WFO Big Dog ride route

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I'd suggest that the LAST group out leave by 9 am. If I'm leading the first group, expect the train to roll out by 8:30. Mostly, I do not want to be riding through South Lake Tahoe after 10 am....
I was thinkin' it'd be kinda cool if the two-up group left ahead of the solos, then when the second group caught up, we'd find a place to pull over and break a bit, plan for a lunch stop, then the solos could head out and not be bothered again. Kinda like a hare-n-hound event. Whaddya think?

Cant wait! :yahoo:

Not sure of my status -- GF may well be riding pillion with me (if she isn't lending her considerable expertise to leading a shopping expedition to every conceivable shopping venue in Reno with the non riding spouses and GFs). She's an excellent pillion rider who has taken the MSF class (but doesn't ride herself), doesn't appreciably slow me down and has done most or all of this route with me more than once before. Obviously, if she wants to go, I'm taking her along. (She'll be back from the gay area Thursday afternoon, and says she'll be shopped out, though I have trouble believing that.) She's leaning heavily toward going on this ride, so I'm not sure what you want to do about the group compositions or departure arrangements, TC.

She's an asset on a ride like this (especially if something stings you :eek: ). She's the Alpine County** public health nurse (RN) in Markleeville, knows almost all the Alpine County Deputy Sheriffs, emergency personnel and the towing service operators (they and their families get most or all of their vaccinations from her), will probably be packing an EMT's first aid kit, and can probably get a top notch ER Doc (the county Public Health Officer) on site faster than almost anyone else. (Going out to dinner with him and his wife this evening, in fact.)

Did I mention the obvious: most one up males leaving wives in Reno with credit cards probably should be insisting that Lynette get on the back of my bike for this ride.

** This ride probably spends more time in Alpine County than any other county. Much of Luther Pass, most of Monitor Pass and all the mountainous part of Ebbetts Pass are in sparsely populated Alpine County.

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exskibum....& why is this a bad thing......for those looking to get rid of girlfriends, wifes, lovers, significant others, etc....sounds like the perfect place to do it..... :eek: .....& the bidding will start at...... :D ......(kidding) :blink: ....

Not sure of my status -- GF may well be riding pillion with me
I guess I'm not up on current events. Either that, or your living arrangements didn't change recently after all. Either way, sounds like good news. The two-up group needs a leader as well (looks alot like I'm gonna be solo :( ), and the third group (a little light right now) could maybe work into the other two, unless more sign up later. Where's Radman? He only know how to run in a straight line?
Not sure of my status -- GF may well be riding pillion with me
I guess I'm not up on current events. Either that, or your living arrangements didn't change recently after all. Either way, sounds like good news. The two-up group needs a leader as well (looks alot like I'm gonna be solo :( ), and the third group (a little light right now) could maybe work into the other two, unless more sign up later. Where's Radman? He only know how to run in a straight line?
Paid rent here through July -- gonna be moving sometime in next two months. Too much shit goes on in life to have time to move -- especially as much as I have. :rolleyes:

MM2....I believe a 3 hr diff from Nevada to Ont?....maybe 2 no problemo....see ya on security duty if not before?.... :D
That's why I covered my bases by saying, "One hour or more...." But yes, you're right, many of the more Easterly owners will be 2 hrs ahead. However, the late night Bull..... , er, uhm, gabfests can take their toll. :D

exskibum is correct when he says you will want to be "well rested" for these roads. None of these passes are a place where you want to lose your concentration or focus. Scratched bikes=bad thing. Scratched people=Mondo-bad thing!

Edited to save space- List is on first page and further down this page

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O.K, up to date. Note that there is room for another in the two-up group and five more in the third.

Is somebody currently in the third group able to lead their pack without getting lost?

1) exskibum

2) twowheelnut

3) tcfjr

4) Groo

5) Yamahammer

6) 650cent

7) worldbound4now

8) Bike Effects
And the second:

1) The Toecutter(s)???

2) The Bluestreeks

3) The Bugrs

4) The FastJoyRiders

5) The Mike-H's

6) Bearly Flying & FJRChik

7) Pegscraper & MsNascar


Third group (solos for now)

1) Minuteman

2) Galaxy Blue

3) MNFJR05






I better join so I won't get lost. But my GPS will tell me where I'm at. ;)

Can you put my wife and I down for that last slot on group 2 please?

Through the miracle of forum hacking I'm back to FNG status.. woohoo!

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Put me down on the solo group, as of now it looks like I'll be there with no rear seat. Not doing the SS1k, may do one (or a BBG) on the ride up.

If s/one can send me the route I can load it into my GPS and lead solo group 2.

Anyone on solo group 2 with a CB willing to ride sweep?

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Is somebody currently in the third group able to lead their pack without getting lost?

1) exskibum

2) twowheelnut

3) tcfjr

4) Groo

5) Yamahammer

6) 650cent

7) worldbound4now

8) Bike Effects

And the second:

1) The Toecutter(s)???

2) The Bluestreeks

3) The Bugrs

4) The FastJoyRiders

5) The Mike-H's

6) Bearly Flying & FJRChik

7) Pegscraper & MsNascar


Third group (solos for now)

1) Minuteman

2) Galaxy Blue

3) MNFJR05






I better join so I won't get lost. But my GPS will tell me where I'm at. ;)

I'll sign up for the third group if thats ok with eveybody!

Put me down on the solo group, as of now it looks like I'll be there with no rear seat. Not doing the SS1k, may do one (or a BBG) on the ride up.If s/one can send me the route I can load it into my GPS and lead solo group 2.

Anyone on solo group 2 with a CB willing to ride sweep?

Zat mean I can put the ole, er, S, er, most luverly better half on a plane, then?

Eve's gonna be posting up about a Friday Spa outing for the non-riding ladies. You guys in the two-up group better share about it with your SO's or I won't be liable for the whoopin' you might get.

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Ok, done. Notice we need leadership for the second group.
And the second:

1) The Bluestreeks

2) The UberKuls

3) The Bugrs

4) The FastJoyRiders

5) The Mike-H's

6) Bearly Flying & FJRChik

7) Pegscraper & MsNascar

So why not ask Bluestreek? We just rode Hwy 4 last weekend and he was in the group @ Topaz when we rode 108 last month......that should be enough to qualify him. And as a genuine certified Iron Butt guy and having survived the Cal-24 w/ Skyway and Turbodave.... :blink:

Ok, done. Notice we need leadership for the second group.
OK, its all been almost decided. madmike2 is now being nominated to lead the 2nd group on this ride. MsNascar nominates you to lead, I second it. Anybody opposed? Because we are not parked in the Silver Pavilion now, but outside and there is no need for a guard dog on Friday. Right!?!

So let's hear it. Madmike2 for the squadron leader. :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

Ok, I'm stuck in quite a quandry.... ride with you crazy biotches or ride solo to pop my cherry on my first IBA ride..... Hmmmmmmmmm.

Decision made. I'll stick with my original plan and ride with all of you. I can always do my first official SS1000 on my own when the heat is a bit lower in NV. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Oh, BTW TC, your PM was lost in the hack attack. Can you reply again? Thanks!

Ok, done. Notice we need leadership for the second group.
So why not ask Bluestreek? We just rode Hwy 4 last weekend and he was in the group @ Topaz when we rode 108 last month......that should be enough to qualify him. And as a genuine certified Iron Butt guy and having survived the Cal-24 w/ Skyway and Turbodave.... :blink:
I'm askin' everybody. Whoever wants to step up and take it is more than welcome. Bluestreek is a fine candidate, especially since he has GPS. However, he does have a serious streak of hooligan in him. :derisive: Well?
OK, its all been almost decided. madmike2 is now being nominated to lead the 2nd group on this ride. MsNascar nominates you to lead, I second it. Anybody opposed? Because we are not parked in the Silver Pavilion now, but outside and there is no need for a guard dog on Friday. Right!?!
So let's hear it. Madmike2 for the squadron leader. :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:
MM2 has a bad case of the "Badge Heavy's" and is bound & determined to keep the bike parking area secured tighter than Area 51. Either that, or he just doesn't want to ride with us.
Oh, BTW TC, your PM was lost in the hack attack. Can you reply again? Thanks!
Lost? You mean like the original message? I'd reply again if I knew what the inquiry was, but since I haven't a clue, you'll have to ask again.
OK, its all been almost decided. madmike2 is now being nominated to lead the 2nd group on this ride. MsNascar nominates you to lead, I second it. Anybody opposed? Because we are not parked in the Silver Pavilion now, but outside and there is no need for a guard dog on Friday. Right!?!
I believe that decision would prolly have to be made by the Real Big Dog, our infamous benevolent dictator. I'm thinking the purposes of the group would be better served by me being around the parking lot.

And, yeah Bob, y'know I don't want to ride with you. :rolleyes:

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