Took the wheel with the car tire on it off and put the wheel with the bike tire on it on. Then it took a few miles to relearn just how twitchy this bike can be with a bike tire on it after 6000 miles of car tire.
It was wet -- really wet -- and I saw zero IBR riders. No big deal; got in some well-needed miles, and traffic was zilch.Uncle Hud posted: Today: Left the Yamaha jacket at home, put on the 'Stich and rode to work in the pouring rain so I could give a morale boost to IBR riders traveling through Atlanta.
WTF? It sounds like a fluid issue. Like maybe your clutch master cylinder.Put in first and it died, died, died! No clutch anymore. 2015 FJR
Always start in 2nd gear.WTF? It sends like a fluid issue. Like your clutch master cylinder.Put in first and it died, died, died! No clutch anymore. 2015 FJR
I mounted a set last week. Just rolled in from a few thousands miles of riding in the Sierras. Pretty awesome tires. However they developed a pretty severed 45 mph head shake about 6 days in.Spooned on some T30 EVO GT tires for upcoming 1000 mile ride later this week. Also mounted two of the same on my brother's FJR. Mounting four T30s in one afternoon is a workout!
I've been hoping you would finally get off your arse and just do it! I've never done the swing arm on my '07 either.So, how did the swingarm look when you got it apart. Thinking about doing my 2007 one of these days...