What did you do to your FJR today?

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You're an animal...with sharp claws.

I brought the tires up to pressure, and left it on the center stand.

If not for the road salt, I would do some more winter riding. Aluminum bike parts and electrical connectors don't do well when soaked with near saturated brine.

Just got back from putting day 209 safely in the books. Been raining here since early morning hours. Most crap is washed off the roads, Temps have climbed into the mid 50's. Ran my easy rote again, quick blast on the slab and back home. Approaching 17k miles for the year too. Another personal record.

With temps finally warming up to the mid 30's, instead of walking past the bikes, managed to get both out and get an easy 100 miles in between them. Still had to dodge a few slick spots in the shade but the ride was well worth it!


Rode it to work, again.

It rained steadily all day yesterday and some areas nearby saw temps close to 60. 25 degrees this morning on my way in but nice clean roads. Forecast for the rest of this week looks favorable with the next chance of rain on Thursday but temps increasing to mid 40's. Streak continues at day 210.

I just passed 3 or 4 thousand consecutive days that I didn't ride to work. Or go to work.
You've been retired 10 years? I should have thought about that. For me, it's just about 1000.

Hoping for day 3 tomorrow. Predicted temps! 16 degrees in the AM. ON the ride home today it was 26 degrees.

To be continued.

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Started up the Gray Ghost and let her run for 15 minutes until the fan kicked on, ran her in gear for a few seconds, looked at the snowpack ed driveway and slushy street and shut her down. Told her it will be at least April, after I get back from Australia, before my new knee is ready to ride. We wept:(

It got into the 30s today with a bit of sun, so I took it out for a 32 mile ride...not much, but it scratches the itch. I was at a stoplight and noticed some moisture on the road, rubbed my foot on it, and it was ice. So that woke me up to watch the wet spots.

I've been caught in snow a couple of times. Traveled in the mountains while there was still frost on stuff many times. But today, it's 60 degrees and I picked the bike up from having a quick coolant and clutch fluid replacement.
