What did you do to your FJR today?

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1) Did the first oil change last Saturday on the GenIII.

2) Rode the GenIII to work the last two days. *** must suck to live in NH right about now ***

3) pulled the side plate off the GenIII and lubed up all the linkage on the shifter. Seems it was bone dry and wasn't shifting well in the cold weather. Garage test says it's a lot smoother now.

That's all folks, Dave

Yesterday I finished mounting the Denali SoundBomb split horn that Santa brought. It is very loud in the garage! Mounted the noisy end to the bottom of the lower triple tree. The motor/compressor is under the seat. I did have to add about 8 inches of hose (fuel line) to connect the two units.

I did test ride it yesterday as it may be the last ride opportunity for a while. We're getting some frozen precipitation here in MA later today/tonight.

I didn't get to blast anyone with the horn. May have to wait until spring for some real world evaluation.

I may go check the shifter and brake pivot lube later today as I watch the snow flakes.

Happy new year everybody!

Rode it to work yesterday, as it was most likely the last chance to ride it this year. Put it back into hibernation when I got home, as the weather is gonna be turning back to shit, today.

Went out after work to play the forum tag game. No riding to work this morning with it snowing and laying on the roads but the weather warmed up dramatically as the day went on and temps in the mid 40's left me continue my streak with day 220 now in the books.

Nothin yet, but later I will be firing up the 08 and going for a ride. Temps will be in the 40's today. Hope she starts up.

Wish me luck,


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Rode it to buy milk, a parsnip and some whipping cream. Heh, heh. Cold (5C, 41F)* and raining.

Also filled it with fuel, the first tankful since the beginning of October last year (that's three months ago ;) ). Unfortunately, too much family stuff getting in the way of riding.

* That's really warm for the time of year, but feels as cold as it would any other time of the year.

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First ride for the new year. Remarkably nice weather for Jan. 1 around here, high 40's and clear blue skies. Day 223 consecutive riding in the books.

I had a couple of Michelin Road Pilot 4 tires installed on my 2015 FJR1300A -- $463.87. Damn. I need to learn how to remove and reinstall the wheels. Cycle Gear will mount and balance tires for $25 each, but they will not pull the wheels off the bike. If I don't get these prices down, I may have to go to the "dark side".

I had a couple of Michelin Road Pilot 4 tires installed on my 2015 FJR1300A -- $463.87. Damn. I need to learn how to remove and reinstall the wheels. Cycle Gear will mount and balance tires for $25 each, but they will not pull the wheels off the bike. If I don't get these prices down, I may have to go to the "dark side".
Pretty easy to pull the wheels off, and take them in to have tires mounted...a great place to buy tires is Jakewilson.com

I had a couple of Michelin Road Pilot 4 tires installed on my 2015 FJR1300A -- $463.87. Damn. I need to learn how to remove and reinstall the wheels. Cycle Gear will mount and balance tires for $25 each, but they will not pull the wheels off the bike. If I don't get these prices down, I may have to go to the "dark side".
Pretty easy to pull the wheels off, and take them in to have tires mounted...a great place to buy tires is Jakewilson.com

I went to the JakeWilson.com website -- $182 + $143 = $325 total -- free shipping and no sales tax. $325 + $50 mounting and balancing = $375. Almost a hundred dollars savings. Thanks. I think that I will follow this route on my next tire change.

After a zero speed get off in the driveway, (sidestands are not overrated, but have to be all the way in place), replaced left side mirror and reassembled left side bag, after getting lid back from Garauld. Great service, by the way.

While buttoning back the dash panels, tightened nut on headlight adjustment knob too tight, broke holder. Ordered replacement, so get to tear it apart again later this week. It's times like this that naked bikes look very appealing...

... tightened nut on headlight adjustment knob too tight, broke holder. Ordered replacement ...
You can adjust Gen 2 headlights perfectly well, with that nut doing nothing, for years. DAMHIK.
Maybe, but I'm kinda OCD, and with that holder piece broken, I can't get the knob reattached. $5 for the part, $8.50 for shipping, a bit of cursing because my hands are bigger than a 10 year old girl's, and I'll be back to normal.
