WFO Big Dog ride route

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And, yeah Bob, y'know I don't want to ride with you. :rolleyes:
It's O.K., I understand. Been gettin' that alot lately. :cry: :(
But, as another forum member reminded me last night, riding alone can be rather enjoyable!
Welll, the responsibility factor is all but eiliminated. Don't get too used to it. BTW, I saw Bluestreek today and told him I'd nominated him to lead Group#2. :D

First group:1) exskibum

2) twowheelnut

3) tcfjr

4) Groo

5) Yamahammer

6) 650cent

7) worldbound4now

8) Bike Effects

And the second:

1) The Bluestreeks

2) The UberKuls

3) The Bugrs

4) The FastJoyRiders

5) The Mike-H's

6) Bearly Flying & FJRChik

7) Pegscraper & MsNascar

8) OrangevaleFJR/JoyfulGirl

Third group:

1) Minuteman

2) Galaxy Blue

3) MNFJR05

4) Petey

5) 03silverbullet

6) Rogue

7) Toecutter

8) Bluebullet
So, the goal is to have your group come back home with all riders, or with the most top 5 finishers :huh:


O.K., we now have two dozen bikes signed up in three groups of eight, one of which all bikes are two-up at this point. I was thinking the two-ups could leave first, followed by the second and third groups, leaving staggered as well. Then when the second group catches up to the two-ups, they could find a place to pull over and the third group would be along shorty, theoretically. We could all take a nice group picture, then the groups could settle on a lunch spot to meet and break up again (not sure which lunch place could handle 32 people though).

So, logistics experts- Figure out some start times so we can meet up about an hour or so after the ride starts. IOW, if a pack of riders leaves the station and travels XX mph, how far will they travel before a second pack travelling at YX mph catches up to them? if the two-ups aren't caught in an hour and a half, they can simply stop somewhere and wait.

That said. let's talk guidelines: When I ride in a group, I try not to lose the bike in my mirror, and I don't push the limits to stay visible in the mirror in front of me. It's a ride, not a race. If everybody rides the same, the group travels the comfortable speed of the slowest rider. It may not be the most fun for those with the maddest skilz, but any crashes will really put a damper on an otherwise-good WFO. Eve has told me she has a bad feeling about WFO. Let's make sure she's wrong, K?

New rule: No stopping in the road to look at scenery. Avoiding a rear-ender, fine. Just don't cause one if you're not in danger of hitting something yourself. Clear?

Old rule: No pilot alcohol consumption. I don't personally have a problem with pillions having a slight buzz if they must, as long as they aren't in danger of falling off or dancing on the back seat. IMO, there will be plenty of time to embibe back at the hotel once the bikes are secured in the hangar.

One more: I'm not the one who makes or enforces all the rules. It's a group activity, so let's get some group input here.....

O.K., we now have two dozen bikes signed up in three groups of eight, one of which all bikes are two-up at this point. I was thinking the two-ups could leave first, followed by the second and third groups, leaving staggered as well. Then when the second group catches up to the two-ups, they could find a place to pull over and the third group would be along shorty, theoretically. We could all take a nice group picture, then the groups could settle on a lunch spot to meet and break up again (not sure which lunch place could handle 32 people though).
So, logistics experts- Figure out some start times so we can meet up about an hour or so after the ride starts. IOW, if a pack of riders leaves the station and travels XX mph, how far will they travel before a second pack travelling at YX mph catches up to them? if the two-ups aren't caught in an hour and a half, they can simply stop somewhere and wait.

That said. let's talk guidelines: When I ride in a group, I try not to lose the bike in my mirror, and I don't push the limits to stay visible in the mirror in front of me. It's a ride, not a race. If everybody rides the same, the group travels the comfortable speed of the slowest rider. It may not be the most fun for those with the maddest skilz, but any crashes will really put a damper on an otherwise-good WFO. Eve has told me she has a bad feeling about WFO. Let's make sure she's wrong, K?

New rule: No stopping in the road to look at scenery. Avoiding a rear-ender, fine. Just don't cause one if you're not in danger of hitting something yourself. Clear?

Old rule: No pilot alcohol consumption. I don't personally have a problem with pillions having a slight buzz if they must, as long as they aren't in danger of falling off or dancing on the back seat. IMO, there will be plenty of time to embibe back at the hotel once the bikes are secured in the hangar.

One more: I'm not the one who makes or enforces all the rules. It's a group activity, so let's get some group input here.....

Huh? What? Eff me if I can figger out what you just wrote, but all I know is that I'm sweep for group 1, as posted. Iffin yer too slow, my front tire will try and mate with your rear tire. Iffin I'm too slow, boot my sorry ass into the culvert and assume sweep of group 1... and so on.

Actually, I'm on vacation during this event. Don't for the time and don't ask me to think (not that I ever do, anyway).

By the way, toe, bring some of dat shit witcha. Must be good stuff! :grin:

Any chance for starting a 4th group or adding another solo rider to either group?

If not, I'll lone-wolf it, leave early, take photos of the 3 gaggles going by.. then try to leap-frog to get back in front again for more fotos at other locations. (Assuming you guyz are slow enough for me to leap frog - otherwise I'll have fotos of MY ride :lol: :rolleyes:

I'm good with either option. :) But I'm not as good as JoyfulGirl at foto taking. She's the best. :D

TC -- I'm gonna be two up with my R.N./photographer, but that's probably a good thing. One up on these roads I ride so much and in the lead, I might be tempted to run a bit too hard, and I like the idea of this being an enjoyable ride for everyone.

On the meet up idea, I'd suggest we pick a spot to stop/congregate that is not dependent upon any group catching another. Reason for that is that it's unpredictable when you've got groups of riders with varying abilities and limited familiarity with these roads. I don't like the idea of anyone TRYING to make his entire group catch another one or of catching another group prematurely and having no good place to have that many bikes stop. Problem is that by the one hour time frame, we are probably somewhere around or approaching South Lake Tahoe, and my take on it at that time of year is that we want to be THROUGH S.L.T. as early as possible -- before traffic starts to back up around 10:30 or 11 am.

If we leave earlier, we can decide to stop just past the summit of Mount Rose on the east side of the road for pics. Not as spectacular as some scenery, but still very pretty and we can almost count on having enough room to park that many bikes. There are a couple places on the east shore of Tahoe that would work and provide great picture taking opportunities if we were doing it one group at a time, but 24 bikes would make a mess in the scenic parking areas I have in mind. On Luther Pass (Hwy 89 about 10 miles south of Meyers), there is a place on the right where we could stop. Of course, there's the almost obligatory turnout just over the top of Monitor for pics.

I'd suggest we all be gassed up and ready at the kickstand up time at the Hilton. Then, I'd suggest stopping in Walker for gas before heading over Sonora Pass. Lunch somewhere around Sonora or just before? Any suggestions??

Not wild about having groups swap positions, to tell the truth. I can see meeting for a group pic, and then having the first group leave, second, etc. on the same stagger. Makes it a lot less confusing/complicated, and has everyone stopping for similar time to take pics, etc. before heading out on a stagger again. Keep in mind that at least until we get to Meyers, and maybe beyond, our pace is likely to be dictated by other traffic gawking at scenery while on vacation, and these are 2 lane roads, mostly divided with a double yellow line. Having 8 riders pass slower cars in such situations is the kind of thing that makes Eve's prediction more likely to occur, IMO, so I expect to curb what I might do if I were alone or with just one or two other riders. I'd keep it simple, leave early on a 5 to 10 minute stagger, meet once for a pic on Luther Pass or along the River past Markleeville or at the Monitor overlook, stop for gas in Walker (the stagger should make that work at the 2 or 3 pumps they have there) and try to meet (or not) for lunch between the summit and Sonora.

Please please please do NOT do anything as stupid as stopping in the middle of these roads to take a pic. At least pull off. The object is to get all of us and all of our bikes back to the Hilton in one piece, under our own power for food and refreshments Friday evening, and maybe a quick post-ride swim. Ride the pace and watch out for inattentive drivers -- they'll be worst around Tahoe, but a constant hazard on these often narrow, twisting roads with blind corners. Beware of the possibility of gravel and oncoming drivers in your lane on every corner. Stay hydrated (it's dry and likely to be warm to hot in large segments of this ride) and pay attention. Long rides like this that tax your alertness can become dangerous, so minimize your mistakes by maximizing your alertness and concentration -- it only takes one mistake at an inopportune time to turn a great day into a tragedy. Let's avoid that and show Eve that there is good reason to get back on behind Bob.

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Any chance for starting a 4th group or adding another solo rider to either group?If not, I'll lone-wolf it, leave early, take photos of the 3 gaggles going by.. then try to leap-frog to get back in front again for more fotos at other locations. (Assuming you guyz are slow enough for me to leap frog - otherwise I'll have fotos of MY ride :lol: :rolleyes:

I'm good with either option. :) But I'm not as good as JoyfulGirl at foto taking. She's the best. :D
We can adjust when we get together Thursday evening to set final group assignments and morning meet and departure times. Have your bike gassed up and ready when you park it Thursday night. You may not be the only addition; in fact, I expect several to decide they want to do this at the last minute.

+1 on TC's and ExSki's thoughts here. 8 bikes is a lot to keep together - 24 would be a nightmare! If serendipity brings us all to a scenic stop at the same time, great photo op, but let's not obsess about it! Can't wait to meet you all. If you need a sweep rider for the second group I'd be glad to do that. :D

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It would be really cool though if we could all lunch together. Maybe pick a place and call them with a head's up? Give 'em a 1 hour window?

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So, you're looking at a hamburger stand for lunch? I'm trying to think of any place along Hwy 49 that could handle and extra group of 30+ riders...... :unsure:

Skyway may be able to suggest something in Sonora.

Rods in Angels Camp, perhaps. Just North of the Shell & Chevron stations on the left side, then come back South on 49 and Left on Hwy 4.

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Well it is time to throw my hat into ring and join in on the group ride. Or let their be a fourth group and I will be assigned there with all late commers.

If anyone wants to venture out and be a rebel let me know will ride for free.

So who ever the assignment editor is for this ride let me know which group.

Waiting for the 27th :D

I am going to temporaily change my name to "weekday rider" during this event when ride takes place during the week day than switch back on saturday. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

weekend rider

If you need a sweep rider for the second group I'd be glad to do that. :D
Done. First page updated and a :yahoo: fourth group started! Who wants to take my spot in the third group? I'll ride sweep in the final group, whichever one that ends up being. That way, Exskibum is leading the ride and I'm sweeping, technically.
I think we should start the first group off at 0800 Friday, at the latest. And be gassed (er, fueled) & ready in the staging area no later than 0745

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I think we should start the first group off at 0800 Friday, at the latest. And be gassed (er, fueled) & ready in the staging area no later than 0745
I like that. Taking a suggestion from odot in partial fashion, it'd be a good idea to pack snack foods for stops and of course, WATER.

The more I think about it, the more I think we'd be better off refueling at Topaz Lake, instead of Walker. The Topaz station has 3 or 4 islands with two or three pumps on each and the pumps will take credit cards. This would make for a faster and more hassle free refueling than in Walker, where you have two pumps only and have to go in to pay at the counter of what is otherwise just a small general store. So, I'd suggest that each group stop at the overlook on the eastern side of Monitor Pass not far past the summit (everyone familiar with this route knows where I mean). After the next group arrives, the preceding can depart, leaving at least a 5 or 10 minute interval to facilitate the refueling that will occur 15 minutes or so later in Topaz. Therefore, at the bottom of 89 where it tees into 395, we make a left (north) on 395 to get fuel in Topaz Lake about 2 miles north, before doubling back to head south toward Sonora Pass.

IF we're going to do a picture of all 24 to 40 bikes that may be in this ride, I nominate two places: either just over the summit of Mount Rose by the high meadows there (early in the ride, so we shouldn't have to wait long for everyone) OR at a turnout on 89 south of Meyers (Luther Pass). Further into the ride, but more likely that we will be able to park them all together. Unfortunately, getting all in the viewfinder may require someone going over onto the other side of the roadway to do it. The Monitor overlook is probably the best picture taking spot of the three, but it's late enough into the ride that if the last group is appreciably behind the first, we could be waiting quite a while to get all groups' riders lined up for a pic. Either way, the Monitor overlook stop IS a good place to take pics, remove that mesh jacket's liner that got you up into the mountains in the brisk morning air, and also to munch a snack in preparation for the warmer and longer middle part of the ride.

I'll defer to the expertise of MadMike (wish he was coming along) and/or Skyway to suggest best lunch destination(s) and arrangements.

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I think you guys are going to be hard pressed to find a good group shot and still allow for the first group to exit. Personally, I wouldn't do it on the Monito overlook. Too uneven, too close to that corner and NOBODY else would be able to stop.....look at how we used the space with 10 bikes on the last run. The last thing you want is to have a couple of bikes hanging out in the traffic lanes on that corner...a very scary thought!

Perhaps at the bottom, where we turned around, but the scenery is lousy. You should consider not forcing a group shot, or taking a group shot of the group or separate 4 units in the lower parking lot of the Hilton before the 1st group departs, then rely on various photos taken while enroute. Look at the problem we have getting photos on the NorCal/SoCal get togethers....too many bikes for what we are set up for.

My opinion: Enjoy the memories and shots taken by the various photogs, forget the "Group Shot". Emotionally a wonderful idea but logistically, the 1/2 hr.+ to set it up then add the stagger departure time is going to kill your end time/lunch time. Take some photos during the lunch stop and call it good.

When Ian gets back, he can suggest a Sonora lunch spot. I'd still suggest the "Hot Rod" fifties-style restaurant in Angels Camp......timing would be the issue.....and its kind of an old "Perkos/Dennys/Lyons" style place, but I don't think they have a separate room. The "Gold Country" ain't the big-city, y'know.

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You should consider not forcing a group shot, or taking a group shot of the group or separate 4 units in the lower parking lot of the Hilton before the 1st group departs, then rely on various photos taken while enroute. Look at the problem we have getting photos on the NorCal/SoCal get togethers....too many bikes for what we are set up for.
My opinion: Enjoy the memories and shots taken by the various photogs, forget the "Group Shot". Emotionally a wonderful idea but logistically, the 1/2 hr.+ to set it up then add the stagger departure time is going to kill your end time/lunch time. Take some photos during the lunch stop and call it good.
Thank you for that, Mike -- I agree. We did it with about 25 Blackbirds on a promontory out in the middle of nowhere with not one car around in June, and even that must've taken nearly an hour to get back rolling again -- for everyone to get the bikes situated, get out of the picture and have everyone click off 3 to 10 shots on their own cameras.

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