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Ya know, I've just about done with all this bitchin' over the 82mph cruise control limit...

So, there are 3 or 4 roads out of 4,000,000 miles of highways in the U.S. that allow 80+ mph travel, and you nancy-waists continue to carp and moan about the cruise limit. Whadda bunch of vejayjays you have devolved into.

I'd LOVE to come home to this every night,


but frankly, I'd rather come home and


'cause I'm married to this


but you don't hear me CONSTANTLY complaining about it...

well...yes you do...but...fuk it!

Quit yer nanny-bitchin' about the frakin' cruise control! It is what it is already. Don't like it? Don't buy it! Feckin' cryin' pissants!!

Got the starter out and other than built up shit from the brushes everything was within wear specs. Bench tested it and it showed a 20 amp draw. My spare that hasn't been done shows 45-50 amp draw. Valve check and a CCT are next. Then every drop of fluid gets changed.

Did the throttle body sync on the Gen II. I had always thought it didn't run as smooth as it should, now I know why. The screws were within a quarter turn of all the way in, #3 was close to tight. Vacuum was at 30Hg/Cm initially on #3, others from 31 to 27. After I was done, all were at 24. The idle speed was a fuzz below 1000 when I started as well. Brought that to the 1100. Now I can say the Gen II is as smooth as the Gen III - at least the throttles feel that way. There won't be any riding happening on iced roads :< for a few more months. I have to say getting the little rubber booties off wasn't a treat - yeah, I did take the clips off first - is there a trick?

Went out and bought a new battery charger maintainer as ye old girl was a bit slugish when i jumped on her the other

day so its was time to give her a bit more juice.

Rode Jackie-O to work this morning. Was raining....feet got wet...even after I put them up in superman mode(feet on passenger pegs...bet you olde guys can't do that). Had a smoke on her while waiting to go through the turnstyle.

Rode Jackie-O to work this morning. Was raining....feet got wet...even after I put them up in superman mode(feet on passenger pegs...bet you olde guys can't do that).
yep...yer prolly right

glad to hear you were able to have a smoke on her, while waiting to go through the turnstyle though

Been on road trip to oregon wishing I was riding Jackie-O. Gotta tells ya....them oregon roads are kick azz.
