Wow, what a sporting road that is! Is this the Dragon of Idaho?I'm glad to see Idaho is off the radar. I'm not a fan of traffic.
Wow, what a sporting road that is! Is this the Dragon of Idaho?I'm glad to see Idaho is off the radar. I'm not a fan of traffic.
No offense intended - I don't know how old your kids are or if they're interested in riding or not... as soon as my kids' feet could reach the pegs, they came with me as often as possible. I hope those trips and the ones we're planning provide them with the types of memories they'll cherish all their lives.It's not like I'm made of money, but cost is not really an obstacle. Time away family and work is a much bigger challenge for any trips I want to make. I don't want to miss any of my kids activities while they're young. Can't get that time back. Once they move off to college, or further, I hope to have more opportunities for travel. No way I could take a month for myself at this point.
None taken, LCB. I wish I had your situation. My wife is good about me riding, but pretty much hates it and I don't ask her to tag along anymore. And if I want to keep my testicles, I don't ask or encourage the kids to ride.No offense intended - I don't know how old your kids are or if they're interested in riding or not... as soon as my kids' feet could reach the pegs, they came with me as often as possible. I hope those trips and the ones we're planning provide them with the types of memories they'll cherish all their lives.
Idaho isn't off my radar. like you I'm just not telling, don't like traffic ether.I'm glad to see Idaho is off the radar. I'm not a fan of traffic.
It's like SE Ohio....FLAT, straight, BORING.Idaho isn't off my radar. like you I'm just not telling, don't like traffic ether.I'm glad to see Idaho is off the radar. I'm not a fan of traffic.
Muchas Gracias AJ for straightening out Bokerfork, Old Michael sadly confided in me that Marky-Mark's excessive masturbation has led to a great diminishment of his mental acuity! Espinazo del Diablo is INCREDIBLE, the Mexican Government has built a new "Cuota" road from Chihuahua Ciudad to Mazatlan diverting all of the high speed and truck traffic so you have the old "Libre" road all to yourself on a Motocicleta ese! jes' sayin' and nuff said!Gaaaaaaa...He asked, "Which state," and Chihuahua is indeed a state.Please,,, California is too easy. It's so f'n big you should have to qualify the section you like best. I tend to agree with Iggy if only because of the quality vs. quantity factor. i.e. lots of great roads with lots of great scenery with little to no traffic. Don't get me wrong, Kali is great, but it's like saying you like the entire West the best.
BTW Beemerdons, mejico no count okay.
The rest of your post is right on. Haha...
I'll admit, a lot of the women around here fit that description, but not all of the roads do...It's like SE Ohio....FLAT, straight, BORING.Idaho isn't off my radar. like you I'm just not telling, don't like traffic ether.I'm glad to see Idaho is off the radar. I'm not a fan of traffic.
Definitely do NOT want to visit there. Ohio is flat as hell.
What are you doing!!I'll admit, a lot of the women around here fit that description, but not all of the roads do...It's like SE Ohio....FLAT, straight, BORING.Idaho isn't off my radar. like you I'm just not telling, don't like traffic ether.I'm glad to see Idaho is off the radar. I'm not a fan of traffic.
Definitely do NOT want to visit there. Ohio is flat as hell.
Somewhere near Stanley....
Mi Compadre Lauren_TK, I will ride South at the drop of a Sombrero! Mas Caminos y mas Amigos! Bring El **** Viejo (the old fart) Niehart with you, ese!If I admit that Fred is right, then I don't have a leg to stand on for bashing California for the sake of bashing California.
So I will ingore that Fred is talking sense, and blithely continue on my campaign of saying I Hate California.
Although, I might have to ride through California to see if Chihuahua is as good as Beemerdons says it is.
Lauren "Hatin' Cali For No Particular Reason" TK
Aw, Dad . . . I just wanna hate sumthin'. Why can't it be California?California is too big to hate all of it. I'm not fond of the highly populated areas (in any state), but there is a whole lot of CA that isn't that way. Saying you hate California is like saying you hate the entire country.
I would add that there need to be enough fun roads for several days of riding without having to repeat any.I guess one would need to supply more specifics about what makes a state (or region) the best to ride in.
Climate might be important to some folks if you were going to live in the region full time, but even the northern places have good riding weather part of the year.
Tight Technical Twisties nearby are a big attraction for most of the sportier crowd. We all like to push our riding abilities, even if just a little, to stir up the adrenaline.
Scenic Sweepers are fun in a different way, especially when touring to new areas. You don't have to concentrate so much on the challenge of the road, so you can rubber neck the scenery more.
Scenery with no curves would be an OK experience, but not really what most motorcyclists are looking for a steady diet of.
But if you lived in that area and rode on those scenic roads all the time, wouldn't you become somewhat jaded? Kind of like the guy that lives on the side of the mountain is no longer thrilled by the view out his own window?
No scenery with no curves? Get me outta there!!