What did you do to your FJR today?

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I took her to 150 today on SUNRISE HIGHWAY in San Deigo County.

Rode down to Petco Park to get PADRE/TIGER tickets for tomorrow nights game.
Wasn't going to pay all the $33.00 in surcharges for 2 tickets online.
The online price was $145.00, at the stadium box office it was $108.00.

Gas didn't matter as I wanted to go for a ride anyway

After I got the tickets I headed a little North to the 8 freeway...took the 8 freeway East to Descanso and had the BEST Club sandwich I ever ate at the "Descanso Café".....then rode North on the 79 past Lake Cuyamucca to Sunrise Highway for a quick high speed blast.
Then back to the 79 through JULIAN and a stop at the SANTA YSABEL gas station...then back home 79 to S2 near HEMET and Domenigoni Parkway to home in Menifee.

I'm going to spend the next 3 days working on wearing out my tires around Maupin OR.

Check tyre pressures, fitted the tank bag, checked I'd got my passport ready.

Filling tank tomorrow for early(ish) start on Sunday, 250-odd miles to Plymouth ferry port, got to be there by 2:30. If I've time I'll go through Dartmoore, hopefully avoiding any hounds.

Going to Spain and Portugal for a week :D

Would those be the hounds of the Baskervilles? If so, those pups would be pretty old by now.

Have a great trip! I envy you.
Older = more experienced.

At least, that's what I try and kid myself about my riding abilities.

Put the plastic pieces back on, cleaned everything up pretty good, then went for several rides around town. It was sunny and mid-70s, perfect riding weather!

I'm going to spend the next 3 days working on wearing out my tires around Maupin OR.
Lots of great twisty roads around there. Where are you going to be Sunday. Maybe meet for lunch
Ray we will be heading back to Seattle. Lunch will have to wait I have a date with Boy George and Adam Ant....... sorry.
I have to cut my trip short, I need to take the most direct roads home, OR roads chewed up my tires and I don't want to push it on the way home.

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I took her to 150 today on SUNRISE HIGHWAY in San Deigo County....
Lucky you didn't have to pay for some unwanted tickets.
Tickets? My Ass would have probably been in jail and the bike impounded!

It's in the middle of nowhere.....I pick and choose my high speed runs closely, and don't do them very often.

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I had a busy day:

  • Changed oil and filter
  • Changed final drive oil
  • Washed the dust off
  • Removed old windscreen and installed a new one which was donated by Radiunmadman on this forum.
  • Removed AmpliRider hub and a bunch of wiring that it required
  • Installed Senna SR10 bluetooth hub
I just need to install the Senna headset in my helmet and spoon on some new tires and I'll be ready for some riding.
