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Fred W posted: Need details. Which one, how small does it get, etc. Son needs a compressor for his '05. Coming home for his 100k mile service (finally) this weekend.
Make sure the thing doesn't get too hot to handle with the cover removed. Lesson learned the hard way.

That's OK, Russ, you can come up and clean mine if you want something to do. I wash mine regularly. ;)

(not as regularly as CanadianFJR, but every once in a while)

rode it to work, again...after adding some air to the rear tire

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Hahahahaha - Big Ogre... The only thing missing on that scooter is the rest of his family. Seriously - when I was in Taiwan I would regularly see them 4 up.

OK - Got the motor out tonight after work. It's on the work surface. I've got a real-life exploded view of one motor and about to be two...


Fred W posted: Need details. Which one, how small does it get, etc. Son needs a compressor for his '05. Coming home for his 100k mile service (finally) this weekend.
Make sure the thing doesn't get too hot to handle with the cover removed. Lesson learned the hard way.
Ditto, burned the carp outta myself and left it on the side of the road rather than sit around even longer in the hot sun. That's why I switched over to the Slime pump. Fits under seat without removing the case.

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FWIW - we ended up going with the small slime pump. It seems to fit in the tool tray nicely and we just put his tools in the back where the U-lock strap can hold them.

As an aside, does anyone actually use that U-lock fitting for a U-lock?

Rode to work, it was great until the last mile or so when the ride direction turned to going east with the big bright glow being just fully above the tree/horizon line. Even the shade built into my C3 wasn't enough, but it sure did help.

Rode to work, it was great until the last mile or so when the ride direction turned to going east with the big bright glow being just fully above the tree/horizon line. Even the shade built into my C3 wasn't enough, but it sure did help.
So far, the only thing I've used electrical tape for when on the road is to put a stripe or two across the top of my visor to act like sun shade in an auto. Peel off individually as not needed. That's also a great reason to have a barn door windshield an a modular helmet- flip the chin bar up to where it needs to be to block the sun.

Maintenance day for the 2008 FJR. Replaced front and rear tires. Pulled the drive shaft and re-lubed the splines. Wasn't much lube left after 90K miles. All set now for another 90K. Also swapped out the rear pumpkin vent cap. Link posted to thread with pic's.


Tomorrow I am going to get a sticker. Fingers crossed. Oh yeh, I forgot. I cleaned and shined the old pig up too.


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Decided to change the rear drive fluid - came out looking pretty much the same as what I was putting in after 15,000 miles or so. There was, however a small black smear on the paper towel after wiping the magnetic drain plug (as always).

Bled clutch - fluid coming out was slightly darkened compared to new (after two years). Some fine black particulate in the reservoir.
Bled front and rear brakes. Slight fluid discoloration after two years.

Dismantled shifter mechanism since it had not been serviced in three years and 50,000 miles - still moved freely and some (unhardened) grease remained.
Same with rear brake pivot. Took it all apart and had to wipe off some good remaining grease to re-lube it.

Lubed front brake lever and clutch lever. The grease in the pivots was slightly dried out and hardened.
Also cleaned and lubed the brass bushing on the clutch lever - that was in need of refreshing. Still on the original bushing without much visible wear.

The shifter rubber was looking pretty worn so I finally got around to replacing it. (more cone-shaped than cylindrical)

Changed the air filter - the last two years, I made do with blowing it out with an air hose. It was pretty much in need of replacement.

Overall, I spent a bunch of time doing stuff that could probably have waited. Nice to see that I could get away with more neglect (but wouldn't).

The remaining list includes a WAY overdue valve check. Last one was almost 50,000 miles ago and I set all the intakes to ~75% (on the wide side) of the range so I am not anticipating any major problems. The exhaust valves have never been touched and were pretty in the middle last check. I suspect that this will be the LAST valve check for this engine; especially if there haven't been major changes since last time (169,000 miles on the bike and have only needed to make changes in valve shims one time). Spark plugs and coolant change will be done at the same time.

The one service item that I have never tackled is going to have to be done! The suspension relay arm has had the rear two bearings cleaned and lubed a few times but I have never managed to get the front one done. Although it seems to move OK, I really have to check it out. I bought a low-mileage relay arm on eBay for half the price of replacement bearings, seals and collars so I'm going to feed it some fresh grease and just do a replacement. Maybe I'll find an experienced owner somewhere in the Northeast who can give me a hand with it???

Figure I'll do the swing arm at the same time. It has never been serviced but I don't think there are any issues.

Still have a long list of other stuff, some of which is clearly optional or can at least be deferred until winter. Unfortunately, If I don't schedule some time for it, I will never get it done!

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Over the weekend I made a ride-in to Laam for a custom seat.

The weather was HOT 100F+ !!!

I enjoyed meeting Seth. A master at his craft and a nice guy to boot.

200 miles to Redding from San Jose

I took the "long way home" via highway 36


A mere 500 mile return home.

I LIKE the seat!

I bought a low-mileage relay arm on eBay for half the price of replacement bearings, seals and collars so I'm going to feed it some fresh grease and just do a replacement. Maybe I'll find an experienced owner somewhere in the Northeast who can give me a hand with it???Figure I'll do the swing arm at the same time. It has never been serviced but I don't think there are any issues.

Still have a long list of other stuff, some of which is clearly optional or can at least be deferred until winter.
If you want to ride through southern NH some time I can help with the relay arm. I have a wheel chock and pipe stand to lift the bike and a sawzall to cut the right side centerstand bolt that needs to be replaced in the reverse direction. I'll be away until middle of July but any time between then and NERDS should be doable.

FWIW - I wouldn't bother with the swingarm pivot. Unlike the relay arm pivots, it is well protected from the weather and doesn't need regular attention, IMO.

I added some carbon vinal decals to the tank on the 2015 to eliminate scratching with the magnetic tank bag. Don't care if the vinal gets scratched. I can always peal it off and put a new one on.



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