sometimes to know what's going on in someone's head when they are posting. Occasionally, it's best to just turn the cheek and walk away.

What I do know is that most of us really like this forum and are thankful that it is here. Let's try to not muck it all up.

Now, can we please get back to the fun and beneficial parts of this forum? Please? :friends:

Group buys suck... You get cool stuff and save a few bucks. I hate that... :rolleyes: I asked Hillbillery the other day about this very subject. She/he said group buys are good for the economy... :unsure: Smitty

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i've never had the opportunity to buy into one of the group buys, never seem to have the extra cash when the chance arises. but i do appreciate the fact that some puts their own time and effort to help out a bunch of other people, and get nothing out of it himself.... thanks, dale. keep up the great work....
I agree wholeheartedly.

My only "gripe" :rolleyes: is there is no notice of a probable future buy so I can save my pennies. And I understand (I think) the logic of not pre-announcing a buy because it could fall through. For example of how a little notice helped me, I am going to WFO-6 precisely because I knew early enough to get time off work, and I knew to put a few bucks away.

But in the hope there is another suspension group buy in a year or so I am stashing my change now......... :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the hard work on all the benefits we enjoy admins. :clapping:

Please tell me that you don't really think it should be " peace" instead of " piece " in my quote. I know you're smarter than that.

I'm done too.
For the given context, "peace" is the appropriate word. Pure and simple.

I am done three!


Hey SkooterG

Sorry, but you're wrong buddy. " piece " is absoultely the correct word in the context of which it was written. The word " peace " has a whole different connotation and is entirely inappropriate in my application.

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Hey SkooterG
Sorry, but you're wrong buddy. " piece " is absoultely the correct word in the context of which it was written. The word " peace " has a whole different connotation and is entirely inappropriate in my application.
Nope. You're the one who is wrong. Just admit it and you will feel much better!

But let's not argue about who killed who. After all this is a festive occasion.

Are we going to finally get some PIECE around here?

(I understand that TWN is in charge of that?)

Yes...TWN is in charge. I had to agree to watch a whole year's worth of re-runs of the Andy Griffith show to get him to come in and take over. Worth every second.

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