What did you do to your FJR today?

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Took her for a ride, gave her a bath. And then put my first piece of "Bling" on her.



Sounds about right, good job! Out of curiosity what bulbs did you put back in? Tried them out at night yet? Whatcha think?
Just used a pair of cheap "no-name" bulbs. They work OK at night but not spectacular. A lot of people like to complain about the FJR's stock lighting system but I think its pretty good as long as the lights are aimed correctly. One of these days, I'm going to try a set of high-end Osrams or something similar. The higher output bulbs typically have a shorter lifetime at considerably greater expense. On the other hand, I only got a year (28,000 miles) out of the last cheap ones I installed so I can probably look forward to doing this again next season.

I changed out my Leo Vince Carbon to Vance & Hines CSONE






and After.

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Rode the beast to work as usual, stopped and pointed the video camera at the odometer while it read 100,000.

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Tonight I will pack my FJR to get ready for my next adventure, which starts Wednesday.

7-10 days and hopefully at least 3000 miles of "YEE HAAAA!!!"

I know I'm heading into Eastern Kentucky to start. After that, I have no friggin clue.

It's gonna be epic........

It always is.

I didn't really do it TO my FJR, but FOR my FJR and my daughter.

If you use the Sena SMH10 with ear buds, you know they force you to buy a helmet speaker base and then purchase an ear bud base.

Because of this, I have helmet speaker bases laying around...SO...I set my 10 year old's helmet up with a speaker base. This will be easier because a 10 year old dealing with ear buds will be a pain. She already has good ear plugs for shooting, so her ears are protected.

Now she has music and communication with me and she thinks it is super cool. Currently this works because if she is riding, my wife isn't...and visa versa. Now our rides will be even better. Awesome

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Swapped in my Speigler SS clutch line today. It's only been HOW MANY years since the group buy? I did the dual brake lines as soon as I got them. With all the stories about the hassle of swapping the clutch, I kept putting it off. It was a bitch to get the OEM line out.

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I did a few things today but the only thing that got in front of the camera was the installation of the bar-end mirror.

Now what is behind me is perfectly clear.

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I did a few things today but the only thing that got in front of the camera was the installation of the bar-end mirror.Now what is behind me is perfectly clear.
Might be a problem with "double vision"? :)

Tonight I will pack my FJR to get ready for my next adventure, which starts Wednesday.
7-10 days and hopefully at least 3000 miles of "YEE HAAAA!!!"

I know I'm heading into Eastern Kentucky to start. After that, I have no friggin clue.

It's gonna be epic........

It always is.
Looks like we'll be headed across E Kentucky about the same time. We start our route to go leaf peeping in WV Friday and Saturday Wed evening (later today - yeah!). If you head past KY on into the Beckley, Fayetteville, or Summersville area on Friday maybe we'll cross paths. I will be going up to MD on 219 before heading west on 50, then ride around in OH a little on the way back to Western KY. I'll be posting my location on channel 42240 on https://gps.motionx.com/iphone/liveupdates/ if anyone is interested. It's the first trip I'm trying this app out, so we'll see how that goes.

Paul G

Installed my police radio box / smuggler.






For now I put a piece of indoor/outdoor carpet to keep small stuff from falling into the nooks

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Didn't you acquire that from one of our Aussie members?

Looks good...be sure to re-post pics after you've painted it to match.

Could you post a pic or two of the interior?


Didn't you acquire that from one of our Aussie members?

Looks good...be sure to re-post pics after you've painted it to match.

Could you post a pic or two of the interior?


Yes I got it from Australia I picked up 2 and the second one went to Riona, she is working on a fiberglass enclosed box. I put a couple of pictures in my original post.

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Rode it to work...and I'll be riding it back home too
Did that yesterday. Took the car today, heavy fog and chilly. I would've been soaked by the time I got here, and it's not far enough to put on my rainsuit (about 2 miles!) Beautiful out now though and I plan on a little ride after work.

My season is in the twilight and it won't be long before they get put away again. Planning on a fall color ride this Sat. I put a call out to my friends to see who wants to tag along. I'm hoping nobody, that way I can follow my nose, don't have to be home by a certain time and can stop whenever I damn well feel like it!

I put a call out to my friends to see who wants to tag along. I'm hoping nobody, that way I can follow my nose, don't have to be home by a certain time and can stop whenever I damn well feel like it!
I ride alone a lot for those very reasons. Sometimes it's hard breaking away to do it, there's always something else that I should be doing. That's the beauty of playing those Tag o Rama games on ADVriders. It gives you an excuse to get out by yourself for a while.

Was here yesterday afternoon placing this photo tag:


The ride did not suck at all.

Rode it to work...and I'll be riding it back home too
Did that yesterday. Took the car today, heavy fog and chilly. I would've been soaked by the time I got here, and it's not far enough to put on my rainsuit (about 2 miles!) Beautiful out now though and I plan on a little ride after work.

My season is in the twilight and it won't be long before they get put away again. Planning on a fall color ride this Sat. I put a call out to my friends to see who wants to tag along. I'm hoping nobody, that way I can follow my nose, don't have to be home by a certain time and can stop turn around whenever I damn well feel like it!
