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Design & install custom audio/video and automation systems. Former boss promoted me to partner earlier this year. Same job, but with more responsibilty, a litttle more money, and even less time off. (Particularly now that football season is imminent!)

Wife graduated University last year as a nurse, and since I spent several years supporting her and the sprogs, it's time to spend some on me now :yahoo:

I work for the DoD (specifically the Marine Corps) finding new and entertaining ways to spend your Federal Tax money on IT related stuff. Thanks everyone. I couldn't possibly try all of this stuff on my own budget.
I work for DOD also (specifically the Navy) and I didn't think we gave you any money to buy stuff after our budget is done..... :rolleyes: Actually, all the marines I have worked with have had to scrape to get what they need but I hear that is changing.

Travel pays for my farkles, I starve myself on trips and use the Per Diem to pay for the things I want. Trouble is, travel hasn't happened in a few months so the farkles are on hold. That and we just bought a new cage. :huh:

It's a Contest.................................

He who dies with the most toys......................WINS!!

Regardless of debt!

I'm a mechanical engineer specializing in factory automation. In other words, I put people out of a job so that I can keep mine.

Hooker. I mean, check the avatar-I'm swamped with work. (Well, check the avatar after a polite mourning period has passed).

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I'm the HMFIC of Nunya G.D.B. Inc. :evilgrin:

The work sucks, the hours are lousy but it pays the bills. :rolleyes:

Well I guess my screen name says it all.

I work in a Corporate flight dept for one of the top 2 banks.

Work on G550's and Falcon 2000's, for all you aviation buffs.

Absolutely love my job.

My wife works almost every weekend (she won't ride back seat), I barely work over 30 hours per week and have lots of free time to play.

totally agree. they still can't fathom why i'm not interested in poppin out babies every year like the rest of my crazy cousins.
that would be a great plate on a bike or a fabulous ride like you have. somehow it just wouldn't work on my G6. even though it is a good lookin car, its too cheap for that kinda statement.
Fixed it for ya... ;)

I am not sure I am allowed to post (completely Off-topic) But,

I Turn tiny screws all day with magnifying head gear strapped on my head,,,, all day.

Edit for picture:

Gotta love Jeans and Gumby shirts at work. Camera/Phone sorry.

I did Three things right.

I married a woman who likes to have(not spend) money.

I bought a Hud house for 23000 bucks and 6 years later sold it for 80000.

Then I bout a 150000 house and sold it three years later for 200000.

Both those enable me to Pay every debt I have incurred. Including The FJR OFF.

I will work my job till my boss and friend retires (he is 67 in a month)

Then Hopefully my wife will be done with college and I can semi retire. All my kids are off to college (even the sixteen Y/O)

Farkle if you want But riding is more fun.

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totally agree. they still can't fathom why i'm not interested in poppin out babies every year like the rest of my crazy cousins.
that would be a great plate on a bike or a fabulous ride like you have. somehow it just wouldn't work on my G6. even though it is a good lookin car, its too cheap for that kinda statement.
Fixed it for ya... ;)
holy typo! :dribble: thanks for the fix dude!!!!

Seems like people on here are constantly adding farkles with endless amounts of income. Do you have to sacrifice other things or is your job paying that well? I'm a high school teacher and although I may not be able to add farkle after farkle, I do get 2 months off to ride any time I want. :yahoo:

A better question might be, "what do you do for leasure?"

Although I am a public school teacher, I do not pay for the newspaper, Cable/Satelite TV/Radio; I do not eat out very often (unless I'm on a road trip), I do not buy expensive clothes (thoughI buy quality), I do my own mechanical work (whether it be on the house, car or bike). I pay my credit card off each month so as to not have to pay interest. I live just below my means and save what's left. If it is not part of my passion, and it's not needed for the family or I, I do not buy it. I prefer Henry Ford's thought..."A penny saved is a penny earned."

Just my $0.01 (saved a penny there)

totally agree. they still can't fathom why i'm not interested in poppin out babies every year like the rest of my crazy cousins.
that would be a great plate on a bike or a fabulous ride like you have. somehow it just wouldn't work on my G6. even though it is a good lookin car, its too cheap for that kinda statement.
Fixed it for ya... ;)
holy typo! :dribble: thanks for the fix dude!!!!
NP. And with no mentions of a slip of the Freudian variety... :p
