WFO Big Dog ride route

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Yes, I just tweaked and resent the previously sent files to Rogue, Toe, and Sportbike... including the corrections I mentioned above.

Ski, that's ok, I had them done because you basically had posted those same directions earlier... the only one I didn't catch was the Old-Ca 88 portion. I'll pass on the Wazoo though... :lol:

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I had them done because you basically had posted those same directions earlier... the only one I didn't catch was the Old-Ca 88 portion.
I'm going senile, I guess. Seriously, though, I was VERY impressed by you nailing the old Hwy 40 route for the Saturday ride. For some reason, that area is poorly mapped even on paper maps of local scale (my ex was a realtor when we lived in the area, so I have seen pretty much the very good to the less worthy maps of the area). But you nailed it sraight off. Except for locals there, those roads aren't known well, so there's almost no traffic on what are very good motorcycling roads.

I'm going senile, I guess.
Don't sweat it... without your instructions, I'd be flying blind anyway... here's what the first leg, and last leg look like...


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I'm going senile, I guess.
Don't sweat it... without your instructions, I'd be flying blind anyway... here's what the first leg, and last leg look like...

Amazing, that map's even got "Paynesville" on it, and you got the route dead right. Mostly, only the long time locals realize that the intersection where we cross 88 onto Fredricksburg Lane is known as Paynesville. No real markings anywhere, not really anything there but a school and rural houses, long ago was comparatively populated, since there was nothing but ranches around here. I don't think the Carson Valley map even lists it. I know it because I ski with a guy who grew up in Markleeville, but even my GF hadn't heard of it.

One other thing we need to keep in mind. The Friday dinner starts at 7:00 pm and most people are going to want to be back in time for that. The way the route stands we have almost 400 miles to go which doesn't leave much time for socializing. Gonna have to save it for after the ride.

Map source has this at 9 hours and 10 minutes. Add about 1 hour for lunch and another hour for breaks and we get back at 7:10 pm if we leave at 8:00 am. Doesn't leave much time for fooling around. Its a shame to because we will be going through some of the most scenic areas of the country. :)

One other thing we need to keep in mind. The Friday dinner starts at 7:00 pm and most people are going to want to be back in time for that. The way the route stands we have almost 400 miles to go which doesn't leave much time for socializing. Gonna have to save it for after the ride.Map source has this at 9 hours and 10 minutes. Add about 1 hour for lunch and another hour for breaks and we get back at 7:10 pm if we leave at 8:00 am. Doesn't leave much time for fooling around. Its a shame to because we will be going through some of the most scenic areas of the country. :)

One other thing we need to keep in mind. The Friday dinner starts at 7:00 pm and most people are going to want to be back in time for that. The way the route stands we have almost 400 miles to go which doesn't leave much time for socializing. Gonna have to save it for after the ride.Map source has this at 9 hours and 10 minutes. Add about 1 hour for lunch and another hour for breaks and we get back at 7:10 pm if we leave at 8:00 am. Doesn't leave much time for fooling around. Its a shame to because we will be going through some of the most scenic areas of the country. :)
Which is why, in my apparently exclusive infinite wisdom, only signed up for Saturday's banquet. I was planning to grab some pizza Friday night, then see what was happening around the hotel later (golf, chat...)
It is a long ride, just the way I like them. :rolleyes:

One other thing we need to keep in mind. The Friday dinner starts at 7:00 pm and most people are going to want to be back in time for that. The way the route stands we have almost 400 miles to go which doesn't leave much time for socializing. Gonna have to save it for after the ride.Map source has this at 9 hours and 10 minutes. Add about 1 hour for lunch and another hour for breaks and we get back at 7:10 pm if we leave at 8:00 am. Doesn't leave much time for fooling around. Its a shame to because we will be going through some of the most scenic areas of the country. :)

Which is exactly why I initially suggested an early starting time and wanted to get through South Lake Tahoe early. Still, you make a point that can't be overlooked. I did something like this last June (leading a Monitor to Ebbetts to Carson Passes loop from Topaz after lunch for some folks that had to be back to the Hilton for a Blackbird meet banquet (I didn't go up to Reno -- jumped off in Gardnerville). We got started too late and spent way too much time socializing with the whole group at lunch in Topaz. (These guys wanted to see and ride this loop, while others ventured over Sonora to stop and come back the same way. So, the ride back over Carson Pass was a bit spirited.) So, what are the assumptions made in the time estimate from the GPS and how do we fix any problems with these time constraints??

I see only a few alternatives: (1) modify route, (2) start earlier, (3) cut down stopping and/or lunch times, or (4) TC's Friday eating arrangements:

(1) Outside of taking Mount Rose, the east shore of Tahoe and Luther Pass out of the ride and heading straight down 395 to Sonora Pass (or to 88 to Markleeville and over Monitor first), little can be changed to make a significant difference and keep the heart of the ride intact. The route tweaks off the Hwy 88 to 395 return route maybe add 5 minutes, and that would probably just be the result of wicking it up to 90+ mph on the straights on 88 and 395 (which can also be done on Jack's Valley Road and old Hwy 395, though I'm NOT advocating doing that). I think refueling in Topaz may save time, even though we're adding about 5 miles to the trip, since the stop itself is likely to be shorter and more efficient.

(2) Leaving earlier is an option, but the presently contemplated 8 am departure time sounds like it'd work without generating too many stragglers that can't get up and have breakfast (or get S.O. to the line) by then.

(3) Minimizing stopping time, especially early in the ride, makes a lot of sense to me. I'm not wild about taking pictures of all the bikes together if it delays departure time, or if it turns a 10 minute restroom and snack break into a half hour (a problem especially for women on this ride is that there are not a lot of convenient places where there are "facilities", and we do need to address that issue still -- so far, we have only the Topaz refueling stop and Sonora area lunch and refueling stops to fit that bill). Pics probably need to be taken around the ride and stops, not necessarily be the reason for stops, delays, etc. I don't like it when a leader takes off without having everyone in the group ready. If I'm leading a group, I want to make sure that all riders have their helmets fastened, gloves on, ear appliances in place and are ready before I pull out (better than having a distracted rider -- BTDT), so please get geared up and ready to go without delay when we announce that we're going to be leaving. Lunch -- no way around the pragmatics you suggest, Steve. A get together of the whole group is going to take longer. A sit down inside an air conditioned restaurant is going to take longer. Each group independently stopping at a burger joint's window is going to be the least time consuming alternative. If any of this makes us late getting back, I'd rather keep it safe and get back a little late than lead 30 bikes up 395 at 100 mph, or feel that I am expected to do that. You're on your own if that's what you want to do, but watch out for the NHP on 395, especially through the Washoe Valley area -- you'll see all the irate residents' signs along the road.

(4) TC's suggestion of Pizza and no Friday banquet would work for me, too, but we'd still have the matter of riders who want to do the ride AND make the banquet.

So . . .

Somebody else can make these decisions. When I first proposed this and the Saturday Hwy 49 route months ago (last fall?), long before it was lost to the hack attack, I was simply sketching out the rides I intended to take if I could get even one other rider interested in coming along. It's not news that I don't like riding in too large groups or parades (I insisted on 8 or fewer riders if I was going to lead a group here), even though I enjoy the camaraderie of other riders and sharing good roads and scenery with others who get it. I'll do my best to help make it work, but that is within these constraints: I AM going to ride this route on Friday, even if it's with one or two other riders leaving earlier than everyone else as forerunners, rabbits or whatever. With all the GPSes programmed with this full route or some variation, a lead rider who knows the route isn't necessary, and even then, there are plenty of folks who have ridden these roads.

What we need more than anything else, now that we are looking at maybe 30+ riders, is someone to act as travel/tour guide and to program restaurant stops, maybe including making reservations. Right now, I have too much on my plate to be able to do that even if I wanted to. So, who is making the decisions and wants to take the tour guide role?

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Don't know about anyone else, but getting up early for an earlier than 8 AM start isn't a problem for me. I have signed up for the Friday dinner, but just cause it starts at 7:00 doesn't mean we have to be the first in line... Even using Bluestreek's numbers, if you head out at 7:00, you get back at 6:10... and dinner is at 7:00. I'm all for a burger joint for lunch, and can live without chit chat stops... I'm going on the ride... to ride and see the scenery... I can talk to folks back at the Hilton during dinner and Thursday night while we kick tires and bench race.

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QUOTE(Bluestreek @ Jul 9 2006, 11:08 PM)One other thing we need to keep in mind. The Friday dinner starts at 7:00 pm and most people are going to want to be back in time for that. The way the route stands we have almost 400 miles to go which doesn't leave much time for socializing. Gonna have to save it for after the ride.

Map source has this at 9 hours and 10 minutes. Add about 1 hour for lunch and another hour for breaks and we get back at 7:10 pm if we leave at 8:00 am. Doesn't leave much time for fooling around. Its a shame to because we will be going through some of the most scenic areas of the country.

We haven't signed up for the banquets yet and will check with the significant other if she wouldn't mind doing Saturday's banquet only and relax Friday when we get back from the ride and spend time in the pool/spa with glass in hand. :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

I'm in Group 1 and would like to do the banquet. I have paid for it! I would be up for a 07:00 departure and fast food lunch if that would get us back in time.

We could put everyone who wants to make the Friday dinner in the same group and that group could split off in Paynesville for example and head straight back from there to give them an arrival time of 6:00 or so.

Also I think there should be a list of cell phone #'s for the leaders and sweeps so if the last group has a problem they could call the other groups and give them a heads up.

We could put everyone who wants to make the Friday dinner in the same group and that group could split off in Paynesville for example and head straight back from there to give them an arrival time of 6:00 or so.
Also I think there should be a list of cell phone #'s for the leaders and sweeps so if the last group has a problem they could call the other groups and give them a heads up.
From what exskibum posted, splitting off and heading straight up in Paynesville would only get you home a few minutes earlier...

I still think an earlier departure and short lunch break should get us back in time.

I for one look forward to attending the WFO all year long. That being said I would like to attend the dinner on Friday.

I think that with a group this large it would not be to hard to get eight riders to leave at 7:00 am. The ones that want to skip the dinner can leave at a later time.

I think that I will look for a fast food place and also a nice little sit down place for lunch. If the schedule allows I will stop at the nicer place, otherwise its fastfood.

Leaving early will give us more flexability and also get us through the Lake Tahoe area before most of the traffic. :)

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We could put everyone who wants to make the Friday dinner in the same group and that group could split off in Paynesville for example and head straight back from there to give them an arrival time of 6:00 or so.
Also I think there should be a list of cell phone #'s for the leaders and sweeps so if the last group has a problem they could call the other groups and give them a heads up.
Splitting off by the time we get to Paynseville on the way back won't help much -- maybe 5 or 10 minutes saved instead of going the Foothill Road route to Carson City.

Most of the area we're going to be in won't have cell service. Most of Sonora Pass and Ebbetts Pass are pretty remote, are closed during the winter, and mostly do not have cell service. You can get a signal in a lot of places in Lake Tahoe, some on Mount Rose, don't know about Luther Pass but imagine it's sketchy, very little past Markleeville but possible at the turnout on the east side of Monitor. Never tried down 395 to Sonora Pass, but imagine it's mostly without signal.

BTW, a friend who retired from the phone company explained something to me relevant to traversing the Sierras for cell phone users who do not have their phone plugged into their bike. Even on Hwy 80, there are lots of places where there is no signal, and the terrain requires that the phone switch from one tower to another pretty regularly anyway. He told me that when you have your cell phone turned on through those areas, it's constantly searching for a tower, which takes juice. Without a hook up to your vehicle battery, the best thing to do is turn it off in such areas.

I still think an earlier departure and short lunch break should get us back in time.
We can re-shuffle the groups so those who are attending the Friday banquet can leave earlier. It also won't bother me if some want to drop out in favor of a shorter day. In fact, I'm kinda surprised that we're up to almost thirty bikes. There must be a few other hard core enthusiasts among us!
As for stops, I'll just be needing fuel once or twice and I'll have some personal snacks on board in case lunch is compromised. I'm in no hurry, and don't want to push for the sake of the clock. There will be plenty of chances for disaster without pushing the envelope. I think some of the far-away travelers will want to take some extra time to smell and photograph the flowers (scenery) along the way.

In actuality, this is basically four group rides on the same route and day. I think all the groups have competent leaders and sweep, so it's not a problem if groups want to leave early. I'll be in staging at 0745 and ready to leave at eight. If nobody's there, no worries. ExSkiBum just suggested the route and it took off from there. None of us want to be responsible for the entertainment and safety of 40 adults.

We can get stuff finalized the 27th over refreshments, if not sooner, here.

I still think an earlier departure and short lunch break should get us back in time.
We can re-shuffle the groups so those who are attending the Friday banquet can leave earlier. It also won't bother me if some want to drop out in favor of a shorter day. In fact, I'm kinda surprised that we're up to almost thirty bikes. There must be a few other hard core enthusiasts among us!
As for stops, I'll just be needing fuel once or twice and I'll have some personal snacks on board in case lunch is compromised. I'm in no hurry, and don't want to push for the sake of the clock. There will be plenty of chances for disaster without pushing the envelope. I think some of the far-away travelers will want to take some extra time to smell and photograph the flowers (scenery) along the way.

In actuality, this is basically four group rides on the same route and day. I think all the groups have competent leaders and sweep, so it's not a problem if groups want to leave early. I'll be in staging at 0745 and ready to leave at eight. If nobody's there, no worries. ExSkiBum just suggested the route and it took off from there. None of us want to be responsible for the entertainment and safety of 40 adults.

We can get stuff finalized the 27th over refreshments, if not sooner, here.
Seems to me that TC has handled it with aplomb. One other suggestion that a group or two might want to entertain:

To shorten this route, one could proceed as the rest of us past Markleeville to the bottom of Monitor Pass, but go straight over Ebbetts Pass (4) to Lake Alpine or Bear Valley (there's gasoline in Bear Valley), then turn around, come back to Monitor, proceed east over Monitor, south on 395 to Sonora Pass, over Sonora Pass to Strawberry or Pinecrest and return over Sonora Pass to take 395 straight north all the way to Reno. Shorter and you get the best parts of both passes twice.

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