WFO Big Dog ride route

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Something tells me Googling "Camel Toe Song" should get you what you need...
At work. Must resist posting an image.
Hey, anybody else want to ride this ride with us? Tick tock, tick tock....Registration closes July 22nd (when I leave town), unless Exskibum wants to keep it open. No Johnny-come-latelies, per FJRChik's suggestion. We will meet at a secret location that will be disclosed to ride participants sometime prior to the launch window (7/27/06 @ 0900hrs.).

There, temporarily back on topic....

Something tells me Googling "Camel Toe Song" should get you what you need...
At work. Must resist posting an image.
Hey, anybody else want to ride this ride with us? Tick tock, tick tock....Registration closes July 22nd (when I leave town), unless Exskibum wants to keep it open. No Johnny-come-latelies, per FJRChik's suggestion. We will meet at a secret location that will be disclosed to ride participants sometime prior to the launch window (7/27/06 @ 0900hrs.).

There, temporarily back on topic....
Nah -- I'm easier than that, and don't mind making final adjustments on Thursday night. We'll let FJRChik enforce any ban or cut off. But I'm all for her banning any lawsuit happy types who might sue ride leaders or planners for inadequate baby sitting. *They* need to ride in someone else's group, but I'm happy to note that YOU are the one taking their names and impliedly passing on their competence for the ride, TC!!! :D :D

In all seriousness: you MUST ride your own ride, and if you believe that trying to keep up with ANYONE is pushing your limits or putting you at risk, then for God's sake SLOW DOWN and drop back, or tell the sweep rider if you're going to drop out of the group. If necessary, ask for assistance on a map to get back to the hotel and always remember that the primary goal of the ride is to MAKE IT BACK TO THE HOTEL SAFELY for refreshments. This is a long ride, and in the heat of a late July day, concentration can wane, which can be dangerous. I ride these roads regularly, and MAY dial it up a bit in a few sections (like on Monitor Pass) but if I do (or even if I don't), I will usually slow to let others catch up and intend to wait at strategic locations to make sure the whole group is along (one of the reasons to limit group size) and to rely on the sweep rider's assistance in that regard before we continue. Please watch out for gravel in corners, tar snakes and inattentive cagers on vacation -- they can all be dangerous.

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Gotta run faster TWN... maybe get some wheels on that walker... Something tells me Googling "Came Toe Song" should get you what you need...
Google: "Came Toe Song" Received 1 hit:


Background music was Disco Inferno. :D

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Google: "Came Toe Song" Received 1 hit:
{Image of Toe removed...}

Background music was Disco Inferno. :D
Holy crap Nut, I just blew half a can of Diet Coke out my nose... ! :lol:

Googling "Camel Toe Song" does NOT give you a picture of Toecutter in his Jumpsuit... bad Nut.... :rofl:

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In all seriousness: you MUST ride your own ride, and if you believe that trying to keep up with ANYONE is pushing your limits or putting you at risk, then for God's sake SLOW DOWN and drop back, or tell the sweep rider if you're going to drop out of the group. If necessary, ask for assistance on a map to get back to the hotel and always remember that the primary goal of the ride is to MAKE IT BACK TO THE HOTEL SAFELY for refreshments. This is a long ride, and in the heat of a late July day, concentration can wane, which can be dangerous. I ride these roads regularly, and MAY dial it up a bit in a few sections (like on Monitor Pass) but if I do (or even if I don't), I will usually slow to let others catch up and intend to wait at strategic locations to make sure the whole group is along (one of the reasons to limit group size) and to rely on the sweep rider's assistance in that regard before we continue. Please watch out for gravel in corners, tar snakes and inattentive cagers on vacation -- they can all be dangerous.
Well said, sir! If you can use anything from the handout I used last weekend, feel free, but you said about what I issued to the riders in my pre-ride safety meeting......only a bit more concise. Y'know, I handed out maps. If you could find a way to print maps for everyone with the "re-grouping/rest stop" stations marked, that would raise the comfort level for those who held back a bit.

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In all seriousness: you MUST ride your own ride, and if you believe that trying to keep up with ANYONE is pushing your limits or putting you at risk, then for God's sake SLOW DOWN and drop back, or tell the sweep rider if you're going to drop out of the group. If necessary, ask for assistance on a map to get back to the hotel and always remember that the primary goal of the ride is to MAKE IT BACK TO THE HOTEL SAFELY for refreshments. This is a long ride, and in the heat of a late July day, concentration can wane, which can be dangerous. I ride these roads regularly, and MAY dial it up a bit in a few sections (like on Monitor Pass) but if I do (or even if I don't), I will usually slow to let others catch up and intend to wait at strategic locations to make sure the whole group is along (one of the reasons to limit group size) and to rely on the sweep rider's assistance in that regard before we continue. Please watch out for gravel in corners, tar snakes and inattentive cagers on vacation -- they can all be dangerous.
Well said, sir! If you can use anything from the handout I used last weekend, feel free, but you said about what I issued to the riders in my pre-ride safety meeting......only a bit more concise. Y'know, I handed out maps. If you could find a way to print maps for everyone with the "re-grouping/rest stop" stations marked, that would raise the comfort level for those who held back a bit.
Thanks, Mike. I wasn't there when you handed out the handout (I joined you guys from the other side (Gardnerville, not Reno) at Caples Lake). I would like to take a look at it, and intend to photocopy maps. Your suggestion about re-grouping/rest stops is a good one. We should discuss it a bit. I'll send you a pm in the next day or so. (Still working this evening.)

Something tells me Googling "Camel Toe Song" should get you what you need...
At work. Must resist posting an image.
Hey, anybody else want to ride this ride with us? Tick tock, tick tock....Registration closes July 22nd (when I leave town), unless Exskibum wants to keep it open. No Johnny-come-latelies, per FJRChik's suggestion. We will meet at a secret location that will be disclosed to ride participants sometime prior to the launch window (7/27/06 @ 0900hrs.).

There, temporarily back on topic....
ok so y'all are gonna meet thursday mornin 9 am to hash out the details and meet 'n greet? i won't be in town yet, hopin to make it to the hotel by 3 pm. so i'll catch up with y'all then!

Nah -- I'm easier than that, and don't mind making final adjustments on Thursday night. We'll let FJRChik enforce any ban or cut off. But I'm all for her banning any lawsuit happy types who might sue ride leaders or planners for inadequate baby sitting.
:yahoo: i gots a job!! and i don't take any cheap crappy bribes either!! :D

ok so y'all are gonna meet thursday mornin 9 am to hash out the details and meet 'n greet? i won't be in town yet, hopin to make it to the hotel by 3 pm. so i'll catch up with y'all then!
I probably won't be there 'til Thursday afternoon between 4 and 6 (though I'm only coming form 45 minutes south) and had planned to do that in the evening around the bikes with a cocktail or at the bar if that's not possible.

ok so y'all are gonna meet thursday mornin 9 am to hash out the details and meet 'n greet? i won't be in town yet, hopin to make it to the hotel by 3 pm. so i'll catch up with y'all then!
I probably won't be there 'til Thursday afternoon between 4 and 6 (though I'm only coming form 45 minutes south) and had planned to do that in the evening around the bikes with a cocktail or at the bar if that's not possible.
yeah that's prolly where you'll find me hangin. maybe toe meant 9 am on the 28th is when we ride? his launch window statement was a bit confusing. but we all know we ride friday anyways.

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maybe toe meant 9 am on the 28th is when we ride? his launch window statement was a bit confusing. but we all know we ride friday anyways.
Yeah, 9:00 am on the 28th. I got the date screwed up due to the other thread about a BBQ on the 27th. We'll arrive in Reno in time for happy hour on the 27th and finalize the details then. Only a month from tomorrow!!! :yahoo: :clapping:
I'd suggest that the LAST group out leave by 9 am. If I'm leading the first group, expect the train to roll out by 8:30. Mostly, I do not want to be riding through South Lake Tahoe after 10 am (that's potentially the worst traffic bottleneck with the most inattentive cagers -- before we get to the more remote regions the ride traverses), nor do we want to be making up time coming back over Ebbetts or in the LEO zone on 395 north through Washoe Valley.

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I'd suggest that the LAST group out leave by 9 am. If I'm leading the first group, expect the train to roll out by 8:30. Mostly, I do not want to be riding through South Lake Tahoe after 10 am (that's potentially the worst traffic bottleneck with the most inattentive cagers -- before we get to the more remote regions the ride traverses), nor do we want to be making up time coming back over Ebbetts or in the LEO zone on 395 north through Washoe Valley.
So does this mean the other groups must leave earlier or later :unsure: ...just pullin your leg Rich....depending on time maybe you should consider splitting groups 1 & 3 if more people don't join up...just a thought....I'll be banging on your door for breakfast about 6:00am OK? :D (NOT).... :)

I'll be banging on your door for breakfast about 6:00am OK? :D (NOT).... :)
Actually, most of the places have a "Continental Breakfast" that is normally set-up and open @ 0600. More than 1 rider has been surprised when we said, "Kickstands up @ 0700", then left without them. :blink:

Since it sounds like a good part of those joining will be from more Easterly time zones, they are already an hour or more ahead of the Westcoast riders.

I'll be banging on your door for breakfast about 6:00am OK? :D (NOT).... :)
Actually, most of the places have a "Continental Breakfast" that is normally set-up and open @ 0600. More than 1 rider has been surprised when we said, "Kickstands up @ 0700", then left without them. :blink:

Since it sounds like a good part of those joining will be from more Easterly time zones, they are already an hour or more ahead of the Westcoast riders.
MM2....I believe a 3 hr diff from Nevada to Ont?....maybe 2 no problemo....see ya on security duty if not before?.... :D

I'd suggest that the LAST group out leave by 9 am. If I'm leading the first group, expect the train to roll out by 8:30. Mostly, I do not want to be riding through South Lake Tahoe after 10 am....
I was thinkin' it'd be kinda cool if the two-up group left ahead of the solos, then when the second group caught up, we'd find a place to pull over and break a bit, plan for a lunch stop, then the solos could head out and not be bothered again. Kinda like a hare-n-hound event. Whaddya think?
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I'd suggest that the LAST group out leave by 9 am. If I'm leading the first group, expect the train to roll out by 8:30. Mostly, I do not want to be riding through South Lake Tahoe after 10 am....
I was thinkin' it'd be kinda cool if the two-up group left ahead of the solos, then when the second group caught up, we'd find a place to pull over and break a bit, plan for a lunch stop, then the solos could head out and not be bothered again. Kinda like a hare-n-hound event. Whaddya think?
Toe.... :eek:k: :good: ....
