WFO Big Dog ride route

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Hey Ski/TC; any thoughts to having a group whose membership is based upon those that want to arrive back in time for the banquet dinner? That group could then make there own arrangements to meet the schedule e.g. early departure, shorten distance, lunch stops, etc.
I'd rather ride myself.
Iggy's reply on showing up a bit late for dinner... looks like we probably have at least till 8ish to show up.

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Hey Ski/TC; any thoughts to having a group whose membership is based upon those that want to arrive back in time for the banquet dinner? That group could then make there own arrangements to meet the schedule e.g. early departure, shorten distance, lunch stops, etc.
I'd rather ride myself.
I honestly couldn't care less if people decide to ride the route I've sketched out on their own (as long as they don't end up parking it in the corners in front of me and acting like a HD parade that won't let anyone by). This was NEVER supposed to be an exercise in TC or me becoming ride monitors, tour guides or scheduling facilitators -- we just know the area, and as interest grew, were trying to be of assistance to those who indicated a desire to ride the route we'd decided to ride on Friday. Everyone here is an adult whom we must presume has sufficient riding skills and common sense to ride this route or any of the several good ones WC and crew layed out on the WFO site. This started as me describing a modified ride that joined some of the elements of those rides together -- the ride I planned to take. I enjoy riding with TC -- good rider, great guy -- and initially, he and I were going to ride together. Others read about the route and wanted to come along. It just got bigger and bigger. Another guy I really like riding with (among others) is MadMike -- but he's doing bike guarding duties during the meet.

I've layed out the route I intend to ride in detail. I have also suggested variations that would make it shorter. MadMike has suggested variations, TC has done his best to try to accommodate everyone's wishes. I was up there yesterday -- rode to a meeting with a client and adversary in S.L.T. and then spent a couple hours checking out stops -- mostly appropriately spaced restroom facilities. I also considered the route through SLT again -- wanting to keep part of the scenic lake shore view, but shortening it by a previously discussed shortcut to Meyers on Pioneer Trail (I'm going to suggest staying on Hwy 50 to Al Tahoe Blvd, where you make a left (south) all the way to Pioneer Trail, then right to the signal where you make a left onto 50/89 at Meyers). I intend to check on road construction and other potential delays before the meet and my recommended micro routes might change as a result of the conditions expected on the day of the ride.

In the end, we can do only so much about trying to accommodate what everyone wants to do, and I, for one, do not want to be responsible for everyone's well being or scheduled activities. If someone doesn't think the length of this ride allows him/her/them to easily or reliably fit in all the other things they want to do, they probably should ride a modified route -- I have and can suggest variations. IMO, I could leave at 8:00 am and get back to the Hilton before 7:00 pm. But I wouldn't bet on that if I have to shepherd lengthy rest stops, lunch sit downs or picture taking opportunities. (I would recommend a quick pull out or six for those with cameras at the ready, and will be happy to pull over at a few such vistas to accommodate that. Professional photogs needing time to set up, compose, etc. should probably not count on the time to get the perfect photo.)

Much of the final details need to be worked out Thursday evening -- like final massaging of who is in what groups, departure times and exactly which groups will take what routes.

I'd suggest that if some riders are concerned about getting back in time, the best way to address that is to shorten the ride for them. (Ignacio suggests in the WFO Banquet thread that he'll try to get staff to serve at least until 8 pm. Much later and it's getting dark anyway.) So, if you need to be back before 6 pm to take a dip in teh pool, shower and dress for dinner, I'd suggest that we put together a group or three to do that, and that they ride a MODIFIED version of this whole ride.

Sorry for the disjointed nature of this post -- it's been up on the screen for a while as I keep coming back to it between other tasks.

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A few route programming details:

Coming down off Mount Rose toward Lake Tahoe, there may be some construction in the Incline Village area, and also to shorten the route and time to get to the east shore, I'd make a left on Country Club Drive (still well up the mountain, so look for it) and follow it all the way to the signal at Hwy 28, where you make a left to head down the east shore.

Suggested route through South Lake Tahoe: Stay on Hwy 50 through Stateline (the casino core) past Ski Run Blvd. and past the Lake frontage area in Bijou. Once you get past that lake forntage/view area, get in the left lane as the road turns back inland away from the lake. Make a left at the signalized intersection for Al Tahoe Blvd. Follow that until it tees into Pioneer Trail and make a right. It ends in a signalized tee into what is both Hwy 89 and Hwy 50 (aka Emerald Bay Road) -- make a left to go through Meyers and jsut past the Ag Inspection station, get ready to make a left on 89 south toward Jackson, Markleeville, 88, etc.

Restroom and gas facilities of interest:

Just south of Incline Village on 28 (east shore) is a rest stop/vista point that has restroom facilities. (Whenever I refer to facilities, I mean an indoor toilet but maybe only that, possibly a chemical toilet and possibly without water, so everyone is advised to carry water, a few paper towels, baby wipes or whatever you may need for hygiene purposes, even if that must be behind a rock.) Five miles south of the turnoff onto Luther Pass (89 where it splits off from 50 just past the Ag inspection station in Meyers), on the left side, is Big Meadow Trail head, and there are facilities there -- pull into the relatively large parking area that the marked drive leads to. In Markleeville, there is a public restroom between the deli on the left and the Courthouse. At Topaz Lake gas stop, there is a restroom inside the fast stop market there -- there are 3 islands with a gas pump on both sides, 6 hoses total. Dardanelles on the west side of Sonora summit is probably the next stop -- market and restroom there. Sonora is next probable stop for lunch and gas. Lake Alpine has a restroom in the restaurant/bar/market. Markleeville is next again, then we go through Carson City and we may need to gas up there again.

Potential picture turnouts:

There is a spectacular view of Lake Tahoe from a couple thousand feet above it (lake elevation is 6,225 feet) coming down from the summit of Mount Rose. It'll be on our left, and on the outside of a right hand turn unfortunately, but it's a place hang gliders used to launch from and makes for a great panoramic pic. Groups of 8 bikes PAYING ATTENTION can cut over and stop for a brief photo op, but let's be VERY careful if we do this, because we are dealing with distracted vacationers in cages who may be able to get cell reception in this area. The rest area on the east shore south of Incline (mentioned above under facilities) is another. Over the top of Monitor Pass, shortly after the descent begins, is a turnout on the left - another likely quick stop. On the west side of Sonora summit there are a couple places (space to pull off is limited, and the turnouts do not necessarily yield a great photographer's view), but concern is safety to pull off with that many bikes. Lake Alpine and Mosquito Lake are very pretty spots on Ebbetts. We need to discuss photo ops Thursday eve.

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Thanks Ski, it's obvious you're going out of your way to provide us a wealth of information. I for one greatly appreciate it. :thumbsup:
Me too! Hey Groo, are you keeping up on the route adjustments map-wise? If so, can you shoot me a copy of the latest version. I appreciate what you're doing as well. If not for you, I'd have to learn a whole bunch in the next week or so. Is it really only two weeks away? :eek: :yahoo:
Thanks Ski, it's obvious you're going out of your way to provide us a wealth of information. I for one greatly appreciate it. :thumbsup:
Me too! Hey Groo, are you keeping up on the route adjustments map-wise? If so, can you shoot me a copy of the latest version. I appreciate what you're doing as well. If not for you, I'd have to learn a whole bunch in the next week or so. Is it really only two weeks away? :eek: :yahoo:
Yes Toe, I do appreciate your coordination of the rides too... :)

And I'll be updating the routes and resending to all who got them the first time after I get home tonight. ;) If I can get this speck out of my eye...

Per my previously appointed enforcer duties, I will keep all yer butts on time! 15 minute breaks for pics only. keep these short and then we don't have to swallow our lunches whole. and no dilley-dallying at taco bell. we gotta go. eat, drink, pee and leave. comprende?! let's ride kids!

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A few route programming details:
Coming down off Mount Rose toward Lake Tahoe, there may be some construction in the Incline Village area, and also to shorten the route and time to get to the east shore, I'd make a left on Country Club Drive (still well up the mountain, so look for it) and follow it all the way to the signal at Hwy 28, where you make a left to head down the east shore.
I believe this captures the above....


Suggested route through South Lake Tahoe: Stay on Hwy 50 through Stateline (the casino core) past Ski Run Blvd. and past the Lake frontage area in Bijou. Once you get past that lake forntage/view area, get in the left lane as the road turns back inland away from the lake. Make a left at the signalized intersection for Al Tahoe Blvd. Follow that until it tees into Pioneer Trail and make a right. It ends in a signalized tee into what is both Hwy 89 and Hwy 50 (aka Emerald Bay Road) -- make a left to go through Meyers and jsut past the Ag Inspection station, get ready to make a left on 89 south toward Jackson, Markleeville, 88, etc.
Like this, if I'm not mistaken...


My Friday route map has been updated as shown above... I'm about to mail it to the people who asked for it originally. If you don't get it, let me know. If you want it, let me know. :)

Hey, "mommy"....I'm growing hair in weird places....can you help me out here?

I'm interested in riding with any group that wants to leave/return early.

btw, is this ride planned for Friday or Saturday?

This is being planned as a Friday ride.. but you could ride it either day if you so desired, or even both!

I'm interested in riding with any group that wants to leave/return early.
I'd get in touch (PM would probably work best) with the first group (second post, first page of this thread) and see if somebody is willing to give up a spot. Or just wait until the night before and see what you can arrange around the watering hole. I'll put you in group 5 for now (is two a group?).