So tonight I ripped out all of Tim's farkles, just in case the dealer / extended warranter might have an issue. I was actually surprised at the amount of wiring/relays/etc that came off the bike.
I removed the Electrosport RR and put the stock one back on too.
Luckily enough, the bike still has minimal output..
It's amazing how light a Weestrom is with no gas tank, bags, etc. Just a rolling chassis.
Makes a fellow want to permanently remove the front cowling, replace the entire steering neck with a CR250 cartridge fork from 1987 (best ever made by Showa), replace the heavy muffler/exhaust.
Oh gawd, here I go again...
What's the plan- take it in for warranty service or just start to troubleshoot from the baseline build?
Well, today, me and the loverly and Harley-D-Dawg took the long trip south to Ventura,
Cal Coast Motorsports. The service manger there convinced me that since the bike was sold new there, and they wrote the extended service policy, it would be worth my (our) time to bring the bike back to them; they have direct access to the warrantor and would willing 'to work with me'.
Well, I got to say it was a loong drive. I first took the camper off the truck, then 'stole' a chunk of wood for a ramp from my carpenter neighbor. Then asked my other bud, Steve, to help me construct a piece of metal to keep the chunk of wood on the tailgate. I have great neighbors and friends. Truly the best.
The loverly and me got Wabs into the back of the truck (no mean feat by the way). I backed the truck up to a dirt bank to reduce the angle of attack, and somehow we got the deed done. My Loverly rocks, by the way! :yahoo:
Woke up early and started the trek south. Halfway to Atascadero town, I remembered I forgot the extended warranty paperwork. ****. Turned around to fetch it. Total time lost was 40 minutes. Damn it, a stupid mistake, and I hate mistakes, especially my own.
Paperwork in hand, we started the journey over again. Reset the GPS, and actually locked the back house door this time, headed for Mickey D's and coffee for the loverly.
Of course, MickeD's was freakin busy beyond belief, apparently the local Atascadero Wrestling team was preparing for a big match by chowing down some serious MickeyD fat. Some of them boyz were freaking big, and I wondered about their future health.
Two eternities later, we arrived at CalCoast. The service manager, Shaun, seemed nice enough, and recorded all my observations (blowing 10 amp fuel pp fuse, charging max 12.1 volts) then made sure to mention that 'if we put all this stuff back on, we'll have to charge you'... This raised immediate flags so I asked - Why?
He explained that he only charged 1 hour of 'diagnostic' time because I had already removed all the crap (cowling, tank, air box, side panels, etc) that would make it easy for them to get down to bizness. But, then again, if, IF, the extended warranty did not cover the charges, and they had to put all the stuff back on, (rear panels, rear saddle bag mounting stuff, etc) he would have to charge.
So, I signed the 'initial 90 dollar' diagnostic fee paperwork, we removed Wabs from the truck, and all the other ****, too, then we were off to head back home.
Stopped by to see Patti in Carp town, she appears to be doing well, all things considered. Imagine just completely re-evaluating all things in your life, and you may then understand what Patti is going through. Most times, I've learned, the greatest life learning experiences are associated with some degree of pain. I now look forward to those learning experiences, and hope the pain factor is minimal for Patti.
Ok, freaking enough already. The loverly is yawning, Harley-D-Dawg and Bear, the neighbor's black lab, are snoring, and the Apple lap top only has 1.5 hours left of power. Guess I have no excuses, I'm just tired of typing for now..
.. to be continued..
2010 folks..
summer 2010..