What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Snowing like a bass-tard! (a term that is strange in itself!)
~~Stan-lee Steamer is out on his new Ski-Doo R-Motion 800 (lucky bass-tard)

~~I'm plowing snow at my store, I clear out the front and go back by the loading docks and come back just to do it all over again. (guess that makes me a dumb-ass bass-tard)

'nuff said... back out to the storm!
Same shit here...

We are just getting started, the fun won't really get under way until tonight. I live and work in the 9-15" range. The good news is the weatherman is usually wrong so I'm hoping for less. You know how those desert guys say, 'But it's a dry heat'? Well here they say 'But it's a light fluffy snow.'



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No big snow here, just a little dusting.

The issue here is the temps are low enough to keep the furnace going constantly filling the house with warm dry air. There's such a build up of static electricity that I thought I would electrocute myself every time I touched a door knob.

Spent all morning cleaning the humidifier and getting it hooked back up to the furnace.

It's just dustin like crazy here only 8-12 so far(depending on where the wind blew it...) .... Sure am glad i'm not up there where Fred and IonBean are... I heard 50wt wont even pour up there...

Yep. I don't mind the deep cold. It's about 8 degrees F for a high today and slated to go sub zero for the first time this year tonight. It makes the snow light and fluffy, easy to move out and good for XC skiing.

That nasty wet crud they get down south sucks a gnarly root. And the ice... fagetabouddit!!

On a semi-related note... I'm going to look at a new (to me) '07 Jeep Wrangler tomorrow if it stops snowing long enough to dig it out at the lot.

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Now I feel bad. It was 81 today and I was sweating in my suit.

Don't you hate it when you think it is only going to be in the low 70s and it ends up being in the 80s?

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We are doing a snow dance in this part of the world. If we don't get a decent snow pack it's going to be tough to irrigate farms and the fire season will be deadly. This time last year there was 7 feet at pass level and this year there is dirt..

50's and sunny is nice but we need some of that north east weather.

Coldest week of the year..... unusual to be this low (-22C/-8F). A bit of snow has made the driving crap. But, hey, nothing wrong with winter. Tell myself I'm glad to be here when it's 106 in June in AZ or TX and they can't ride for a couple of months....

You are so right! Right now, here in FLA, it's riding season. Come June through September, it's brutal, and I think of all the people up north who are enjoying riding with beautiful scenery, and weather to match.

Hang in there my northern friends!

We are doing a snow dance in this part of the world. If we don't get a decent snow pack it's going to be tough to irrigate farms and the fire season will be deadly. This time last year there was 7 feet at pass level and this year there is dirt..50's and sunny is nice but we need some of that north east weather.
Same boat down here but we're in the mid 60's. Food prices will be climbing this summer if we don't start getting rain.

Been riding more than usual for this time of the year.

Up in the PN not so wet if we don't get some snow in the mountains, you'll be able to smoke a brisket by hanging it in the patio. We've had enough fires.
