WFO Big Dog ride route

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Room for one more for the Big Dog Run?
If so, advise where I sign up?
Done. Currently listed in group #4 on the first page of this thread.
3 more spots in the last two groups. 29 bikes so far!

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Okay...I went back and looked at the original post about the route. exskibum has planned a GREAT ride. Really...some of the best passes and scenery to be had this close to Reno. I'd hate to see anyone miss the opportunity of seeing Tahoe as you wind down Mount Rose into the basin....the ride through stateline could be a once-in-a-lifetime event for some. Etc., etc. etc......

Why don't you consider a solution as simple as rolling the start time back at least 30 minutes. That should give you enough cushion AND get all 4 groups through Stateline earlier. From there, all the routes are "Ride-your-own-ride" pace anyway.

A "semi-formal" lunch with this many bikes and riders is going to be nearly impossible...there just aren't restaurants of the necessary size in the foothills/gold country. Period. Exclamation point!

My opinion: Let each group solve their own lunch issue. If you meet at the same place, wonderful. If you don't, cool...see you in Reno. I believe that some PILLIONS, will need to stretch and relax, so allow for that.

Consider a restroom stop at Tahoe. The "Day Use" area by the lake?

Markleeville is 90 miles...time for a 15 minute break then head for Topaz for gas and stretch break.

Topaz to Dardenelle is around 60 HARD miles up the pass. Even if you stop for a quick photo op at the overlook, stop in Dardanelle for restrooms and hydration. General store and facilities.

55-60 miles to Sonora. Stop for a light lunch, and a time to stretch. A 1/2-1 hour break will help everyon'e attitude. Top off the tanks.

Climbing Hwy 4, stop at Lake Alpine (HYDRATE--drink water) about 65 miles from Sonora, but there will be some traffic, so the time on the pillion will seem longer....the get right back on the bikes and go over Hwy 4 (Ebbetts).

Another stop in Markleevill and your just an hour from Reno......

If you can hold the stops to 15 minutes (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha :D ) you're still back in time for dinner.

Just riding to ride ain't fun. Riding to put on miles an glance at the scenery isn't going to be much fun, either. Enjoying the roads and keeping everyone within their personal comfort zone so everybody has a good time.....

Not to be a killjoy, but sometimes you jist has tuh soot up, far up and ride uh-way. Every stop can't be a 30-45 minute social gathering. Walk around, stretch out and "Let's ride".

YMMV, 'cuz ah isn't gunna be there tuh heer alla thuh comments, en I isn't gunna has tuh lissen tuit thet nite, either.......heh-heh-heh-heh :lol:

Of course, another thought would be to find out from Iggy how late we can show up and still get fed, if we've paid for Friday dinner in advance... If we roll in before 8, is that too late? It's a buffet, and the line might be lengthy anywhoo....

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Just riding to ride ain't fun.
:blink: Whutchyou talk'in 'bout Willis?!! :blink:

I like the earlier start time idea. Wife and I rode the top loop of this ride yesterday. Started at 0630 and finished early so we didn't have that bogged down rode all damn day feeling.

Seems to me that TC has handled it with aplomb.
What's a plomb? I didn't say nothin' about no plomb.

One other suggestion that a group or two might want to entertain:To shorten this route, one could proceed as the rest of us past Markleeville to the bottom of Monitor Pass, but go straight over Ebbetts Pass (4) to Lake Alpine or Bear Valley (there's gasoline in Bear Valley), then turn around, come back to Monitor, proceed east over Monitor, south on 395 to Sonora Pass, over Sonora Pass to Strawberry or Pinecrest and return over Sonora Pass to take 395 straight north all the way to Reno. Shorter and you get the best parts of both passes twice.
Yeah, Skooter could lead that group and be tour guide for the infamous tossoff incident. B)
Okay...I went back and looked at the original post about the route...Why don't you consider a solution as simple as....
Excellent guidelines Mike! :clapping: That gets printed for the tankbag!
Anybody have objections to last group leaves at eight? We could start at seven, or even earlier with more stagger (30 minute intervals).

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One More Suggestion:

for those who want to be sure .....

Form a sub-group. Rather than riding Mount Rose (which will be ridden the other direction on Saturday's ride with exskibum)...

Leave Reno and head South on 395. Ride Monitor Pass West and once at the Hwy 4/89 intersection...turn around and ride it East, then as Rich already suggested (leaving out the bit about riding Hwy 4 up and down), take 395 South to Hwy 108 and ride the route as originally laid out. This will cut 45 min-1 hr. from the morning and will solve any bicycle issues that can crop up in Incline Village, etc. You will miss riding the shoreline of Lake Tahoe, but.....then again, riding Monitor Pass both directions is a hoot...BTDT!

This would also leave ou time for photos at the Monitor Pass overlook, Hwy 108 vista point and if its a small group, pictures ar Mosquito Lake at the top of Hwy 4, just before Ebbetts Pass.

Too many freakin' options and decisions. :dribble:







For you local NorCal riders, please remember a few salient facts:

We are used to the mountain roads...most riders are not and we need to be aware of that point.

We are used to (really) the beautiful scenery..those coming from all over the country need to be able to take in the vistas and the grand mountains we are accustomed to. Allow them the opportunity to breathe in the ambience as much as experience the challenge of the road's curves and switchbacks....much as we were riding in OR (Mt. St. Helens) and WA (Mount Ranier and Mt. Baker) last year.

We prepare for the heat and know what to expect, even on 100+ days...those coming from other sections of the country will need to be reminded to drink "water" or Gator-ade rather than sodas to keep hydrated and keep their electrolytes balanced.

Okay...enough of "bein' the dad". Goodnight all.....

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Lets not get carried away with this "Crack of Dawn" shit, a lot of us are travelling a long way to get to Reno, and supposedly on vacation.

The earlier the better! I've been getting up early for so long (work) that now it's normal. How about a 0600 departure - all problems solved. You are welcome :D

Lets not get carried away with this "Crack of Dawn" shit...
7:30 too early?
The earlier the better! I've been getting up early for so long (work) that now it's normal. How about a 0600 departure - all problems solved. You are welcome :D
And you're more than welcome to depart at 0600. Just don't knock my bike over on your way out of the parking lot.
Don't know about others, but being 2 up (or so it seems right now), my biggest time constraint is getting GF to the starting line on time. It's a real challenge, because she is late for EVERYTHING. So, for a 7:30 starting time, I have to convince her that we're leaving at 6:30. You think I'm kidding?? So, please play along Thursday night in her presence if I'm talking about leaving an hour earlier. I'm REALLY not kidding. She'll bitch about 6:30, but I might be able to get on the road by 7:30 that way.

Also: please DO eat breakfast -- get down to the restaurants, have it squirreled away in your room (I have to do this to increase margin for certain GF delay) or call room service early. Two reasons: (1) even if you bring snacks for the short stops, it's going to be a long ride to the lunch destination around Sonora, and (2) we don't want no hypoglycemics feeling the effects and crashing when we get into twisty roads (starting about 10 to 15 minutes from the hotel).

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Hey Toecutter,could you add me to this ride. Group three would be first choice but anywhere else is fine with me. Thanks, Craig (Machmann)

Ooh, crap! I just remembered that Carla, John and Ojai Roy (all one up) are gonna wanna do this ride... Bob, get the shoe horn back out, please!

Ooh, crap! I just remembered that Carla, John and Ojai Roy (all one up) are gonna wanna do this ride... Bob, get the shoe horn back out, please!
Done. Now there are four full groups of eight bikes and me left over to start group number five!
Holy crap (again)! If this gaggle of 33 is late for supper, ya think they'll hold off fillin' the slop troughs until we git thar?

Poor ol' ToeCutter.. he just keeps getting bumped from group to group. He started in group 1 and now is group 5 riding solo! :) :blink: I heard that group 5 leaves at 0600?

Poor ol' ToeCutter.. he just keeps getting bumped from group to group. He started in group 1 and now is group 5 riding solo! :) :blink: I heard that group 5 leaves at 0600?
The solo group will be the one leaving last and trying to get home first. J/K!Maybe I can lead and sweep at the same time.

Hey Ski/TC; any thoughts to having a group whose membership is based upon those that want to arrive back in time for the banquet dinner? That group could then make there own arrangements to meet the schedule e.g. early departure, shorten distance, lunch stops, etc.

I'd rather ride myself.
