What did you do to your FJR today?

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I put on a new pair of Grip Puppies.

I have Grip Puppies on my holiday list every year (and my wife always comes through...) but like to wait until most of the SoCal rainy season is over before I put them on. Today was that day.
They only last a year?
This last pair lasted a year, but I did a lot of riding in the rain last year for some reason, and that seems to make them wear out faster. Over the years I've gotten two years out of a pair, but never three.

Well, picked up my first FJR on Friday night. Commuted yesterday, and then today I had to adjust the brake and clutch lever angles, ordered a set of luggage (yes, it didn't come with side luggage, but that's probably why I got it for 4000 with only 25k miles on it). I also ordered some 1" handlebar risers, would like to sit back a little bit, my arms are a bit too short.

Well, picked up my first FJR on Friday night. Commuted yesterday, and then today I had to adjust the brake and clutch lever angles, ordered a set of luggage (yes, it didn't come with side luggage, but that's probably why I got it for 4000 with only 25k miles on it). I also ordered some 1" handlebar risers, would like to sit back a little bit, my arms are a bit too short.
Congrats on the new purchase, what year FJR did you get??

I got a Sena SMH10 Bluetooth headset and the SM10 Bluetooth Stereo transmitter over the holidays, and have been using them since early January. However, until today I hadn't finalized the wiring for my radar detector.

Before the Sena, I had a home-built audio mixer under the seat, which let me safely connect both my GPS and my V1 audio to a single wired headphone output, and that worked well for many years. The V1 itself sits on a Garauld Reservoir Bracket on the brake reservoir, with the V1 Remote Audio Adapter sits underneath the rider seat, with the direct power adapter behind panel C. The audio mixer also sat underneath the rider seat, with a short MM audio cable connected to the V1 remote audio adapter, and a longer MM cable running up to the Zumo mounting bracket. A short MF audio pigtail cable ran from the mixer up between the seat and the gas tank, and I plugged my earphone cable into the pigtail.

With the Sena, I have the SM10 mounted on the left handlebar just under the Zumo bracket, and a short MM cable connecting the Zumo audio output jack to the SM10. I was hoping to repurpose the cable that used to run from the Zumo to the audio mixer, so that it connected the V1 remote audio adapter to the SM10, but the SM10 requires very specific plugs to fit into the input jacks, so the old cable wouldn't work. The SM10 comes with a bunch of compatible MM coiled cords of various lengths, so I ran one of them from the V1 remote audio adapter under the seat, under the fuel tank on the right side, and then up to the Zumo bracket.

In the final setup, there's a short MM cable connecting the Zumo bracket's audio-out jack to the main audio jack on the SM10, with the longer MM cable from the V1 audio adaptor connecting to the SM10 Aux input jack. I have the Zumo set for phone-only bluetooth, so the GPS prompts and XM audio goes to the SM10. My Android phone pairs with the Zumo, and the SM10 and the Zumo are paired to the SMH10. I have the SMH10 with the earphone jack, and use my custom-molded earphones. The combination gives great sound quality and reduces wind noise greatly.

Sounds complicated, but it works great, and it's really nice to not be tethered to the bike at gas stops.

tl;dr - Final setup of a Zumo/V1/Sena audio layout.

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Well I rode her to work yesterday 19 chilly degrees on the way in.
Since we had snow today I bailed on that Idea of going to work on the bike. Last night the black widow went into the garage for some new air in the tires and a good cleaning and some spray wax.

I miss Odie. No more turnstyle story's. Must be on a second honeymoon with the misses.


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She LIVES!!!! For the first time in three months I rode my 'Hula Girl' - my 130k mile 04 FJR. Woo-hoo!

She has had a LOT of work done that took entirely TOO long. So I have had to ride my POS Gen II FJR. Yuck!

Sure felt good to get back on the ol girl again.

Let's see... what did I do? Where do I start?

- Wilbers shock serviced by Traxxion Dynamics and new stiffer spring installed.

- Forks with Traxxion Ak-20s serviced by Traxxion

- Suspension linkages serviced. Rusty bearings and pieces replaced with new. Bought extra relay arm off ebay to install.

- Serviced swingarm bearings

- Lubed shift lever pivot

- Replaced rear brake pads

- Valve check and re-shim performed

- Air filter replaced

- TBS completed

- lubed clutch/brake levers

- Flushed/bled brake and clutch systems.

- Final Drive splines cleaned/lubed

- U-joint cleaned/lubed

Forgot how much I love this FJR. A little rougher around the edges compared to the refined POS Gen II but a bit more fun too. Quicker handling, better ergonomics, better windscreen placement, and a bit more 'experience' while riding. But ohhh, I forgot how much heat she puts out compared to the POS Gen II, and for crying out loud! I forgot ALL about that first gear *clunk*. Thought I was going to lose a filling!

Oh yeah - it was up to 90 degrees today which is why I was really feeling that Gen I heat! I mean, I broke a friggin sweat!

Yesterday and into the early part of this morning, I did an SS1K for the first day of spring -- my 8th SS1K on the first day of a new season. Bike ran great, and I finished in 17 hours, including an hour-and-a-half dinner stop for barbecue with my youngest son at the 675 mile mark.

This was my first long day with a Sena SMH10 bluetooth audio system, and I made it to within 20 miles of home before the charge wore out and it turned itself off. I had audio from my Zumo (XM, an audio book, and nav prompts) running the whole time, plus the normal amount of alerts from the V1, so I was pleasantly surprised that it lasted as long as it did.

Good endorsement for the SMH-10. What did you use to bluetooth the V1?
The V1 and the stereo audio jack on the Zumo mounting bracket are wired to a Sena SM10 bluetooth stereo transmitter, which is paired with the SMH10. My Droid Razr Maxx HD phone is paired to the Zumo, and the Zumo is then paired to the SMH10. The Zumo runs with phone-only bluetooth -- on the 550, you can only get XM, MP3, or audio books in stereo thru the jack.

The setup is a little complicated, but it's the only way to get stereo from the Zumo, alerts from the V1, plus phone capabilities. (Although after the initial testing period, I've never had occasion to use the phone while riding.)

I have USB power outlets in my Pelican 1520 case mounted to the rear rack; on my next long ride, I'm gonna plug in the SMH10 and SM10 when I stop for longer breaks. I also carry portable USB battery packs for my phone and tablet, so in theory I could put a battery pack in my inside jacket pocket and run a power cable up to the SMH10; I could jury-rig something to power the SM10 while underway.

The specs list the SMH10 with a 12-hour talk time, and the SM10 with an 8-hour talk time, so I'm really happy with 17 hours of use.

Yesterday and into the early part of this morning, I did an SS1K for the first day of spring -- my 8th SS1K on the first day of a new season. Bike ran great, and I finished in 17 hours, including an hour-and-a-half dinner stop for barbecue with my youngest son at the 675 mile mark.
This was my first long day with a Sena SMH10 bluetooth audio system, and I made it to within 20 miles of home before the charge wore out and it turned itself off. I had audio from my Zumo (XM, an audio book, and nav prompts) running the whole time, plus the normal amount of alerts from the V1, so I was pleasantly surprised that it lasted as long as it did.
Excellent ride and Sena report.

I didn't see a RR over on the IBA thread - where did you ride?

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She LIVES!!!! For the first time in three months I rode my 'Hula Girl' - my 130k mile 04 FJR. Woo-hoo!
She has had a LOT of work done that took entirely TOO long. So I have had to ride my POS Gen II FJR. Yuck!

Sure felt good to get back on the ol girl again.

Let's see... what did I do? Where do I start?

- Wilbers shock serviced by Traxxion Dynamics and new stiffer spring installed.

- Forks with Traxxion Ak-20s serviced by Traxxion

- Suspension linkages serviced. Rusty bearings and pieces replaced with new. Bought extra relay arm off ebay to install.

- Serviced swingarm bearings

- Lubed shift lever pivot

- Replaced rear brake pads

- Valve check and re-shim performed

- Air filter replaced

- TBS completed

- lubed clutch/brake levers

- Flushed/bled brake and clutch systems.

- Final Drive splines cleaned/lubed

- U-joint cleaned/lubed

Forgot how much I love this FJR. A little rougher around the edges compared to the refined POS Gen II but a bit more fun too. Quicker handling, better ergonomics, better windscreen placement, and a bit more 'experience' while riding. But ohhh, I forgot how much heat she puts out compared to the POS Gen II, and for crying out loud! I forgot ALL about that first gear *clunk*. Thought I was going to lose a filling!
So Skooters got his game face again!

Sounds like you are ready for some serious riding.

Who could possibly put 200k up on 2 different fJRs? ... besides YOU ...

Yesterday and into the early part of this morning, I did an SS1K for the first day of spring -- my 8th SS1K on the first day of a new season. Bike ran great, and I finished in 17 hours, including an hour-and-a-half dinner stop for barbecue with my youngest son at the 675 mile mark.
This was my first long day with a Sena SMH10 bluetooth audio system, and I made it to within 20 miles of home before the charge wore out and it turned itself off. I had audio from my Zumo (XM, an audio book, and nav prompts) running the whole time, plus the normal amount of alerts from the V1, so I was pleasantly surprised that it lasted as long as it did.
Excellent ride and Sena report.

I didn't see a RR over on the IBA thread - where did you ride?
Short answer: I rode from Pasadena to Willows on I-5, then down to San Jose and Paso Robles on US-101, then back to Pasadena.

Long answer: First, some background: [a] my youngest son, 24 years old, moved up to the Bay Area last June for a job transfer, and when he left I told him I would see him at least once each calendar month for the first year; [He rides a Triumph Speed Triple, and I miss him a lot!] back in 2010, my buddy Doug (doug5551 on the Forum) and I did an IBA Four Seasons by riding SaddleSores on the first day of four consecutive seasons. (Actually, we did five straight, for reasons that aren't important.) After skipping a few, I started back up with SaddleSores on the first day of Fall 2012 and Winter 2012, and it's been a fun little tradition. This ride was my 8th first-day-of-season SaddleSore, and my 11th IBA cert ride. (My goal is MileEater Gold by the end of 2014...)


So, I combined the First-day-of-Spring SaddleSore with the March visit to my son. Starting receipt was at 7:15am, and I rode up I-210 and I-5 to SR-198 at Harris Ranch for a gas stop. (I do not have an aux fuel tank, so 220-240 is my range unless I really keep the speeds down.) I continued up I-5 to Elk Grove, between Stockton and Sacramento, for a quick splash of gas, and continued north on I-5 to Willows for a turn-around receipt. I hit about 20 miles of light rain going through Sacramento, but it wasn't long enough or heavy enough to need to cover the V1 or put on my rain gear.


From there, I backtracked down I-5 for 45 miles or so to I-505, then west on I-80 to Vacaville, and south on I-680 to San Jose. I met my son at 5:30pm at the Smoking Pig barbecue joint on 4th Street downtown, where we caught up on life.


Quick note: the Smoking Pig has an appetizer called a Wolf Turd. It's a big jalapeno, stuffed with spicy sausage, wrapped in bacon, then smoked for two hours. Highly recommended, if you like some kick in your turds.

Just before 7:00pm I topped off the tank nearby, and headed south on US-101 to Paso Robles, where I fueled up to get a corner receipt. (The shortest route from San Jose back to the Pasadena area is SR-152 from Gilroy to I-5 at Santa Nella, but I needed more miles to make the 1000.)


From Paso I rode east on SR-46 to I-5, then I-210, and home. Finishing receipt was at 12:35am, with 1018.9 miles on the GPS, and 1034 on the odometer.


As I mentioned, the bike ran great, as always, and this was my first long ride on a new set of PR3's (Thanks, Hal!), which performed fantastically. Traffic was light all day, except for some small delays on I-680. The run from Paso to I-5 was very quick, with no alerts on the V1, which isn't usual.


A nice long ride, in good weather and reasonable temperatures, with some quality time with my youngest.


All in all, a very good day.

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Yawn.. Interesting I guess. But.

Has Odot quit smoking? Has he lost his job?? Is he just to drunk to post?

It's been over a week now,, I hope the kid is ok.
