What did you do to your FJR today?

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While getting a root canal done I left the key in the ON position & killed the battery on my AE
. Thankfully I had all my tools handy, removed the battery. Walked the 1/4 mile to local auto store, had em charge it while i went to breakfast with the wife. Made for an interesting morning, but a nice one.

Rode to the Red Cross for my bi-weekly platelet donation at 0500.

At the refreshment table afterward, the volunteer said "that must be your motorcycle out there?"

When I replied in the affirmative he said "I wouldn't have figured you for a crotch-rocket rider."

I guess he expected riders in their 60s to be on V-twins?

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Rode to the Red Cross for my bi-weekly platelet donation at 0500.At the refreshment table afterward, the volunteer said "that must be your motorcycle out there?"

When I replied in the affirmative he said "I wouldn't have figured you for a crotch-rocket rider."

I guess he expected riders in their 60s to be on V-twins?
and he obviously doesn't know what a "crotch rocket" is.

Rode about 240 miles today with a few friends in 70 to 80 degree Sunny weather in San Diego County.

Took Sage Rd. in Hemet to the 79 to 76 to Mesa Grande Rd behind "The Hideout". Saw anoother 2008 Black FJR parked at The Hideout.

Took Mesa Grande back to the 79 and through Santa Ysabel through JULIAN and down the backside Banner Grade to S2.

Took S2 all the way to Ocotillo, stopped for a bite at a market in Ocotillo.

Haven't taken S2 all the way for years, usually take "Sunrise Highway" through Mnt. Laguna and loop back on the 79 past Lake Cuyamucca.

After the bite to eat in Ocotillo took Highway 8 all the way back to San Diego forgot how far that is, about 75 miles or so.

Took the 8 to the 15 North and home from there.

Great ride today in great weather!!

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Orignally this thread was very ON topic and encouraged on-topic contributions. With 3 pages and growing and many of it now consisting of "changed oil" content, this is now being moved. At a minimum it now earns the NE.

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Rode it. 39F, figured I'd waited long enough:) Only 26 miles, but better than just sitting there.

Besides, the bike hadn't come off centerstand since I mounted the new tires. It was bothering me. Now, I have these new tires with 1.5" chicken strips either side<g>.

I spooned on a fresh set of PR2s. All I need to do now is change the oil and I'll be ready for my first long ride of the season. If only the snow would melt so I could get out and scuff those tires in.

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Retrieved it from the local dealer on Saturday. It was in for a valve adjustment at 37k miles.

Sunday road it about 250 miles. Ride report is in work.

Retrieved it from the local dealer on Saturday. It was in for a valve adjustment at 37k miles.
Sunday road it about 250 miles. Ride report is in work.
I guess I'm lucky... almost 72k miles and no need for a valve adjustment yet...and yes they have been checked.

Have you done the 3rd one already? That was the one that bit me. First two all were in spec, 3rd one all 8 intakes were just out on the low side.

Retrieved it from the local dealer on Saturday. It was in for a valve adjustment at 37k miles.
Sunday road it about 250 miles. Ride report is in work.
I guess I'm lucky... almost 72k miles and no need for a valve adjustment yet...and yes they have been checked.

Have you done the 3rd one already? That was the one that bit me. First two all were in spec, 3rd one all 8 intakes were just out on the low side.
Fred, they were check last spring. I'm just going by what my trusted mechanic said...that all were to spec. I've had no reason to not believe him yet.
