Certifiable Old Fart
TheZsdad, you have been added!Not sure how I missed this gathering. Guess the move from NC to AZ had something to do with it.Add me to the list please.
TheZsdad, you have been added!Not sure how I missed this gathering. Guess the move from NC to AZ had something to do with it.Add me to the list please.
Nice work Brian, you have been added to the list! Say, are you rooming with Tyler?UMMmmmm as of now.... I'm in
UMmmmmm aaaaaa interesting!Nice work Brian, you have been added to the list! Say, are you rooming with Tyler?UMMmmmm as of now.... I'm in
Great news for Wheatie enticing him to attend Western FJR Riders Roundup, my Nephew Enrique and juniorfjr Fred are hosting Margarita drinking contests:Does anyone have a photo of Lovely Laura?
I've heard of Old Michael, I may have even met him, but have never heard of Lovely Laura.
Beemerdons, are populating this list with fake people? Old Michael doesn't really seem that old anyways...
Oh for God's sake Wheatie I thought that you were a Mechanical Engineer, I will tie in half; better yet, I probably had better knot it two or three times! JSNS!I thought you said the pool was not deep enough to float yer shlong...yer always bragging on that particular appendage.
Great News John, you have been added to the list!Room Reserved Thurs and Friday nights - Have an extra bed if someone wants to share/split
email johnlangdell at rushmore dot com if interested
Fantastic Phil and Charlene, you have been added to the list!Count us in.Phil & Charlene
Marky-Mark Bokerfork has been added to the Western FJR Riders Roundup Attendance List, this FJR Forum Event has become more popular than the Anus Shaving Exhibition that Bustanut joker and odot put on five years ago! jes' sayin' and nuff said!Don, Don, Don
I suddenly notice Old Michael and the Lovely Laura's names have popped up.
Yet still no mention of Bokerfork.
Doesn't this seem a bit odd to you? Sure, Michael has become taken with a gorgeous and respectable woman of good character, but does this mean that he has forsaken his ol' pal and nemeses?
I prefer to think his AOL account has been hacked. Yeah, that's it
OK Marky-Mark, I have changed your Official Designation to "Old Michael's Best Buddy! Why haven't You and Mick talked Dr. Rich into attending?Yer just too good to me Don. I just don't deserve you. Seriously,,,I don't deserve you.JSNS